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Trans media charity slams attempts to ‘expose’ man who gave birth

The Sun asked readers to phone in if they knew the man
Calls to identify the anonymous transgender man reported to be the first in the UK to give birth have been decried by a charity calling for accuracy and respect for trans people in the media.

New Jersey Assembly approves gay marriage but veto may follow

All the votes in favour were from Democrat lawmakers
The New Jersey Assembly passed a bill lifting the ban on gay marriages yesterday, but the bill looks likely to be vetoed by the state governor.

Police appeal over anti-gay Birmingham train abuse

Police want to speak to this man about the incident
British Transport Police are appealing for information after a rail passenger shouted homophobic abuse at a another man in a Birmingham train station.

Lee Steele fined £200 for Gareth Thomas tweet

Steele was fined £200 and "severely warned"
Footballer Lee Steele has been fined £200 for the comment he posted on Twitter about Gareth Thomas which led to him being sacked.

Chris Colfer and Kevin Bacon join Proposition 8 play

Chris Colfer will be among the celebrities on stage
Actors Kevin Bacon, Chris Colfer and John C Reilly join a swelling number of celebrities signing up to star in Dustin Lance Black's Proposition 8 play next month.

Brett Ratner to helm pro-gay film campaign for GLAAD

Ratner apologised 'unreservedly' for his comment last year (Photo: Flickr user Ash90291)
Brett Ratner will produce and direct a GLAAD video campaign to promote equality for gay and trans people following his use of a disparaging term in a press conference last year.

Cuba Gooding Jr’s father ‘asked Tom Cruise if he was gay’

Gooding said he nearly fainted at the question (Photo: Flickr user drivingthenortheast)
Cuba Gooding Jr. has said he "almost fainted” when his father asked actor Tom Cruise whether he was gay on the set of Jerry Maguire.

Exclusive: The Sun defends call for identity of ‘first trans man to give birth’

The Sun asked readers to identify the trans man who had given birth
The Sun newspaper hit back yesterday at claims that it had failed to mend its ways in respect of its treatment of the UK’s trans community, defending its attempts to locate the trans man who had given birth as being “in the public interest”.

European Parliament denounces Russian ‘gay propaganda’ laws

The European Parliament has adopted a resolution which condemns the laws
The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the upcoming presidential election in Russia today clearly denouncing the regional laws which ban 'gay propaganda' around minors.

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