
Help | The Nation

Help for TheNation.com


Click the questions below to see the answer or scroll down the page to read all FAQs.


How do I access Subscriber-only content?

To activate your subscriber access online for the first time CLICK HERE.
To learn more about subscriber benefits on TheNation.com and how to manage your subscription, CLICK HERE to visit our Subscription Services page.

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I'm an international subscriber. How do I access information regarding my subscription?

If you are a subscriber and NOT a resident of the US or Canada, and you are seeking information regarding your subscription, please visit: www.thenation.com/managesubscription and log in with your last name and account number.
Please note: Unfortunately, our systems CANNOT accept an international address at this time.
If you do not know your account number, please email: NANCustServ@cdsfulfillment.com

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How do I contact The Nation?

Click here to visit our Contact page.

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How do I contact the author of an article I read in The Nation? 

Please address any messages for Nation writers to letters@thenation.com with "Please forward to [name of writer]" in the subject line. If we have current contact information for the author, we will forward your message.

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How do I write for The Nation?

Please refer to our submission guidelines. 

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How can I purchase back issues of The Nation?

Please call 212-209-5400 to place an order.

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Why aren't my comments showing up?

You can view TheNation.com's comments policy here. Comments posted by subscribers and pre-approved commenters appear instantaneously.  To reduce spam and to screen for inappropriate content, all other comments are placed in a queue so that they can be reviewed by a moderator before being published.  This generally happens quickly, but may take as long as 24 hours.   

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What is EmailNation and how do I sign up for it?

Click here to sign-up for EmailNation. EmailNation is sent three times a week and offers instant updates on the latest breaking news; the first look at new articles by Nation regulars like Naomi Klein, Jeremy Scahill, Katrina vanden Heuvel, John Nichols, Katha Pollitt and Eric Alterman and info on when Nation writers are appearing on television and radio. The E-Mail Nation mailing list is free of charge for subscribers and non-subscribers. Joining the mailing list will not confer full subscriber access to the Nation website.

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How do I unsubscribe from all Nation emails?

To unsubscribe from nation emails click here and follow the instructions.

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How do I have my name removed from your paper mailing list?

You may call our customer service number at (800) 333-8536 or email NANCustServ@cdsfulfillment.com and ask to stop receiving mailed notices from the Nation.

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How do I change the address I use to receive Nation emails?

Click here to start the process. If you'd like to change your email address regarding your subscription, please click here and login to the customer care site or call (800) 333-8536.

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I am supposed to be receiving e-mails from the Nation, but nothing is coming to my inbox. What's wrong?

If you currently use an anti-spam program or service, we ask that you take just a minute or two to add The Nation Magazine to your "safe" or permitted email sender list.

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How do I stop receiving marketing emails from The Nation?

The best way to unsubscribe from email alerts at this time is to click the ‘unsubscribe’ link provided in the actual email. All emails from the Nation have an ‘unsubscribe’ link. Note that this is only for marketing-related emails. This will NOT change your email preferences with regard to your subscription. To update your email subscription preferences, visit our customer care site or call (800) 333-8536.

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What is your privacy policy?

The privacy policy can be viewed here: http://www.thenation.com/privacy-policy

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How do I donate to The Nation?

Click here to get information on how to become a Nation Associate. The Nation Associates are a group of more than 35,000 people who make an annual donation to The Nation to allow us to continue our brand of muckraking, investigative reporting and editorial comment.  The Nation is a commercial enterprise and as such does not have 501(c)3 status.  Donations to the Nation are not tax-deductible.  Associates receive numerous membership benefits. BECOME AN ASSOCIATE TODAY.

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How do I register online with TheNation.com to become a part of the Nation's online community, and post comments?

Click here to create a login name and password to use in our message boards.

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How do I subscribe to The Nation magazine?

If you're not yet a subscriber, click here and subscribe today.

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How do I search for published articles, blogs, features or multimedia on TheNation.com?

Click here to visit our search page.

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How can I search TheNation.com by author?

Click here to visit our author pages at www.thenation.com/authors. Click the letter that corresponds to the first letter in the author's last name. Then scroll the names displayed to find the author you are looking for and click that author's name to visit their bio page with links to all stories, blogs and featured published by them on TheNation.com.

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Is there a way to search articles by date?

All of our issues dated 2001 and after are available and organized by date in the widget on the left rail of our "Current Issue" section of our website. Also on our search page years are listed to the right of the search results. Click on the year you want to search, and all returns will be filtered so only content published within that year will be returned.

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I am a subscriber, how do I access PDFs in the archive?

Both print and digital subscribers have free access to all Nation articles published from 1865 to the present.  Non-subscribers are asked to pay $2.95 for each archived article.  If you are a subscriber but cannot access the archive, it is because:

  • You don't have a username and password. Click here to register as a subscriber.
  • You are not logged in. You must be logged in with your subscriber account to access archival content for free. Click here to login. If you login and still cannot access the links to download archive PDFs see the next bullet point.
  • You are logged in with a non-subscriber username and password. To connect your current username and password account to your subscription and gain subscriber access, click here, and follow the instructions.

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I purchased an archive PDF but I never received it. What do I do?

Login to the site and click on your username in the header to navigate to your user pages. On your user pages there is navigation:

  • "View My Profile Page"
  • "Edit My Profile"
  • "Email Preferences"
  • "File Downloads"
  • "My Order History"
  • "OpenID identities"

Click on "My order history" to see links to every PDF you've ordered. Click on the file name of the PDF to download it now.
If you can't remember the username and password you set up when your purchased your PDF go to our request new password page here and type in the email address you used to purchase the PDF. A one-time login will be sent to your email address. Once you login, follow the instructions above. If the first email you try doesn't work, try another you may have used in purchasing the PDF. If none of your emails work, contact us so we can help you.

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Is there a large-print version of The Nation?

The Nation does not come in a large-print version. The Library for the Blind produces audio recordings of The Nation. The Nation is also available in various formats designed for electronic readers such as the Kindle and Nook. These devices feature adjustable font size.

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Where can I see videos on TheNation.com?

The Nation has a robust multimedia section with regular videos from frequent contributors. Click here to see the Video Section of TheNation.com.

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Does The Nation have RSS feeds?

Click here to view our RSS feeds and subscribe to them. RSS—Really Simple Syndication—allows readers to receive frequently updated content to their in-box or handheld device.

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I purchased a digital subscription for my Kindle / I-pad / Nook / Sony E-Reader. Why can’t I loginto the Nation website?

Subscriptions purchased for reading devices are all owned and distributed by their respective manufacturers.

Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Sony and Apple all license our content, but the license only extends to material that can be read on their respective devices using their proprietary software. If you wanted to have full access to the Nation website, you would need to purchase a Nation subscription through the Nation magazine (800) 333-8536.

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Are you planning to create a version of The Nation that can be read on the Droid and the Blackberry?

The Nation.com has plans to expand and optimize its site for mobile users in 2012. Optimization will aim to improve mobile user experience in all major operating systems including iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and SymbianOS.

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Will The NationNow free iPhone app ever be available on the Android platform?

Yes, the Nation is releasing the free NationNow app on the Andriod platform in May 2011. Click here to visit our 50 Ways page for more information and details on that release.

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I have a subscription to the Nation online, but I would like to transfer that to a Kindle / Ipad / Nook / E-Reader subscription.

Nation Digital Subscriptions, purchased through the Nation, are non transferable.  If you would prefer to read the Nation on your electronic device, you would need to cancel your subscription with the Nation by telephoning (800) 333-8536 and purchase a subscription from the other distributor.

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I had a subscription to the Nation online, but then I bought an Ipad / Nook / Kindle and decided to purchase a Nation subscription for that device. Will my original subscription be canceled automatically and applied to my new subscription?

We are not notified by other companies when Nation subscribers have purchased subscriptions to the Nation on their devices. You will need to telephone (800) 333-8536 and cancel your subscription with the Nation.

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I am thinking about buying a subscription designed specifically for my reading device, but I am concerned about supporting the Nation.  Will the Nation receive a percentage of my subscription payment?

The Nation is proud to offer our content on a variety of 21st Century platforms for the convenience of our readers. The best way to support the Nation is to purchase a Digital Subscription directly through the magazine. This gives readers access to the entire website including all articles published since the magazine's first issue in 1865. Nation Digital Subscribers can also download entire issues in PDF dating back to 2005.


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