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Israel’s High Court exposes Israeli apartheid regime

13th January 2012 – BADIL Resource center for Palestinian residency and Refugee Rights

On 11th January 2012, Israel’s High Court rejected a legal challenge, brought by Adalah, ACRI and other Israeli human rights organizations, to one of the most obvious pieces of Israeli apartheid legislation: the 2003 Temporary Amendment to the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law.1


Marking the 63rd Anniversary of UNGA Resolution 194

63 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
63 years since the UNGA Res. 194,
63 years still struggling for Return

Bethlehem- On the 63rd anniversary of UN General Assembly Resolution 194, BADIL Resource Center for Residency and Refugee Rights brings the attention of the international community to the enduring denial of the Palestinian right to reparation, rehabilitation and in particular to their right to return. Resolution 194, passed on December 11th 1948, and reaffirmed every year since then, mandates that:


BADIL Releases Update of Protection Handbook

Bethlehem, September 2011 – BADIL Resource Center is pleased to announce the release of an update of our 2005 Handbook on Protection of Palestinian Refugees in State Signatories to the 1951 Refugee Convention.

The Handbook Update, coordinated and lead authored by Elna Søndergaard, seeks to document developments of jurisprudence regarding Article 1D of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (1951 Refugee Convention) in the five year period between 2005 and 2010. 



BADIL Releases Working Paper No. 12. "Applying International Criminal Law to Israel's Treatment of the Palestinian People"

Over the past decades there has been an increasing amount of attention directed towards international criminal law (ICL) and how to ensure that perpetrators of international crimes will be held accountable and that victims will obtain justice. The purpose of this paper is to apply ICL to Israel’s policies towards the Palestinian people. Rather than attempting to make a specific case against specific perpetrators, the aim of this paper is to set out the relevant legal framework for the application of international criminal law to some of Israel’s policies towards the Palestinian people.


BADIL Releases Issue 47 of al-Majdal (Autumn 2011): Israel and the Crime of Apartheid: Towards a Comprehensive Analysis

November 2011 - The BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights is pleased to announce the publication of the Autumn 2011 issue of al-Majdal (issue #47), titled Israel and the Crime of Apartheid: Towards a Comprehensive Analysis. This issue is the first of two issues looking at issues related to Israeli Apartheid from a number of vantage points.


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