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03-Oct-2011 17:58

Info on the Portland Occupation and Occupy Everywhere!

Here is the Indymedia Occupy Portland Page

LiveStream: WATCH - Wiki: portlandwiki.org/ - Occupy: occupyportland.org

actions & protests 07-Feb-2012 00:38

Commentary: The Need For Radicals To Say Goodbye To Occupy

From the open publishing newswire: It is clear from much of the discourse that occurred in the march that occupiers, by and large, have no understanding of anti-oppression politics and very little if any understanding of, and/or affinity for, historical anti-police tactics.

Largely I have hoped to try to bridge this gap in the past, however it has become undeniable now that the behaviour of occupiers at radical marches is not merely frustrating or politically derailing, it has developed a pattern of putting people in the hands of police. This type of behaviour in portland has in the past caused individuals to incur injuries at the hands of belligerent occupiers.


government | homelessness 05-Feb-2012 08:22

Breaking News: Right 2 Dream 2 - City Hall Protest

right to dream too From the open publishing newswire: This was the 2.1.12 PIMC Breaking News posts, for the protest at City Hall, for the Right 2 Dream 2 fines to be waived / stopped

>> News post 3.
Right 2 Dream 2 Protest: Cell phone video clips [12] from some of speeches are Here

>> News post 2.
Over 100 supporters show up on city hall steps. Speakers rally for one hour. A few cops outside watching. 50+ then go inside to the weekly city hall meeting.

>> News post 1.
Right 2 Dream 2 - Protest on steps of Portland City Hall 8:30- 9:30 AM Wave The Fines

Videos from protest at city hall


05-Feb-2012 08:04

Mumia Abu-Jamal Transferred to General Population

mumia From the open publishing newswire: Monday, January 30, 2012. Mumia Abu-Jamal is off death row and out of solitary because you called and wrote and faxed and emailed. He is out of the "hole". We did it. This was an international effort, including the delivery of over 5000 petitions, thousands of letters, and the threat of legal action. Because of your solidarity and actions, tonight Mumia called and recorded "Of Idiots and Sages", a new essay on forced sterilization written on a scrap of paper at SCI Mahanoy from lockdown. Mumia gives all of you a shout out and tells it how it is.
Full story at Infoshop News

[Related: William Singletary, 65, Courageous Witness of Mumia's Innocence
Mumia Abu-Jamal's "Why There is No Iran War on the Horizon"]

The Great Debate



police / legal 05-Feb-2012 07:57

Video: NDAA Protest in Portland Oregon 2.3.12 - Occupy Portland

From the open publishing newswire: A short drive by video of the Pioneer Square protest of the NDAA

NDAA Protest in Portland Oregon 2.3.12 [one minute video]

President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law. It contains a sweeping worldwide indefinite detention provision. The dangerous new law can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield.

He signed it. Now, we have to fight it wherever we can and for as long as it takes.


gender & sexuality 02-Feb-2012 06:40

Almost There -- Marriage Equality In Wa State

From the open publishing newswire: Next: The House
It's almost too good to be true.

Tonight [Feb 1, 2012] the Washington Senate, on a bipartisan 28-21 vote, passed a marriage equality bill -- the first time in Washington history that an equality bill has passed in either chamber of the legislature.

Our efforts are working, creating real changes in Washington's marriage policy -- and it's all due to you, and thousands of other Washingtonians who care deeply about equality. We're hearing that all the calls and emails to the Capitol are changing minds. But, while this is a historic victory, it's far from the end of the road. The next step toward getting equality signed into law is a vote on the House floor, which may come as early as next week. And it's tempting to celebrate after such an important victory, but we just don't have the luxury. If marriage equality is going to be a reality in Washington, we're going to need to keep pushing, and keep speaking out.

We can't let up. Not yet.

Washington United for Marriage


alternative media | labor 31-Jan-2012 13:54

Video: Interview with Member of Occupy Portland EGT Working Group

From the open publishing newswire: The main issue of discussion is the Union struggle against the business practices of EGT at the port at Longview Washington. After acquiring port facilities at this location, this multinational corporation, a subsidary of Bungee, broke contracts with the union specifying that they would continue hiring local union labor.
Interview with Occupy Portland EGT Working Group
[Video 57 Minutes]

Besides this discussion, other topics include recent moves by the coal industry to bring coal to Oregon ports for export to Asia. Recently, Port of St. Helens Commissioners approved agreements with two companies wanting to export coal. Also discussed are predatory practices by many multinational corporations who convince or force underdeveloped countries to adopt single crop agriculture for export, forcing the importation of many food items previously supplied by local agriculture. This destitutes the people, while creating large profits for the corporations.

To learn more or to participate in this struggle.

Related PIMC Posts:
ALERT: " tentative settlement " with Longshore workers & EGT
Last minute settlement averts clash at Washington's Port of Longview
ILWU, EGT reach tentative deal in Longview labor dispute
Bullshit "Tentative Settlement" in Longview


indigenous issues | prisons & prisoners 30-Jan-2012 09:31

International Day of Solidarity with Leonard Peltier

peltier From the open publishing newswire: "Background: Native American activist Leonard Peltier was wrongfully convicted in connection with the deaths of two agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The evidence shows that the FBI was the aggressor in the firefight that occurred on June 26, 1975. From 1973 to 1976, Indigenous People on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota were victims of beatings, drive-by shootings, and stabbings carried out by local vigilantes who collaborated with the FBI... Indeed, Mr. Peltier's co-defendants, tried separately, were acquitted on grounds of self-defense."

As a result of my experience as an fbi agent and my battle with the fbi assassins over the past few decades, I can confirm that the following report is based upon valid premises and that in all likelihood Leonard Peltier was wrongfully convicted as set forh below; further, he is in my opinion a hero who stood as man against the fbi psychopaths and serial killers who were sent to kill him. Also, I seved in the fbi during the time of the violence at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota; Today, the fbi continues gross violations of constitutional rights against political dissidents. I believe that Leonard Peltier was such a dissident and he is a defender of liberty against the murderous fbi agents who ran amuk at the reservation .

Full Report

Saturday Feb 4 Leonard Peltier Clemency March in Tacoma - carpool info from Portland



police / legal 28-Jan-2012 09:10

Our response to the January 25 Portland Police Bureau shooting

From the open publishing newswire: Prior to today's shooting, it had been over a year since a Portland police officer killed a civilian. That this is notable at all highlights a serious problem in the way Portland police interact with citizens, especially those citizens with active mental illness and/or untreated addiction.

Early this morning, January 25, 2012, Portland Police officers shot and killed a man in downtown Portland. Prior to today's shooting, it had been over a year since a Portland police officer killed a civilian. That this is notable at all highlights a serious problem in the way Portland police interact with citizens, especially those citizens with active mental illness and/or untreated addiction. The Mental Health Association of Portland has collected the names and known history of over 220 persons shot and/or killed by Portland area police officers since 1970. The list is not comprehensive, but it clearly shows a correlation between active mental illness or addiction and the chances of being killed or wounded by police officers.

The year-plus from Thomas Higginbotham's death on Jan. 2, 2011 until today may be the longest duration without a police-caused death in Portland's history. Higginbotham, age 67, was described by friends as a late stage alcoholic. His shooting death was described by police through the media as having occurred as he advanced toward two officers holding a "large knife." It is unknown if the Multnomah County District Attorney convened a grand jury to inquire about the death of Higginbotham, or what parts of the county's use-of-force plan were followed.


human & civil rights | police / legal 26-Jan-2012 06:58

PUBLIC Meeting - Speak Up! 1/26/12 - Community Oversight of Portland Police

From the open publishing newswire: We strongly encourage you all, especially those involved with Occupy Portland who tried telling their stories to City Council but were gavelled down by the Mayor, to turn out next Thursday, the 26th, at the East Portland Community Center to go on record with CRC with your concerns. It would probably be helpful even if you are relating a personal story of misconduct to articulate how you think things could be made better... no police horses or pepper spray at protests? Investigations into misconduct done by independent civilians, not police Internal Affairs? You decide.

WHAT: Community Public Forum on Police Accountability
WHEN: Thursday, January 26, 2012 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
WHERE: East Portland Community Center 740 SE 106th Ave, Portland 97216

Related Post on Police violence and Portland Occupy: Breaking News 6:30 -10:30 J25 Egypt Solidarity
Reportback Video of Police Accountability Meeting Video: Citizen Police Accountability Meeting - Occupy Portland Jan 26 2012


prisons & prisoners 25-Jan-2012 07:43

Leonard Peltier Clemency March in Tacoma

free peltier From the open publishing newswire: The International Day in Solidarity with Leonard Peltier is Saturday, February 4. There will be a Northwest Regional March and Rally for Clemency for Leonard Peltier in Tacoma, Washington that day. For Portlanders interested in carpooling (either needing transportation or willing to share your vehicle to carpool) to Tacoma, there is an opportunity that day.

Noon: March for Justice from Portland Avenue Park (on Portland Avenue, between E. 35th and E. Fairbanks) in Tacoma, Washington. (Take Portland Avenue Exit off I-5 and head east.)
1:00 p.m.: Rally for Justice in front of the U.S. Federal Courthouse, 1717 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Washington.

*** For Portlanders interested in carpooling (either needing transportation or willing to share your vehicle to carpool) to Tacoma, please RSVP to (503) 750-0523 or  oregon_jericho@gmail.com . Transportation will meet up outside of KBOO Community Radio Station, 20 S.E. 8th Avenue, Portland before embarking to Tacoma between 9:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. ***



arts and culture | prisons & prisoners 25-Jan-2012 07:41

Film Screening of "Eco Warriors" and Political Prisoner Letter Writing Night

From the open publishing newswire: Thursday, February 2nd 2012
Food for Thought Cafe
Portland State University, Portland OR

Join your community allies for a discussion, film screening and letter
writing night for Political Prisoners. This documentary depicts the
increasingly harsh treatment of people who protest against what they see as crimes to the environment. Today, protesters who were once described as environmental activists are being called 'terrorists', and environmental activism is being labeled 'eco-terrorism'.
*Free, open to the public, all ages and disability affirmative!

Contact:  oregon.jericho@gmail.com


25-Jan-2012 07:38

Portland Free Skool

pdx freeskool From the open publishing newswire: Free Skools are a worldwide web of schools devoted to free education & community building as a route to personal & social change. An open-source educational project, Freeskools offer a radically different approach to living and learning. At the Freeskool, anyone with a passion for their subject can teach a class, and anyone can attend, because it is free.

PDX now has a Free Skool, and we invite you to participate!
Many people are surprised to learn Freeskool is not run by your stereotypical "dedicated group of volunteers," but instead is entirely self-organizing: that means people contribute what they want, what they can, & when they want to. A truly diverse number of causes, passions, and meanings are united under the banner of Free Skool. We are all free to pursue, then share them thru Free Skool. When one fully grasps this idea, one can begin to understand the power of Freeskool... and why we love our inspired teachers and bold, curious students.

Want to write to us? portlandfreeskool āt gmail · com
Facebook?? Free Skool Portland
Twitter??? @PDXFreeskool
Online at  http://groupspaces.com/PortlandFreeSkool/


actions & protests 21-Jan-2012 21:18

Video: Report Back from Portland Occupy the Courts, with Photos

From the open publishing newswire: One of the dynamite speakers from the recent Portland Occupy the Courts demonstration, part of at least 130 similar events scheduled for January 20, 2012 nation wide.
The local Occupation event was led by Portland Move to Amend and was supported by many other groups, including Occupy Portland.

Report Back from the Portland Occupy the Courts Event

Erin Madden, a member of Occupy Portland, speaks from the perspective of an environmental activist who spent a week with the Wall Street Occupation and "was inspired by the amazing passion and energy and willingness of so many people to set their lives aside for the greater good."

This [video] clip is about 6 minutes in length.
Report Back from the Portland Occupy the Courts Event | Four more videos from Occupy The Courts

Jim Lockharts Homepage: www.philosopherseed.org


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