Monday, 8 August 2011

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Revised date for launch of new party website

This will now go live on Monday 8th August 2011

We have already received articles from the UK, US, Switzerland and Italy for the launch, plus the usual parish notices, however if you would like to contribute please email your piece to

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Scottish Libertarian Movement

While the party is unable to release names and addresses for fear of offending the Data Protection Act, I would draw the attention of Scottish members to this post on the Scottish Libertarian Party blog.

We will try to canvas scottish members by direct email tomorrow. We have been contacted by an organiser of the North Carolina who is moving back to his home town of Glasgow in the next two months and is keen to help revitalise Libertarianism in Scotland.

This is hopefully a welcome move towards a Federal Libertarian Party we all want to see, where members can actually meet,talk and debate in a civilised manner and control their own funds, run their own campaigns and elect their own officers.

The South West & Kernow have already moved in that direction, with Wales to follow in the next few months.

The new website will give details on how any regional group can affiliate and what procedures have to be followed with the Electoral Commission.

As per the Chairman's recent email, we are moving away from the friction of being an internet party towards one that interacts with members face to face and with the public.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Past Caring ?

Dan Hannan has highlighted the case of the Flemish town of Vaals, as has Ian Parker-joseph that is using the EU law on free movement of EU citizens to prevent migrants from across Europe settling in their town that simply have no means of support other than benefits from the host state.

Libertarian Party policy to be seen shortly on in manifesto and policy sections would be for free movement of all people across all borders to have employment. However whilst welfarism rewards migrants to move to Britain with at least the promise of entitlement under the welfare state, this is a policy that could not be implemented without as Hannan says bankrupting the state.

As a Town councillor I am not sure whether my fellow councillors are aware that they have power like Vaals, because the benefits system is largely a function of the State run from Whitehall. However Housing Benefit and other benefits are administered locally.

The EU seems to have drawn itself into a potential political maelstrom with increasing unemployment and hostility to immigration across Europe.

Under the old parish Poor Law, the 'guardians' were entitled to drive the poor not born in the parish across the parish boundary so as not to be a charge on the ratepayers. Are we to see this ugly side of welfarism start again ?

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Membership Acknowledgement Delay

There will be a delay of twenty four hours for membership acknowledgements for those members rejoining and renewing yesterday and today due to the upload to server of the new site and testing.


Further Consultation Documents

Received two further documents for consultation.

1) Revision to Planning Guidance

2) Early intervention in Older People

If you would like to have imput into these proposed Government and NHS changes in policy. Please contact

Friday, 29 July 2011

Party Consultation

The Libertarian Party has received a consultation letter from Alex Attwood MLA, Minister at the Department of Environment in Northern Ireland in relation to the display of election Posters in Northern Ireland being subject to planning regulations.

If any member wishes to see a copy of this letter and would like some input into our response, please email

We have to reply no later than Friday 12th August 2011

NB: This notice will be replicated on when it goes live on or around 6th August 2011