Employment Practice Liability Insurance

Employment Practice Liability InsuranceEmployment practice liability insurance is a coverage that is designed to help protect businesses, both large and small, from claims that an employee’s civil rights have been violated. The insurance policy will ensure that the company is represented in a court of law. It will also pay any damages that are awarded to the plaintiff. Despite its value, however, many businesses fail to see the importance of this type of liability insurance.

Why Does Your Business Need Employment Practices Liability Insurance?

Employment practice liability insurance may seem optional, especially for small businesses. In truth, however, it really is a necessity if the business has employees. Even if the employer never commits and act against an employee’s civil rights, claims can be made. Defending against those claims can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. To make matters worse, civil rights violation claims really are a “he said, she said” situation. The verdict usually falls in the favor of who is most believable in their testimony. Sometimes, even if the business has done nothing wrong, the scales can tip in the favor of the plaintiff.

Common Employment Practices Claims

Employment practice claims can be made by potential employees, current employees and former employees. Discrimination based on age, gender, race, sexual origin or religious beliefs can be used to make claims against a company. Not all claims are based upon actual evidence of discrimination; claims can be made on a perceived violation. These types of claims can be very difficult to resolve.

Take, for instance, a pregnant woman applies for a position with the company. While the personnel manager may know that someone else was more qualified for a position than the applicant making a claim, the applicant still feels that her pregnancy played a role in the personnel manager’s decision to hire someone else.

In instances such as these, lawyers that represent the plaintiff may look to the company’s history to try and determine if there is a trend that violates the civil rights of others. Even if a violation may not have happened through intent, if the lawyer is able to find information that makes it look like the company regularly avoids hiring certain individuals, the company can be seen as discriminatory.

Sexual harassment can also be used to make a claim against a company. Sexual harassment claims are generally more founded in nature. The plaintiff may have a witness to the action. They may have gotten their supervisor or a co-worker involved in the matter. Unfortunately, if the sexual harassment goes unresolved in the eyes of the plaintiff, they can make a legal claim and sue the company. It is for this reason that companies should have a sexual harassment policy that is clear and concise. This policy should be followed at all times.

The Cost of Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Because of the diversity of each business, cost will vary greatly from one business to the next. Small businesses with only a few employees can expect to pay much less than large corporations that employ hundreds of employees. The difference between the two could be thousands of dollars annually. Still, the exact cost can only be determined by an insurance underwriter.

Several factors are used by the underwriter to determine how much a company will pay for their employment practices liability insurance, including:

  • The company’s revenue.
  • The number of individuals employed with the company.
  • The industry or nature of the business.
  • Past claims made against the business.
  • Hiring and firing practices.
  • Turnover rates.
  • Written company policies and procedures regarding their employees.

Employment practices liability insurance is not inexpensive, by any means. The cost, however, pales greatly in comparison with the cost of defending a company in a court of law against a claim. An even bigger contrast exists between the cost of paying for employment practices liability insurance and the damages if the plaintiff wins their case. Settlements of up to $5 million dollars have occurred in the past. Costs such as these could liquidate a business, which is exactly why protection is needed.

Selecting an Employment Practices Liability Company

Once you have settled on the fact that employment practices liability insurance is essential, it is time to start selecting the right company for your coverage. This can prove to be rather challenging. Each insurance company is different. Prices from one company to the next will vary. Limits on the amount of coverage you will receive for your premium will be different as well.

Before signing on the dotted line, be aware of how much protection the insurance company is offering you for your money. Take the time to read the fine print and be aware of limitations or exclusions that may be present in your contract. Try to find the company that offers you the most protection at the best price.

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Cost of Business Liability Insurance

Cost of Business Liability InsuranceAccidents happen every day, and in most cases, the manufacturer, business or party at fault is responsible for paying damages to the injured party. Damages can sometimes cost thousands, even millions of dollars, depending on the amount of damage or injury. Few people have this kind of money lying around, yet it must be paid.

For car accidents, there is auto insurance. For medical practitioners, there is malpractice insurance. For small businesses, there is business liability insurance. If you have recently started a business and haven’t heard of business liability insurance or aren’t sure why you need it, then this article is for you.

How Does Business Liability Insurance Work?

Business liability insurance is paid for by the business that carries the policy; the insured. Like other types of insurance policies, the insured pays a premium for their coverage. And just like any other type of insurance, business liability insurance provides protection to the insured. Unlike health insurance or full-coverage car insurance, however, business liability insurance benefits are almost never paid to the insured business. Instead, business liability insurance protects businesses in the event that they are sued for damages.

Why Would a Business be Sued for Damages?

Almost any company can be sued for damages. For companies that manufacture products, a defective product can cause injury to the purchaser. The purchaser can then sue for damages. If you have a business that clients come to for products or services, any injuries at your facility can become your financial responsibility. If you are a web designer and you are using a client’s server to create their website, any problems with the server while you are using it can leave you responsible for damages like traffic down time, loss of sales and more. As you can see, very few businesses could be considered exempt from damages and lawsuits.

Where to Find Business Liability Insurance

Business liability insurance can be purchased from any insurance company that offers it. In some cases, the same companies that offer home or auto insurance also offer business liability insurance. Because of this, finding business liability insurance may be as easy as contacting your current insurance agent. If, however, your current insurance company does not offer business liability insurance, you can find several insurance companies that offer business liability insurance online.

Cost of Business Liability Insurance

A variety of factors are used to determine the cost of business liability insurance. For this reason, all businesses interested in obtaining liability insurance should consult an insurance adjuster. A few of the factors that the adjuster will take into account when determining premiums include:

  • The nature of the business
  • Whom the business caters to
  • The type of services or products provided by the company
  • The number of employees
  • The number of clients
  • Business revenue
  • Previous claims against the company

General business liability insurance can range in cost from $1,000 to $1,000,000 depending on the various factors listed above.

Types of Business Liability Insurance

Business liability insurance is not a one-size-fits all kind of insurance plan. While many factors can and will determine the business premium, there are certain businesses that need additional coverage because of the nature of business or the type of clients they cater to. Some examples include:

  • Doctors and other medical practitioners – medical malpractice insurance is needed in addition to general liability insurance. Premiums for medical malpractice insurance can reach amounts of up to $300,000 a year.
  • Commercial liability insurance covers any damages that may be incurred by anyone, including the general public. For example, if a delivery truck on its way to make a delivery hits a pedestrian, the pedestrian has a right to damages. However, the pedestrian did not purchase anything from the company, so they are not a client. Their damages are paid with commercial liability insurance. Commercial liability insurance is usually rather expensive and premiums can amount to as much as $1 million dollars.
  • Personal trainer liability insurance is designed to cover personal trainers. Unlike large businesses, personal trainers may have their own facility. They may train at a client’s home or in a gym that they do not own. Still, they may be held responsible for any injuries incurred during the personal training session. For this reason, personal trainers have their own type of liability insurance. Premiums can amount to as much as $100,000.

Discounts for Some Businesses

Before signing a policy, every business owner, especially small business owners, should take the time to shop around to get the very best rate for their business. Not all businesses have to pay a large premium. Some businesses, like small home business owners, may receive huge discounts on their insurance premiums. But not all insurance companies offer these discounts. Finding the right company to receive these types of discounts is key. By taking the time to shop around, you can also increase your chances of finding the business insurance company that best suits your company’s insurance needs.

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Types of Business Liability Insurance

Types of Business Liability InsuranceDesigned to protect businesses, in the event of a lawsuit, business liability insurance is essential for almost any business. Without it, your business is left unprotected and even one unprotected lawsuit could mean peril for you and the business you have worked so hard for. But for every business, there is a different set of risks. No two businesses are alike. As a result, business liability insurance coverage will vary, depending on the type of business you own and operate. Protecting your business means purchasing the right type of liability insurance. The following article will outline the various types of business liability insurance so that you can determine which one will best suit your company’s needs.

General Liability

Accidents happen and general liability insurance is designed to help protect a variety of businesses from the most common accidents, negligent acts and injuries. Bodily injury, property damage, medical expenses, slanderous activity and libel are just a few examples of the types of damages covered under general liability insurance. In a court of law, businesses can face lawsuits, settlements and judgments because of these acts.

Before purchasing general liability insurance, it is essential that you understand what it does and doesn’t protect you from. In many instances, general liability insurance just isn’t enough. While it may protect you from legal action from a client or customer, general liability insurance does not provide protection from vandalism, theft, flood, fire or the havoc these disasters can cause.

Product Liability

Product liability insurance is designed to protect any business that sells, distributes or manufactures a product. In the event that a product causes bodily injury or death, product liability insurance will pay any damages to the injured. When purchasing product liability insurance, the type of product manufactured, distributed or sold will be taken into consideration. Products that pose a higher risk to consumers or their clients will need more coverage than companies that sell, manufacture or distribute products that pose a low risk of injury. As such, premiums are likely to be lower for low risk products than high risk products.

Commercial Property Liability

Commercial property liability insurance is designed to protect a business from loss or damage of its property. From lost income to computers and buildings, this type of liability insurance is extremely broad in the types of property it protects. The damages this type of insurance protects against, however, is specific, depending on the type of commercial property liability insurance protection the business chooses.

There are two basic types of commercial liability insurance; all-risk policies and peril-specific policies. All-risk policies protect from a wide range of damages. The only exclusions in coverage are those that are specifically listed in the policy. All-risk policies, however, are more specific in the types of damages they protect from. Generally, this type of protection covers business-specific risks and focuses on the damages most likely to be experienced by a business.

Professional Liability

Professional liability is designed to protect businesses that offer a service to their clients. It is often referred to as “errors and omissions coverage.” This type of insurance coverage extends from the average professional to doctors, veterinarians and more. Specific types of professional liability insurance may exist for some professionals, and in some instances, this type of coverage may be mandated by state authorities. Doctors, for example, are required to carry malpractice insurance.

Home-Based Business Liability

Home-based business owners are often a different breed of business owners. In many instances, they do not see the need for business liability insurance or they mistakenly think they are covered by their homeowners insurance.  In fact, many homeowners truly believe that their homeowners insurance will cover any home-based business damages. Unfortunately, this assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. Countless of homeowners have made this costly mistake. The result is often a total loss of their business and other assets, such as their home.

Home-based business liability insurance is designed to protect the homeowner from these losses. In some cases, it is as simple as adding some additional riders to the homeowner’s current homeowners insurance. In cases where there may be more of a risk, however, a home-based business owner may need to seek business liability insurance through other sources. Either way, the importance of home-based business liability insurance should never be overlooked.

Employment Practices Liability

Employment practices liability insurance is designed to protect businesses from legal action against their former, potential and current employees. Sexual harassment, discrimination and wrongful dismissal are all covered under this type of liability insurance. While it is not mandatory for all businesses, it should be carried by any business that employs others.

Finding the Right Business Liability Insurance for Your Business

While this article strives to act as a guide for business owners, no matter where they do their business, it is only a guide. Only an insurance adjuster can determine for certain the type of business liability insurance needed to protect your business. Contacting an adjuster about your business and the type of risks that you may experience can ensure that you are fully protected from business-related damages in a lawsuit or other type of legal action.

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