1 European Distortion of African History
1 European Distortion of African History
www.youtube.com Historian Basil Davidson outlines the overt and covert racism that has frame the European view of African history. This series seeks to open the eyes of those who have been lied to. In order to help bolster the wholesale dehumanisation of Africans (ie the Atlantic Sslave Trade), Europeans in the 1600s and 1700s began to re-create history - surpressing that which was commonly known for centuries before - that Africa was the home to great ancient civilisations, societies and kingdoms. www.lincoln.edu
www.youtube.com Historian Basil Davidson outlines the overt and covert racism that has frame the European view of African history. This series seeks to open the eyes of those who have been lied to. In order to help bolster the wholesale dehumanisation of Africans (ie the Atlantic Sslave Trade), Europeans in the 1600s and 1700s began to re-create history - surpressing that which was commonly known for centuries before - that Africa was the home to great ancient civilisations, societies and kingdoms. www.lincoln.edu
- Duration: 7:59
- Published: 2008-01-08
- Uploaded: 2010-10-19
- Author: Torahrevival
Timbuktu - Black African History
Timbuktu - Black African History
Timbuktu - Black African History
Timbuktu - Black African History
- Duration: 8:38
- Published: 2008-05-29
- Uploaded: 2010-10-16
- Author: outthetube
Neglected African History - Lost Kingdoms of Africa Nubia - BBC4 Highlight
Neglected African History - Lost Kingdoms of Africa Nubia - BBC4 Highlight
More about this programme: www.bbc.co.uk Four-part series in which British art historian Dr Gus Casely-Hayford explores the pre-colonial history of some of Africa's most important kingdoms. The first episode looks at Nubia, in what is now northern Sudan, a kingdom that dominated a vast area of the eastern Sahara for thousands of years. Its people were described as barbarians and mercenaries, and yet Nubia has left us with some of the most spectacular monuments in the world. More about this series: www.bbc.co.uk
More about this programme: www.bbc.co.uk Four-part series in which British art historian Dr Gus Casely-Hayford explores the pre-colonial history of some of Africa's most important kingdoms. The first episode looks at Nubia, in what is now northern Sudan, a kingdom that dominated a vast area of the eastern Sahara for thousands of years. Its people were described as barbarians and mercenaries, and yet Nubia has left us with some of the most spectacular monuments in the world. More about this series: www.bbc.co.uk
- Duration: 1:21
- Published: 2010-01-13
- Uploaded: 2010-10-07
- Author: BBC
#1 African History - The Nok
#1 African History - The Nok
***Thanks for the viewers but comment more *** IMPORTANT : Until this day , little is known about the Nok Culture. Theres not much information about them except for their impressive terracottas and their skilful ways with Iron. This is because , the Noks did not record their lifestyle - or they recordings through scriptures etc have not been found or may have been destroyed. New discoveries had been found in an increasingly larger area, including the Middle Niger Valley and the Lower Benue Valley. the parts that could have exploded when fired (during mining) , other mining sites could well have contained more Nok terracottas , sciptures or evidence , but will never be found because they may have been destroyed when mining. Nok people are most famous for their Art and Iron. I will be posting a whole series of World History. And the original movie I made for this series was alot longer , specifically around 15 minutes. Though youtube rejected it because it was to long , So I had to cut out alot.
***Thanks for the viewers but comment more *** IMPORTANT : Until this day , little is known about the Nok Culture. Theres not much information about them except for their impressive terracottas and their skilful ways with Iron. This is because , the Noks did not record their lifestyle - or they recordings through scriptures etc have not been found or may have been destroyed. New discoveries had been found in an increasingly larger area, including the Middle Niger Valley and the Lower Benue Valley. the parts that could have exploded when fired (during mining) , other mining sites could well have contained more Nok terracottas , sciptures or evidence , but will never be found because they may have been destroyed when mining. Nok people are most famous for their Art and Iron. I will be posting a whole series of World History. And the original movie I made for this series was alot longer , specifically around 15 minutes. Though youtube rejected it because it was to long , So I had to cut out alot.
- Duration: 9:12
- Published: 2009-02-15
- Uploaded: 2010-10-19
- Author: acti0ns
- Duration: 8:34
- Published: 2009-06-23
- Uploaded: 2010-10-16
- Author: Kingmajah
the mistakes in African history pt.1
the mistakes in African history pt.1
examining a few mistakes in African history
examining a few mistakes in African history
- Duration: 8:28
- Published: 2009-11-29
- Uploaded: 2010-10-13
- Author: mythz07
African history without Europeans
African history without Europeans
Despite westerners portraying africans as wild savages, hiding africans true history, to try and justify colonization and slavery, the truth always prevails.
Despite westerners portraying africans as wild savages, hiding africans true history, to try and justify colonization and slavery, the truth always prevails.
#2 African History - Ile Ife
#2 African History - Ile Ife
Ancient West African - Nigerian history , the Ile Ife. There's a great soundtrack with this video so enjoy :)
Ancient West African - Nigerian history , the Ile Ife. There's a great soundtrack with this video so enjoy :)
- Duration: 10:02
- Published: 2009-03-22
- Uploaded: 2010-10-20
- Author: acti0ns
Ancient African History Series by AmenRasta.Com
Ancient African History Series by AmenRasta.Com
View Chapters of ancient African History illustrated by the Temples, Tombs, and art work of the Nile, Africa, Jamaica, South Africa, West Africa, Brazil, Fiji, Hawaii and many more places around the globe. This 10 minute clip is just an introduction to hours of travel videos. The Amen Rasta series begins touring Giza, Sakara and the Cairo Antiquities museum in modern Egypt. Move up the Nile river touring the temples and museums there in Luxor, Aswan, Abu Sembel, Philae, Kom Ombo, Kalabsha, Wadi Es Seboua and many other ancient Egyptian and Nubian Temples. Visits were made to the Louvre Museum in Paris and British Museum in London to record and include many of the ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) and Nubian ancient artifacts and exquisite ancient art works there. Amen Rasta also has a half hour video on the Temples, tombs, statues and art work of many of the clearly African Pharaohs of Egypt-KMT, such as Zhoser builder of the first pyramid, Senwosret, Amenemhet, Menthuhotep, Thutmoses, I, II, III and IV, and Amenophis-Amemhotep I, II, III, and IV and many others. And Amen Rasta also has a half hour video on the Temples tombs, statues and art work of many of the clearly African Queens Egypt-KMT, such as Hatshepsut, Nefertari, Queen Tiye, and many more. Other Amen Rasta videos in the series trace the millenniums of migrations of people out of Africa to the South Pacific and Fiji, Jamaica in the Carribean, Brazil, Hawaii and North America, the invasion of West Africa. And the <b>...</b>
View Chapters of ancient African History illustrated by the Temples, Tombs, and art work of the Nile, Africa, Jamaica, South Africa, West Africa, Brazil, Fiji, Hawaii and many more places around the globe. This 10 minute clip is just an introduction to hours of travel videos. The Amen Rasta series begins touring Giza, Sakara and the Cairo Antiquities museum in modern Egypt. Move up the Nile river touring the temples and museums there in Luxor, Aswan, Abu Sembel, Philae, Kom Ombo, Kalabsha, Wadi Es Seboua and many other ancient Egyptian and Nubian Temples. Visits were made to the Louvre Museum in Paris and British Museum in London to record and include many of the ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) and Nubian ancient artifacts and exquisite ancient art works there. Amen Rasta also has a half hour video on the Temples, tombs, statues and art work of many of the clearly African Pharaohs of Egypt-KMT, such as Zhoser builder of the first pyramid, Senwosret, Amenemhet, Menthuhotep, Thutmoses, I, II, III and IV, and Amenophis-Amemhotep I, II, III, and IV and many others. And Amen Rasta also has a half hour video on the Temples tombs, statues and art work of many of the clearly African Queens Egypt-KMT, such as Hatshepsut, Nefertari, Queen Tiye, and many more. Other Amen Rasta videos in the series trace the millenniums of migrations of people out of Africa to the South Pacific and Fiji, Jamaica in the Carribean, Brazil, Hawaii and North America, the invasion of West Africa. And the <b>...</b>
- Duration: 10:00
- Published: 2007-02-11
- Uploaded: 2010-08-27
- Author: ThutmosesIII
A White Man Explains True African History!
A White Man Explains True African History!
www.endingstereotypesforamerica.org Charles M. Six explains to a group of students in Detroit why he created Ending Stereotypes for America, which uses history to disprove racial stereotypes and show how Blacks have contributed to our nation and world. He also talks about the real African history, which wasn't taught to him in school. Charles M. Six talks to students about the real pre-colonial African history; one with castles, currency, writing, universities and long distance trade with different parts of the world.
www.endingstereotypesforamerica.org Charles M. Six explains to a group of students in Detroit why he created Ending Stereotypes for America, which uses history to disprove racial stereotypes and show how Blacks have contributed to our nation and world. He also talks about the real African history, which wasn't taught to him in school. Charles M. Six talks to students about the real pre-colonial African history; one with castles, currency, writing, universities and long distance trade with different parts of the world.
- Duration: 7:04
- Published: 2010-02-18
- Uploaded: 2010-10-21
- Author: EbonVoicez
African History
African History
A collection of pictures describing our ancient story.
A collection of pictures describing our ancient story.
- Duration: 8:05
- Published: 2009-07-27
- Uploaded: 2010-10-13
- Author: 1eternalcosmos
African History: They Don't Tell You About (Ending Stereotypes.org)
African History: They Don't Tell You About (Ending Stereotypes.org)
Charles M. Six, president of Ending Stereotypes for America, gives a presentation at a Battle Creek event, co-hosted by Rep. Mike Nofs, about the real history of Africa. The event's topic was on stereotypes of different groups in America. www.endingstereotypes.org The African Origin of Civilization Myth or Reality? by Cheikh Anta Diop-www.amazon.co.uk Introduction to African Civilizations (Paperback) by John G. Jackson www.amazon.co.uk Black Africans Built and Ruled Ancient Kemet (Egypt)- www.youtube.com Black Women in Antiquity (Journal of African Civilizations)- by Ivan Van Sertima www.amazon.co.uk African Presence in Early Europe (Journal of African Civilizations)- By Ivan Van Sertima- www.amazon.co.uk BLACK HOLOCAUST FOR BEGINNERS (For Beginners- By SE Anderson- www.amazon.co.uk Legacy of the Black Gods - In Time before time (Coming forth from The Akashic Records) Author: Paul Simons (Nebu Ka Ma'at) The Genealogy of Mankind from Ganawah, to Lemuria, to Atlantis, to Egypt and today- www.tamarehouse.com
Charles M. Six, president of Ending Stereotypes for America, gives a presentation at a Battle Creek event, co-hosted by Rep. Mike Nofs, about the real history of Africa. The event's topic was on stereotypes of different groups in America. www.endingstereotypes.org The African Origin of Civilization Myth or Reality? by Cheikh Anta Diop-www.amazon.co.uk Introduction to African Civilizations (Paperback) by John G. Jackson www.amazon.co.uk Black Africans Built and Ruled Ancient Kemet (Egypt)- www.youtube.com Black Women in Antiquity (Journal of African Civilizations)- by Ivan Van Sertima www.amazon.co.uk African Presence in Early Europe (Journal of African Civilizations)- By Ivan Van Sertima- www.amazon.co.uk BLACK HOLOCAUST FOR BEGINNERS (For Beginners- By SE Anderson- www.amazon.co.uk Legacy of the Black Gods - In Time before time (Coming forth from The Akashic Records) Author: Paul Simons (Nebu Ka Ma'at) The Genealogy of Mankind from Ganawah, to Lemuria, to Atlantis, to Egypt and today- www.tamarehouse.com
- Duration: 9:35
- Published: 2010-02-17
- Uploaded: 2010-10-13
- Author: PoeticalTv
The African History They Don't Tell You About!
The African History They Don't Tell You About!
Go to www.endingstereotypesforamerica.org I encourage everyone to go out an learn about African Hertiage before you judge it. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE VIDEO AND SHARE IT EVERYWHERE! Link: video.google.com Charles M. Six, president of Ending Stereotypes for America, gives a presentation at a Battle Creek event, co-hosted by Rep. Mike Nofs, about the real history of Africa. The event's topic was on stereotypes of different groups in America
Go to www.endingstereotypesforamerica.org I encourage everyone to go out an learn about African Hertiage before you judge it. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE VIDEO AND SHARE IT EVERYWHERE! Link: video.google.com Charles M. Six, president of Ending Stereotypes for America, gives a presentation at a Battle Creek event, co-hosted by Rep. Mike Nofs, about the real history of Africa. The event's topic was on stereotypes of different groups in America
- Duration: 9:36
- Published: 2009-06-05
- Uploaded: 2010-10-18
- Author: Twilight8888
African history - Congo 1950s
African history - Congo 1950s
African history - Congo 1950s
African history - Congo 1950s
- Duration: 6:40
- Published: 2006-08-07
- Uploaded: 2010-08-27
- Author: CitySeeker
South Africa short history
South Africa short history
Some milestones in the South African history: 1652 - Dutch Settlers arrive under the leadership of Jan van Riebeeck 1795 - British occupation 1800 onwards - the Zulu kingdom becomes mighty 1835 - Dutch and other settlers leave the Cape colony 1838 - Zulu-Boer battle at Blood River 1879 - Anglo-Zulu war 1880 - First Boer war 1899 - Second Boer War 1960 - The Struggle 1961 - South Africa becomes a republic 1966 - The bush war starts 1990 - Mandela freed, ANC unbanned 1994 - First election in which the whole population vote
Some milestones in the South African history: 1652 - Dutch Settlers arrive under the leadership of Jan van Riebeeck 1795 - British occupation 1800 onwards - the Zulu kingdom becomes mighty 1835 - Dutch and other settlers leave the Cape colony 1838 - Zulu-Boer battle at Blood River 1879 - Anglo-Zulu war 1880 - First Boer war 1899 - Second Boer War 1960 - The Struggle 1961 - South Africa becomes a republic 1966 - The bush war starts 1990 - Mandela freed, ANC unbanned 1994 - First election in which the whole population vote
- Duration: 3:28
- Published: 2009-10-11
- Uploaded: 2010-10-16
- Author: sapper1984
Steve Davies : Reflections on African history
Steve Davies : Reflections on African history
An interview of Dr. Steve Davies on African history
An interview of Dr. Steve Davies on African history
- Duration: 9:29
- Published: 2008-08-08
- Uploaded: 2010-08-17
- Author: AfricanLiberty
African History 2
African History 2
A collection of pictures describing our ancient story.
A collection of pictures describing our ancient story.
- Duration: 10:16
- Published: 2010-07-05
- Uploaded: 2010-09-23
- Author: 1eternalcosmos
Another Theft of Black African's History! Boycott the Youtube user Disneybooks and his videos!
Another Theft of Black African's History! Boycott the Youtube user Disneybooks and his videos!
Kane Chronicles. While we debate and debunk a bunch of Youtube nobody's, they are getting richer from our African Ancestors genius!
Kane Chronicles. While we debate and debunk a bunch of Youtube nobody's, they are getting richer from our African Ancestors genius!
- Duration: 2:01
- Published: 2010-04-24
- Uploaded: 2010-08-27
- Author: yeamie
African American History: Joel Freeman 1/3
African American History: Joel Freeman 1/3
Joel Freeman Author of a host of books including "God is Not Fair", "Living with Your Conscience without Going Crazy", and "If Nobody Loves You, Create the Demand". Joel was responsible for the inspiration behind the christian Business Directory called "The Shepherd's Guide". Since 1979 he has served as chaplain for the NBA's Washington Bullets, and as a result of that experience embarked upon extensive research into the culture and history of the African American . Joel holds a Master of Science degree in the field of counselling and also a Ph.D. in the same discipline. He specializes in equipping individuals with the tools to create proactive, motivated personal and business environments.
Joel Freeman Author of a host of books including "God is Not Fair", "Living with Your Conscience without Going Crazy", and "If Nobody Loves You, Create the Demand". Joel was responsible for the inspiration behind the christian Business Directory called "The Shepherd's Guide". Since 1979 he has served as chaplain for the NBA's Washington Bullets, and as a result of that experience embarked upon extensive research into the culture and history of the African American . Joel holds a Master of Science degree in the field of counselling and also a Ph.D. in the same discipline. He specializes in equipping individuals with the tools to create proactive, motivated personal and business environments.
- Duration: 10:25
- Published: 2009-02-10
- Uploaded: 2010-10-20
- Author: 100huntley
Lecture 1 | African-American History (Stanford)
Lecture 1 | African-American History (Stanford)
Lecture 1 of Clay Carson's Introduction to African-American History Course (HIST 166) concentrating on the Modern Freedom Struggle (Fall 2007). Topics in this lecture include a course introduction and WEB Du Bois. Recorded September 25, 2007 at Stanford University. This course introduces the viewer to African-American history, with particular emphasis on the political thought and protest movements of the period after 1930, focusing on selected individuals who have shaped and been shaped by modern African-American struggles for freedom and justice. Clayborne Carson is a professor in the History Department at Stanford University. Complete playlist for the course: www.youtube.com Course syllabus: www.stanford.edu More on Clayborne Carson: www.stanford.edu Stanford University channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com
Lecture 1 of Clay Carson's Introduction to African-American History Course (HIST 166) concentrating on the Modern Freedom Struggle (Fall 2007). Topics in this lecture include a course introduction and WEB Du Bois. Recorded September 25, 2007 at Stanford University. This course introduces the viewer to African-American history, with particular emphasis on the political thought and protest movements of the period after 1930, focusing on selected individuals who have shaped and been shaped by modern African-American struggles for freedom and justice. Clayborne Carson is a professor in the History Department at Stanford University. Complete playlist for the course: www.youtube.com Course syllabus: www.stanford.edu More on Clayborne Carson: www.stanford.edu Stanford University channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com
Pt 1/8 African woman in world history
Pt 1/8 African woman in world history
RESTORING THE FORGOTTEN HERITAGE TO THE FORGOTTEN PEOPLE www.hebrewisraelites.org PLAYLIST ADDED.CHECK MY PROFILE PAGE. The Role of the African Woman in world History. Dr. John Henrik Clarke.
RESTORING THE FORGOTTEN HERITAGE TO THE FORGOTTEN PEOPLE www.hebrewisraelites.org PLAYLIST ADDED.CHECK MY PROFILE PAGE. The Role of the African Woman in world History. Dr. John Henrik Clarke.
- Duration: 10:44
- Published: 2008-04-10
- Uploaded: 2010-10-10
- Author: each1reach41
At Thy Will South Africa: Episode 1 - Founding of A Nation
At Thy Will South Africa: Episode 1 - Founding of A Nation
An artistic rendition documenting South African History from 1652 -1910 AfrikanerBroadcasting.blogspot.com
An artistic rendition documenting South African History from 1652 -1910 AfrikanerBroadcasting.blogspot.com
No Evidence, No Arguement!!! - Part 1: Dr. Ray Hagins
No Evidence, No Arguement!!! - Part 1: Dr. Ray Hagins
In this message, Dr. Hagins talks about how the evidence of the greatness of African people in Egypt is being destroyed by Arabs. You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Ma'at Hotep
In this message, Dr. Hagins talks about how the evidence of the greatness of African people in Egypt is being destroyed by Arabs. You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Ma'at Hotep
- Duration: 9:58
- Published: 2009-05-21
- Uploaded: 2010-10-14
- Author: mjrob1914
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 2
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 2
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by non This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by none other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by non This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by none other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
- Duration: 5:00
- Published: 2008-06-02
- Uploaded: 2010-10-19
- Author: mjrob1914
No Evidence, No Arguement!!! - Part 3: Dr. Ray Hagins
No Evidence, No Arguement!!! - Part 3: Dr. Ray Hagins
In this message, Dr. Hagins talks about how the evidence of the greatness of African people in Egypt is being destroyed by Arabs. You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Ma'at Hotep
In this message, Dr. Hagins talks about how the evidence of the greatness of African people in Egypt is being destroyed by Arabs. You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Ma'at Hotep
- Duration: 9:59
- Published: 2009-05-21
- Uploaded: 2010-09-18
- Author: mjrob1914
No Evidence, No Arguement!!! - Part 4 - Dr Ray Hagins
No Evidence, No Arguement!!! - Part 4 - Dr Ray Hagins
In this message, Dr. Hagins talks about how the evidence of the greatness of African people in Egypt is being destroyed by Arabs. You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Ma'at Hotep
In this message, Dr. Hagins talks about how the evidence of the greatness of African people in Egypt is being destroyed by Arabs. You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Ma'at Hotep
- Duration: 9:59
- Published: 2009-05-21
- Uploaded: 2010-09-18
- Author: mjrob1914
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 5 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 5 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Directed by non other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Directed by non other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
- Duration: 5:00
- Published: 2008-06-04
- Uploaded: 2010-10-13
- Author: mjrob1914
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 4 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 4 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by non This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by none other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by non This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by none other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
- Duration: 5:00
- Published: 2008-06-04
- Uploaded: 2010-09-25
- Author: mjrob1914
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 8 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 8 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Directed by non other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Directed by non other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
- Duration: 5:00
- Published: 2008-07-13
- Uploaded: 2010-10-13
- Author: mjrob1914
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 7 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 7 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Directed by non other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Directed by non other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
- Duration: 5:00
- Published: 2008-06-07
- Uploaded: 2010-09-25
- Author: mjrob1914
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 6 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 6 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Directed by non other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Directed by non other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
- Duration: 5:00
- Published: 2008-06-05
- Uploaded: 2010-09-30
- Author: mjrob1914
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 3 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
A Great and Mighty Walk, Part 3 - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by non This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by none other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by non This documentary is about Dr. John Henrik Clarke our Grandmaster Scholar Warrior. This documentary is Narrated and Director by none other than Wesley Snipes. It focuses on how Dr. Clarke started studying African History and covers thousands of years of history. It is accentuated with dozens of pictures and film clips. This documentary is a must see and should be part of anyones collection. You can purchase this DVD as well as many others at www.AfricanHistoryNetwork.com.
- Duration: 5:01
- Published: 2008-06-03
- Uploaded: 2010-10-13
- Author: mjrob1914
Coming into the Knowledge - Pastor Ray Hagins
Coming into the Knowledge - Pastor Ray Hagins
This is a testimonial from Pastor Ray Hagins of how he came into the knowledge of African History and the 1st creation myth of Ausar, Auset and Heru or what the Greeks called Osiris, Isis and Horus. If you didn't know, this holy trinity served as the model for the Father, Son and the Holy spirit and the concept of the Virgin Birth of Jesus the Christ. Please listen to Pastor Ray Hagins on www.WBLR.com which broadcasts 24/7.
This is a testimonial from Pastor Ray Hagins of how he came into the knowledge of African History and the 1st creation myth of Ausar, Auset and Heru or what the Greeks called Osiris, Isis and Horus. If you didn't know, this holy trinity served as the model for the Father, Son and the Holy spirit and the concept of the Virgin Birth of Jesus the Christ. Please listen to Pastor Ray Hagins on www.WBLR.com which broadcasts 24/7.
- Duration: 6:00
- Published: 2008-06-16
- Uploaded: 2010-10-05
- Author: mjrob1914
The Truth Is Unbelievable - Part 7: Dr. Ray Hagins
The Truth Is Unbelievable - Part 7: Dr. Ray Hagins
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep
- Duration: 10:01
- Published: 2009-09-21
- Uploaded: 2010-10-19
- Author: mjrob1914
A Drug Of Choice Called Religion - Part 1: Dr. Ray Hagins
A Drug Of Choice Called Religion - Part 1: Dr. Ray Hagins
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know.
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know.
- Duration: 4:25
- Published: 2009-10-07
- Uploaded: 2010-10-14
- Author: mjrob1914
A Drug Of Choice Called Religion - Part 2: Dr. Ray Hagins
A Drug Of Choice Called Religion - Part 2: Dr. Ray Hagins
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know.
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know.
- Duration: 10:01
- Published: 2009-10-07
- Uploaded: 2010-08-27
- Author: mjrob1914
The Truth Is Unbelievable - Part 6: Dr. Ray Hagins
The Truth Is Unbelievable - Part 6: Dr. Ray Hagins
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep
- Duration: 10:01
- Published: 2009-09-21
- Uploaded: 2010-10-12
- Author: mjrob1914
The Subliminal Seduction of Holiday Celebrations, Part 1 - Dr Ray Hagins
The Subliminal Seduction of Holiday Celebrations, Part 1 - Dr Ray Hagins
In this video message, Dr. Ray Hagins once again talks about the origins of many of the holidays we celebrate and how they have been incorporated in Christianity. Among other things he talks about: 1) the creation of Christmas and how the Bible doesn't speak of the celebration of Christmas. 2) the Bible gives no date as the birth date of Jesus. 3) the celebration of Easter being partly based on the Vernal Equinox. 4) Christmas being based partly on the Winter Solstice. 5) the fallacies of the story of the Wise Men going to see Jesus in Jerusalem, etc. They saw a star in the East (in the Orient where they were) and the Story says they followed the star but they went West (to Jerusalem) on camel back and traveled about 5000 miles in 2 or 3 days. 6) Pay close attention to his explanation of why African people are not Gentiles from a Biblical point of view. Please review Genesis 10:2 10:6. Most people don't know it but the Bible actually tells who the Gentiles are and they are not African people. This video will really make you think and want to do more research. Tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Ma'at Hotep
In this video message, Dr. Ray Hagins once again talks about the origins of many of the holidays we celebrate and how they have been incorporated in Christianity. Among other things he talks about: 1) the creation of Christmas and how the Bible doesn't speak of the celebration of Christmas. 2) the Bible gives no date as the birth date of Jesus. 3) the celebration of Easter being partly based on the Vernal Equinox. 4) Christmas being based partly on the Winter Solstice. 5) the fallacies of the story of the Wise Men going to see Jesus in Jerusalem, etc. They saw a star in the East (in the Orient where they were) and the Story says they followed the star but they went West (to Jerusalem) on camel back and traveled about 5000 miles in 2 or 3 days. 6) Pay close attention to his explanation of why African people are not Gentiles from a Biblical point of view. Please review Genesis 10:2 10:6. Most people don't know it but the Bible actually tells who the Gentiles are and they are not African people. This video will really make you think and want to do more research. Tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Ma'at Hotep
- Duration: 9:59
- Published: 2009-03-11
- Uploaded: 2010-10-12
- Author: mjrob1914
The Verdict Is In - Part 5: Dr. Ray Hagins
The Verdict Is In - Part 5: Dr. Ray Hagins
This extensive Video by Dr. Ray Hagins documents through the usage of over 350 pictures to provide irrefutable evidence of the Pagan-Euro Gentile theft, copying, plagiarizing and re-presented concepts that originated with the Nilotic peoples of Afrika thousands of years ago. As you watch this video, you will not be able to deny that we (Afrikans) have truly been hoodwinked, bamboozled, lied to, misled and taken advantage of in the name of a bogus, Euro-Gentile belief system. You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep
This extensive Video by Dr. Ray Hagins documents through the usage of over 350 pictures to provide irrefutable evidence of the Pagan-Euro Gentile theft, copying, plagiarizing and re-presented concepts that originated with the Nilotic peoples of Afrika thousands of years ago. As you watch this video, you will not be able to deny that we (Afrikans) have truly been hoodwinked, bamboozled, lied to, misled and taken advantage of in the name of a bogus, Euro-Gentile belief system. You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep
- Duration: 9:28
- Published: 2008-06-23
- Uploaded: 2010-09-24
- Author: mjrob1914
The Verdict Is In - Part 6: Dr. Ray Hagins
The Verdict Is In - Part 6: Dr. Ray Hagins
This extensive Video by Dr. Ray Hagins documents through the usage of over 350 pictures to provide irrefutable evidence of the Pagan-Euro Gentile theft, copying, plagiarizing and re-presented concepts that originated with the Nilotic peoples of Afrika thousands of years ago. As you watch this video, you will not be able to deny that we (Afrikans) have truly been hoodwinked, bamboozled, lied to, misled and taken advantage of in the name of a bogus, Euro-Gentile belief system. You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep
This extensive Video by Dr. Ray Hagins documents through the usage of over 350 pictures to provide irrefutable evidence of the Pagan-Euro Gentile theft, copying, plagiarizing and re-presented concepts that originated with the Nilotic peoples of Afrika thousands of years ago. As you watch this video, you will not be able to deny that we (Afrikans) have truly been hoodwinked, bamboozled, lied to, misled and taken advantage of in the name of a bogus, Euro-Gentile belief system. You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep
- Duration: 9:28
- Published: 2008-06-29
- Uploaded: 2010-09-17
- Author: mjrob1914
A Drug Of Choice Called Religion - Part 5: Dr. Ray Hagins
A Drug Of Choice Called Religion - Part 5: Dr. Ray Hagins
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know
- Duration: 10:01
- Published: 2009-10-07
- Uploaded: 2010-08-27
- Author: mjrob1914
Pt 2/8 African woman in world history
Pt 2/8 African woman in world history
RESTORING THE FORGOTTEN HERITAGE TO THE FORGOTTEN PEOPLE www.hebrewisraelites.org PLAYLIST ADDED.CHECK MY PROFILE PAGE. The Role of the African Woman in world History. Dr. John Henrik Clarke.
RESTORING THE FORGOTTEN HERITAGE TO THE FORGOTTEN PEOPLE www.hebrewisraelites.org PLAYLIST ADDED.CHECK MY PROFILE PAGE. The Role of the African Woman in world History. Dr. John Henrik Clarke.
- Duration: 10:45
- Published: 2008-04-10
- Uploaded: 2010-09-19
- Author: each1reach41