Welcome to MonkeyWrench Books Online, your collectively-owned and operated radical bookstore

MonkeyWrench Books is an all volunteer, collectively-run radical bookstore in North Austin. We provide an extensive collection of radical literature and media, prioritizing books, magazines, movies and zines that you won't find at your average corporate bookstore.

MonkeyWrench is more than a bookstore. It's a place for meetings, film screenings, workshops, benefits, book readings and performances. The store facilitates greater interaction among individuals and organizations working toward social and economic justice. It's a place where both experienced organizers and people new to political activism can find support, information, and a range of progressive viewpoints. It's also a relaxed space to network and make connections over a cup of organic coffee or tea.

MWB Twitter

This Friday at MonkeyWrench! http://t.co/FhFFcEwc http://t.co/kCLLmlnw20 hours 56 min ago
@woodycut Thanks for the inquiry! Currently, we don't have a functional online storefront, but we may be able to arrange a sale via e-mail. — 20 hours 58 min ago
Come to "Block Reportin 101: Oakland's JR Valrey on Media & Police Brutality" Friday, February 24 from 7:00 pm to... http://t.co/F7qzGkhh21 hours 4 min ago
Looking for an accessible and community-oriented alternative to SXSW? We've got ya covered! At least for a day... http://t.co/rGIK3DJm1 day 18 hours ago
Psst! Hey, Kid… word on the street is that there's a new #cooperative #coffeeshop coming to #Austin. It's http://t.co/mjwJzT2M — spread it! — 2 days 15 hours ago
http://t.co/IvP4G8wx2 days 21 hours ago

Upcoming Events

Friday, February 24, 2012 - 7:00pm

Join MonkeyWrench Books and the People's Lunch Counter for a screening of "Block Reportin 101" and a conversation with Oakland-based filmmaker JR Valrey for a discussion on media and police brutality.