Welcome to Sedition Books

Sedition Books is an anarchist infoshop located in the Montrose area of Houston.

We have a community lending library; meeting space; zines, pamphlets, and lots of books for sale; free literature; and public computers with free internet access.

We are collectively operated & volunteer staffed. We need your help! if you would like to volunteer or join the collective, please contact us.

Joining the collective means you have equal ownership, and equal say in all decisions dealing with the infoshop. All decisions are made by consensus.

Why an "anarchist" bookstore? Anarchism is the revolutionary movement for a non-hierarchical society; tendencies within the anarchist movement range from seeking to establish libertarian communism all the way to advocating post-civilization ways of life (see "About Sedition Books" above).

We seek to distribute information on many alternatives to capitalism, the state, and all other forms of oppression; as well as radical analysis, theory and art.


The infoshop is here for groups or individuals to use for events and meetings - a venue for any kind of local music and art, for raising awareness, skill sharing, political study and organizing for action.

Approach us with your ideas, we'd love to hear from you!

If you'd like to volunteer, click here to sign up for a shift!


We strive for Sedition to be a safe space for all, which means
zero tolerance for verbal, physical or sexual abuse.


We can always use donations of all kinds, particularly the following:

Books, magazines or videos!
(to further expand the lending library)
publicity/free ads, etc.
cooling fans
postage stamps
silkscreening supplies
photocopy hookups
cash (of course)
time and effort!

kill capitalism before it kills you!kill capitalism before it kills you!