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City of Ithaca supporting same-sex marrage
by posted Mar 01 1:15pm  
In a meeting with the Common Council this morning, Mayor Peterson spoke on the behalf of same sex marrages in Ithaca. Unlike the Mayor of New Paltz, however, Mayor Peterson will not be preforming same-sex marrages. Atleast, not yet.

The city is accepting, as of this morning, same sex marrage licenses and will be passing them on to the state health department. Mayor Peterson also pledged that if those applications are denied in Albany that the City of Ithaca would take the matter to court.

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Senator Clinton's E-Voting Bill Has Problems
by Anonymous posted Dec 11 8:26pm  
An Analysis of Senator Clinton's "Protecting American Democracy Act of 2003"
By Bo Lipari Senior Software Engineer, Autodesk, Inc.

Senator Clinton introduced a bill yesterday, the "Protecting American Democracy Act of 2003". This bill intends to protect the voting process from the dangers of Electronic Voting. Unfortunately, it does nothing of the sort. The language is far too vague and will not improve our situation one bit.

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Ithaca Common Council to Meet Tomorrow
by posted Dec 02 3:56pm  
Here is the agenda for tomorrows common council meeting. Notice that they are going to try to push a lot through this month. They may also call special meetings before the new year to complete anything they can not finish here. In prior years, when new members of council were about to come on, they pushed through things like the 6 point traffic plan and committed the next council to do things they might not otherwise have done.

This is the cover pages. Sorry about the incorrect formating.

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local trial of ithaca activists (wednesday 11/26/2003)
by posted Nov 27 11:25pm  
hi all today the trial of dave mountain and todd sandler went to our local ithaca jury. for those who don't know, these two barricaded themselves in a church steeple downtown and rang the bells throughout most of the day during the funeral march (for those being killed after the start of the iraq bombing) last spring.

what was interesting is, even tho the judge allowed no testi

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Ithacans call for the end of the occupation of Iraq
by posted Nov 13 1:11pm  
Click to Enlarge
On October 25th Ithacans chartered busses and carpooled to DC and let their voice be heard against the continued occupation of Iraq.

Thousands of anti-war protesters from all over the country gathered around Noon at the Washington Monument, which was surrounded by solid white fencing to separate tourists from the rally, and listened to speakers and live music. Police presence was minimal and everyone in the tightly packed crowd seemed to be having a good time.

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Walking on the path of the vanguard
by at Jun 13 4:36am on Newswire

Secret Network of "Non-US" Prison Camps
by at Jun 12 11:05pm on Newswire with 1 reply

Labour Party Comes In Third in British Election
by at Jun 12 4:34pm on Newswire

Baghdad Gets More Fortified--Seige To Begin?
by at Jun 12 12:20am on Newswire with 1 reply

Rat in a Drain Ditch, Caught on a Limb by Mark Drolette
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A Media Circus Worthy of Contempt
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by Anonymous at Jun 11 8:06am on Newswire with 3 replies

Kurdish Leaders Indicate Displeasure With Occupation Authority
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Turkey Eliminates Anti-Kurdish Laws
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New Leader of Iraq is US-CIA Terrorist
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2003 Terrorism Report Lied About Number of Terror Attacks
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I'll Piss On His Grave
by Anonymous at Jun 10 10:11am on Newswire with 2 replies

by AMCBA@LYCOS.COM at Jun 06 5:35pm on Newswire

Reagan Is Dead
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Sharon Fires The Nazis
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