
Lilies are lovely

Welcome to the Iron Rail!

The Iron Rail is an anarchist bookstore, lending library, record shop, alternative and local media outlet, and resource for radical organizing. The space is coordinated and maintained by volunteers working in a collective and non-hierarchal environment.

We have four goals:

  1. To provide New Orleans residents and guests with access to radical literature.
  2. To promote literacy through reading materials, reading groups, workshops, discussions, lectures, and other programming.
  3. To create an inclusive, inviting, pro-woman, queer friendly space that welcomes people of all ages, skin colors, and social classes.
  4. To serve as a networking and meeting space for local organizations as well as radical and community projects. We envision this work as part of a larger social movement pursuing a more just and equitable society.

We’re located at 503 Barracks St., New Orleans LA, and open 7 days a week from Noon-6 pm.

The “New Members” collective meeting is the first Wednesday of each month at 8pm. This is an open meeting; newcomers and volunteers welcome!


Our library is mostly in storage, but a rotating selection focused on gender, race & hands-on action is available for borrowing.

The bookshop offers books from presses such as Verso, South End Press, Last Gasp, AK Press, and many others. We specialize in radical politics/culture and good local books about and by New Orleanians… with a sideline in challenging & interesting fiction.

Our non-fiction covers a broad spectrum, organized by category, ranging from anarchist theory, feminism, gender/queer and race studies to history, philosophy and spirituality. We even have childrens’ books!

The record rack stocks vinyl, CDs, and cassette tapes. We carry punk, ska, hardcore, metal, indie rock, and more! You can’t find most of this stuff anywhere else in town…