Stop the Deportation of Mario Perez : Houston Indymedia
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Stop the Deportation of Mario Perez
by Stop Deportations Monday, Mar. 28, 2011 at 5:41 PM

Mario Perez is a 22-year-old college student at Stephen F. Austin State University facing deportation from the U.S which has been his home since he was a small child.

Stop the Deportation...
marioperezbig.jpg, image/jpeg, 482x553

Like so many others, I came to this country when I was very young, barely five years old. America is all I’ve ever known. Four years ago I learned of my illegal status. It’s been a hard reality because I consider myself as American as a Ford Mustang.In only a matter of weeks I might be deported to Mexico, a country of which I have no recollection. I fear for my safety, I fear for my life. My future rests in the hands of ICE Houston Field Office Director Kenneth Landgrebe, who has the power to grant a Deferred Action to stop my deportation. My voice alone can’t motivate that decision. Only the multitude of voices of friends, family, neighbors and the larger community can guide ICE to make the right decision.

Help me stay home and fulfill my dream of serving this country as a statistician, not another statistic.

Sign the petition now.

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