Voices from the Occupation – The Welfare Reform Bill: Tinmen, Search for your Hearts!

Voices from the Occupation

The Welfare Reform Bill – Tinmen, Search for your Hearts


This afternoon, the House of Commons voted overwhelmingly in favour of rejecting the compassionate amendments to the Welfare Reform Bill, put forward by the House of Lords in recent weeks.  Today’s article discusses the Bill, the vote, the reaction, and why the tin men and women in the House of Commons, and the streets of Britain, should expedite the search for a heart.

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Voices from the Occupation: A Week in the Occupy Movement

One of the most common questions I get asked when people find out I am involved with the Occupy Movement, is ‘what is it like?’  The news may occasionally cover where Occupy is, but often not what, why or how Occupy is.  So, today’s article gives you my ground eye view of the Occupy Movement last week – there are three days, featuring evictions, police lies, racism, love, a geodesic dome and lots, lots more.

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Voices from the Occupation – ConDemNation of the Vulnerable

Voices from the Occupation
The ConDemNation of the Vulnerable
Yesterday, a small group of unelected peers of the realm did more to protect to rights of the vulnerable in the United Kingdom than the politicians elected to do just this job.  Today’s article takes a closer look at the issue of benefits capping, and asks why the coalition government is taking brickbats to the poor, sick, disabled and elderly.

Voices from the Occupation – Is There Such a Thing as Ethical Capitalism

Voices From the Occupation
Is There Such a Thing as Ethical Capitalism?
In response to a growing realisation that neo-liberal capitalism is morally and literally bankrupt, Britain’s political leadership have spent the week providing three visions of ethical capitalism for us to aspire to.  Today’s article explores the question  ‘Is there such a thing as ethical capitalism?’ and why it is being asked now.

Voices from the Occupation – The Case of OccupyLSX & The Cowardly Court

Voices from the Occupation

The Case of OccupyLSX & The Cowardly Court

 On Wednesday 18th December, OccupyLSX or Occupy London St Paul’s as it has become, lost its highcourt battle against eviction.  The Judge – Sir Keith John Lindblom ruled in favour of the Corporation of the City of London on all counts and failed to grant an appeal.  The City of London Corporation has granted a stay of eviction for 7 days whilst Occupy take their own appeal to the Court of Appeal.  As the dust settles, and calls of ‘what next for Occupy?’ commence, today’s article looks at the trial, the verdict and the legacy of the Case of OccupyLSX and The Cowardly Court.

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Voices from the Occupation: A Revolution in our Sense of Self

Voices from the Occupation – A Revolution in our Sense of Self


Voices from the Occupation
A Revolution in our Sense of Self
“A self does not amount to much, but no self is an island; each exists in a fabric of relations that is now more complex and mobile than ever before.”
Jean-Francois Lyotard
Over the last four months, as the Occupy movement has set up camp in one square in one city in one country and one continent after another – there has debate and discussion around ‘if’ this is a revolution; ‘if’ it is a revolution, what is it a revolution for or about? First and foremost, I assert that the Occupy Movement is a revolution in our sense of self as Citizen of the World and today’s article explains why.

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Voices from the Occupation – Yesterday’s Monsters, Today’s Martyrs

Yesterday would have been Martin Luther King Jr’s 83rd birthday, had he not been assassinated April 4th 1968.  Speaking at Occupy London on December 15th last year, Reverand Jesse Jackson, who was with Martin Luther King as he died said: Gandhi was an occupier, he marched the sea protesting colonialism. Dr. King was an occupier, Mandela an occupier. They are all exalted as Martyrs now but rejected as occupiers, as protesters, as radicals; called terrorist by governments.

Today, the US celebrates Martin Luther King Jr day, a hard won public holiday to remember the man, and more importantly, the message.  Soundbites and platitudes roll out across the corporate media on the same channels which hold Occupy, today’s MLK, in contempt. Today’s article discusses how the real tributes to the work of MLK are not to be found on CNN, but in Occupy camps and Occupied buildings across the world.

Voices from the Occupation – Britain’s NHS: Sold to the Highest Bidder

Voices from the Occupation

Britain’s NHS: Sold to the Highest Bidder


British tax payers would be forgiven for thinking that they have a National Health Service.  However, this is a myth.  Recent years have seen the government and private interests bankrupt the NHS then start selling it off to the same people who bankrupted it in the first place.  Today’s article reveals the reality – that Britain’s public services are merely publicly funded private enterprises, and the devastating results on a sleeping population.

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