Eviction Protection WG Minutes – Sunday 15th January 2012




15-20 people so no list, but including many from previous meeting including Luke, Kay, Matthew (Legal), Kris (Tranquillity);

Facilitating: Liz

Minutes: Max 

1. Reading updating and agreeing of agenda based on previous meeting.

2. Re Whether Eviction Protection should be done: yes it should.

3. Matthew (Legal) gave update on preparation of Eviction Bust Card. To be drafted inhouse with signoff by a barrister/solicitor, first draft mid this week, final soon after, copies when printed to be presented to the camp at a GA.  It’s lots of work, Matt is happy for someone to do it with him.  Printing expenses: approved subject to filing of exact amount.

4. Re stages of any eviction if it comes:  Kris is making up a possible timeline describing possible stages.

4. Re Items on site: 3 categories.  Cat 1 (save at all costs for future use here or at another occupation, or return to owner) Cat 2 (leave to last minute to save if possible) Cat 3 (willing to see trashed if necessary).  Phil making up inventory. Cat 1 to include solar panels, Tec Tent, First Aid, Big New Circus Tent about to arrive, certain posters artwork and banners.  Personal property is owner’s responsibility. Library stuff: Max to ask Nathan.

5. Where: safe house / storage is needed.

6. When: See 4.

7. Vulnerable people: there’s 20-30 regular camp attendees with homelessness/addiction issues.  Broadway to be liased with, Kay to do this with Max providing contact details.   This process to be kept informal.

8. Stuff to be got in: Foil blankets, snacks, portable first aid, thermoses, ponchos, mint cake,

9. Kitchen to be asked re converting to emergency field kitchen only.

10. Phones may not work during any eviction.

Next meeting: Mon 16 Jan 4pm

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