Shut Down the Corporations: Teach-In, Planning, Know Your Rights

Shut Down the Corporations: Teach-In, Planning, Know Your Rights

February 6, 2012

Lauren Regan, executive director of CLDC, will discuss the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and how it has co-opted our democracy and influenced social and environmental movements across America. Following the presentation, get involved with F29 Shut Down the Corporations planning. Join us the following afternoon for a Know Your Rights training!  

Brewer’s Dinner (POSTPONED!)

Brewer’s Dinner (POSTPONED!)

A fundraiser for the Civil Liberties Defense Center

February 6, 2012

We regret to announce that we are POSTPONING this event. If you would like us to let you know when the event is rescheduled, please contact us. Thank you, and sorry for any inconvenience. 

Free Radical Dance Craze

February 3, 2012

The 4th Annual CLDC Solidarity with Earth Defenders presents a Free Radical Dance Party!
You’re invited to come boogie with us at Territorial Winery in Eugene on March 3, 2012. There will DJs spinning dance music with political overtones and information about eco-prisoners. Come dressed as your favorite radical! This event is held in conjunction with the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference at the U of O. 

A Federal Trial Win in the Schlossberg Case!

A Federal Trial Win in the Schlossberg Case!

January 30, 2012

A trial that began on January 17th came to a close under a unanimous ruling on the 23rd that a Eugene police sergeant used excessive force to arrest an environmental activist who videotaped their confrontation in front of a downtown bank in 2009.… U.S. District Magistrate Judge Thomas Coffin had ruled even before the trial began that the officer had violated Joshua Schlossberg’s rights by viewing the contents of his video camera without first obtaining a warrant. This left the jury to rule only on whether the incident had been one of excessive force and whether or not the officer had acted according to the law in the overall incident.