Feisty Fawn has seen the break of Dawn: How to add Thunderbird 2.0

April 22nd, 2007

I am using Thunderbird for email. Used to use Evolution, which has some nice features, but which is a serious hassle to migrate across system updates. Thunderbird is very easy to move between systems - whether across to a a new version of GNU/Linux or from Winblo$e or to/fro wherever (I should think?).

However, Feisty Fawn has seen the break of dawn without the new Thunderbird 2.0 (TB2), which is a shame. But just as it is easy to move your configuration, preferences and mail from one system to another, it is easy to run two versions of Thunderbird in parallel within the same system. So while we wait for a .deb of TB2 to appear, check this out…

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Mouth to Mouth: too late for Alison Murray…

April 22nd, 2007

Just saw the film Mouth to Mouth

- a disconcerting piece of right-wing propaganda, some utterly unrealistic realism. This sums it up pretty well:

We laughed on the way out that this movie is practically designed to innoculate the viewer against anything collective. If it’s a collective, it must really be an authoritarian cult. In that sense, it is a straightforward attack on the possibility of breaking free of this society, reinforcing the larger right-wing discourse of the past decades that argues the “sixties” were just a childish diversion, hopelessly trying to create false alternatives, that when really examined are actually authoritarian nightmares.

The most disconcerting thing about the film is that it shows that Ms. Murray has insights into alternative environments - the clothes, the hair, the vans and the classic rave in Portugal, the connections between London and Berlin and so on.

She has been there, it seems, but then proceeds to present a completely distorted picture, vicious even:

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