Otto Frank, father of Anne
First 15 minutes of this dutch documentary, made in 2010. To order a dvd of the complete movie please contact Mrs. Kroon at Pieter van Huystee Producties in The Netherlands: curien@pvhfilm.nl
After more than a year almost 250 comments were posted. A small percentage of the posts are plainly antisemitic. I chose not to remove the sick, disgusting and frustrated prose of those "neo-nazi's" because i
OTTO FRANK, FATHER OF ANNE, released in honor of the 50th anniversary of Anne Frank House, tells the story of Anne Frank's father, his discovery of her diary...
Otto Frank, father of Anne
The man who gave the story of Anne Frank to the world.
Otto Frank talks about Annes diary
This is one of the few television interviews Otto Frank gave. Sitting in one of the rooms of the Secret Annex, he is talking about his surprise at the things Anne Frank wrote in her diary. Her thoughts on life, her self-criticism: this was not the daughter he had known
Otto was the only member of his family to survive the holocaust. When he returned, Miep Gies gave him his daughters diary. Sh
Documental: Otto Frank, el padre de Ana (Documentales XXI)
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a .
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t.
Annelies Marie Frank Hollander, conocida en español como Ana Frank (Fráncfort
Otto Frank and the Anne Frank House, 1963
Otto Frank speaks about his ideas during a visit at the Anne Frank House in 1963. A message to the world, then and now. In the spirit of Otto Frank, the Anne Frank House runs educational programs in over 50 countries.
© 1963 Peter Reynolds, For The Record Productions, Toronto, Canada
Otto Frank der Vater von Anne Frank Doku HD deutsch Doku
Otto Frank der Vater von Anne Frank Doku HD deutsch Doku Mehr Videos unter www.anelca.de.
otto frank interview
A video filmed from the BBC Website with Otto Frank, Anne Frank's Father. I have deleted several offensive comments left on the comments section by viewers. `i believe that people are entitled to their opinion but I don't feel that this is the place for this. I have also had several people deny that the diary was written by anne frank- it is probably important to read the wikipedia entry before yo
Otto Frank, el padre de Ana [filibusteros.com][Intro Español].avi
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t.
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t.
Este es un video en la memoria de Ana Frank y Margot Frank. Fueron dos herma
Otto Frank, el padre de Ana [filibusteros.com][Intro Español].avi
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t...
Anne Frank / Miep Gies - The arrest - Die Verhaftung
Seated at her former desk in the current Anne Frank house, Miep Gies describes the fourth of August, 1944: the fearful day on which the eight hiders and two ...
1967 intervista ad otto frank, sulla pubblicazione del diario della figlia Anna RAI STORIA
RAI STORIA, 1967 intervista ad otto frank, sulla pubblicazione del diario della figlia Anna conduce Arnoldo Foà.
Sir Ben Kingsley on portraying Otto Frank in "Anne Frank: The Whole Story"
Sir Ben Kingsley spoke at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on March 1, 2011, for a special program devoted to the power of film and the Holocaust....
You ll be in my heart - Anne Frank/Otto Frank
Well , I hope you like this video. It even made me cry when I was editing it . So tell me what u think about. Song: You'll be in my heart - Phill Collins Mov...
Ana Frank - Otto Frank recibe el diario de Ana
El momento en que Otto recibe los diarios de Ana.
L.S. Frank walking outside house bearing daughter's name. M.S. Man points at plaque. M.S. Frank and girls. C.U. Frank. G.V. Frank walking with girls. G.V. Banquet table. M.CU Girl reads from Anne's diary. C.U. Tilt down from picture of Anne to father at table. M.CU Girls listening. M.S. Frank speaking. MLS. Girls. C.U. Frank speaking. C.U. Picture of Anne.
You can license this story through A
OTTO FRANK Film Presented & Discussion by Eva Schloss Part One
On Wednesday 1 December 2010, the first day of Chanukah, the CJL proudly hosted the UK premier of the film Otto Frank: Father of Anne, a documentary, which w...
Otto Frank - Happy Ending (READ DESCRIPTION)
WATCH MY REMAKE! IT IS IN THE RESPOND BOX! This is a video without Peter and Anne but with Otto Frank. READ THIS FIRST: Otto frank has returned after the war...
Otto Frank - Happy Ending (Remake)
Hello Everyone, So this is my Remake of my Happy Ending video. I have make it better quality and changed the story a bit. -----------------------------------...
Otto frank
Cuando Otto Frank regresa del campo de concentración, Miep le entrega los diarios de Ana, y al leerlos empieza a recordar los buenos momentos en los que estuvo con su familia.
Edición: Paula Comparán.
Colaboración: Edmundo Comparán.
Película: Anne Frank The Whole Story.
Canción: The Tears in Heaven.
Cantante: Eric Clapton.
Dedicado a: Otto Frank y su familia.
Tiempo requerido: 3 dias.
27.01.10 Solfrizzi è Otto Frank in "Mi ricordo di Anna Frank"
Per ricordare lo sterminio di sei milioni di ebrei nei lager nazisti, stasera su Rai Uno andrà in onda il film "Mi ricordo di Anna Frank" che vede nei panni ...
The Diary of Anne Frank - Landen Starkman | Otto Frank Monologue
Hi there, the past two months I have been in The Diary of Anne Frank playing Otto Frank and it has been such an unreal experience. This is the final monologue explaining what happened to the family after they were found.
Margot Betti Frank 1926-1945
Margot Frank was born in Frankfurt am Main. her sister Anne Frank, her father Otto Frank, & her mother Edith Holander.
Otto Frank, father of Anne
First 15 minutes of this dutch documentary, made in 2010. To order a dvd of the complete movie please contact Mrs. Kroon at Pieter van Huystee Producties in The...
First 15 minutes of this dutch documentary, made in 2010. To order a dvd of the complete movie please contact Mrs. Kroon at Pieter van Huystee Producties in The Netherlands: curien@pvhfilm.nl
After more than a year almost 250 comments were posted. A small percentage of the posts are plainly antisemitic. I chose not to remove the sick, disgusting and frustrated prose of those "neo-nazi's" because in my opinion one should not neglect the underlying warning they reveal: genocide can happen again.
David de Jongh
wn.com/Otto Frank, Father Of Anne
First 15 minutes of this dutch documentary, made in 2010. To order a dvd of the complete movie please contact Mrs. Kroon at Pieter van Huystee Producties in The Netherlands: curien@pvhfilm.nl
After more than a year almost 250 comments were posted. A small percentage of the posts are plainly antisemitic. I chose not to remove the sick, disgusting and frustrated prose of those "neo-nazi's" because in my opinion one should not neglect the underlying warning they reveal: genocide can happen again.
David de Jongh
- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 410225
OTTO FRANK, FATHER OF ANNE, released in honor of the 50th anniversary of Anne Frank House, tells the story of Anne Frank's father, his discovery of her diary......
OTTO FRANK, FATHER OF ANNE, released in honor of the 50th anniversary of Anne Frank House, tells the story of Anne Frank's father, his discovery of her diary...
wn.com/Otto Frank, Father Of Anne
OTTO FRANK, FATHER OF ANNE, released in honor of the 50th anniversary of Anne Frank House, tells the story of Anne Frank's father, his discovery of her diary...
- published: 29 May 2012
- views: 5314
author: CinéFête
Otto Frank, father of Anne
The man who gave the story of Anne Frank to the world....
The man who gave the story of Anne Frank to the world.
wn.com/Otto Frank, Father Of Anne
The man who gave the story of Anne Frank to the world.
- published: 04 Sep 2009
- views: 9012
author: pvhfilm
Otto Frank talks about Annes diary
This is one of the few television interviews Otto Frank gave. Sitting in one of the rooms of the Secret Annex, he is talking about his surprise at the things An...
This is one of the few television interviews Otto Frank gave. Sitting in one of the rooms of the Secret Annex, he is talking about his surprise at the things Anne Frank wrote in her diary. Her thoughts on life, her self-criticism: this was not the daughter he had known
Otto was the only member of his family to survive the holocaust. When he returned, Miep Gies gave him his daughters diary. She had saved it after the people in hiding had been arrested. After reading it, Otto Frank decided to publish the diary. As he puts it: To build up a future you have to know the past.
The video is an excerpt from the television program The Legacy of Anne Frank, which was part of the series The Eternal Light by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America & NBC. It was broadcast on 24 December 1967. The Anne Frank House holds an original film copy of this rarely shown film.
wn.com/Otto Frank Talks About Annes Diary
This is one of the few television interviews Otto Frank gave. Sitting in one of the rooms of the Secret Annex, he is talking about his surprise at the things Anne Frank wrote in her diary. Her thoughts on life, her self-criticism: this was not the daughter he had known
Otto was the only member of his family to survive the holocaust. When he returned, Miep Gies gave him his daughters diary. She had saved it after the people in hiding had been arrested. After reading it, Otto Frank decided to publish the diary. As he puts it: To build up a future you have to know the past.
The video is an excerpt from the television program The Legacy of Anne Frank, which was part of the series The Eternal Light by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America & NBC. It was broadcast on 24 December 1967. The Anne Frank House holds an original film copy of this rarely shown film.
- published: 23 Sep 2009
- views: 696222
Documental: Otto Frank, el padre de Ana (Documentales XXI)
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a .
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a .
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t.
Annelies Marie Frank Hollander, conocida en español como Ana Frank (Fráncfort del Meno, 12 de junio de 1929–Bergen-Belsen, marzo de 19452 ), fue una .
Develando el fraude literario mas grande de la historia con pruebas y fundamentos. Ver la segunda parte del vídeo aquí: .
wn.com/Documental Otto Frank, El Padre De Ana (Documentales Xxi)
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a .
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t.
Annelies Marie Frank Hollander, conocida en español como Ana Frank (Fráncfort del Meno, 12 de junio de 1929–Bergen-Belsen, marzo de 19452 ), fue una .
Develando el fraude literario mas grande de la historia con pruebas y fundamentos. Ver la segunda parte del vídeo aquí: .
- published: 13 Jun 2015
- views: 6
Otto Frank and the Anne Frank House, 1963
Otto Frank speaks about his ideas during a visit at the Anne Frank House in 1963. A message to the world, then and now. In the spirit of Otto Frank, the Anne Fr...
Otto Frank speaks about his ideas during a visit at the Anne Frank House in 1963. A message to the world, then and now. In the spirit of Otto Frank, the Anne Frank House runs educational programs in over 50 countries.
© 1963 Peter Reynolds, For The Record Productions, Toronto, Canada
wn.com/Otto Frank And The Anne Frank House, 1963
Otto Frank speaks about his ideas during a visit at the Anne Frank House in 1963. A message to the world, then and now. In the spirit of Otto Frank, the Anne Frank House runs educational programs in over 50 countries.
© 1963 Peter Reynolds, For The Record Productions, Toronto, Canada
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 461
Otto Frank der Vater von Anne Frank Doku HD deutsch Doku
Otto Frank der Vater von Anne Frank Doku HD deutsch Doku Mehr Videos unter www.anelca.de....
Otto Frank der Vater von Anne Frank Doku HD deutsch Doku Mehr Videos unter www.anelca.de.
wn.com/Otto Frank Der Vater Von Anne Frank Doku Hd Deutsch Doku
Otto Frank der Vater von Anne Frank Doku HD deutsch Doku Mehr Videos unter www.anelca.de.
otto frank interview
A video filmed from the BBC Website with Otto Frank, Anne Frank's Father. I have deleted several offensive comments left on the comments section by viewers. `i ...
A video filmed from the BBC Website with Otto Frank, Anne Frank's Father. I have deleted several offensive comments left on the comments section by viewers. `i believe that people are entitled to their opinion but I don't feel that this is the place for this. I have also had several people deny that the diary was written by anne frank- it is probably important to read the wikipedia entry before you come to this opinion!
You would be amazed how many people deny the holocaust. Apparently it is illegal to do so in Germany.
To quote (http://www.jimloy.com/history/holocaus.htm)
Of course the Holocaust happened. It has been proven, many times over. But some people, American Nazis for example, claim that it never happened. It is easy to say things that are not true. It is easy to believe things that are not true.
"What kind of evidence is there, at this late date? There is a lot. There are eyewitness accounts, of Jews and Nazis and bystanders. There are confessions. There are mountains of documents. There are graves and crematoriums. And there are missing people, individuals and huge parts of populations, gone, murdered.
A person who says that the Holocaust did not happen, says more about himself/herself than about history."
wn.com/Otto Frank Interview
A video filmed from the BBC Website with Otto Frank, Anne Frank's Father. I have deleted several offensive comments left on the comments section by viewers. `i believe that people are entitled to their opinion but I don't feel that this is the place for this. I have also had several people deny that the diary was written by anne frank- it is probably important to read the wikipedia entry before you come to this opinion!
You would be amazed how many people deny the holocaust. Apparently it is illegal to do so in Germany.
To quote (http://www.jimloy.com/history/holocaus.htm)
Of course the Holocaust happened. It has been proven, many times over. But some people, American Nazis for example, claim that it never happened. It is easy to say things that are not true. It is easy to believe things that are not true.
"What kind of evidence is there, at this late date? There is a lot. There are eyewitness accounts, of Jews and Nazis and bystanders. There are confessions. There are mountains of documents. There are graves and crematoriums. And there are missing people, individuals and huge parts of populations, gone, murdered.
A person who says that the Holocaust did not happen, says more about himself/herself than about history."
- published: 06 Jun 2007
- views: 302429
Otto Frank, el padre de Ana [filibusteros.com][Intro Español].avi
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t.
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t.
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t.
Este es un video en la memoria de Ana Frank y Margot Frank. Fueron dos hermanas muy unidas hasta la muerte. Lo que quice lograr en este vídeo es que se sient.
Develando el fraude literario mas grande de la historia con pruebas y fundamentos. Ver la segunda parte del vídeo aquí:
wn.com/Otto Frank, El Padre De Ana Filibusteros.Com Intro Español .Avi
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t.
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t.
Este es un video en la memoria de Ana Frank y Margot Frank. Fueron dos hermanas muy unidas hasta la muerte. Lo que quice lograr en este vídeo es que se sient.
Develando el fraude literario mas grande de la historia con pruebas y fundamentos. Ver la segunda parte del vídeo aquí:
- published: 30 Jan 2015
- views: 1
Otto Frank, el padre de Ana [filibusteros.com][Intro Español].avi
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t......
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t...
wn.com/Otto Frank, El Padre De Ana Filibusteros.Com Intro Español .Avi
Tras regresar de Auschwitz, a Otto Frank, único miembro superviviente de su familia, le fue entregado el diario de su hija Ana. Descubrió todo sobre ella a t...
Anne Frank / Miep Gies - The arrest - Die Verhaftung
Seated at her former desk in the current Anne Frank house, Miep Gies describes the fourth of August, 1944: the fearful day on which the eight hiders and two ......
Seated at her former desk in the current Anne Frank house, Miep Gies describes the fourth of August, 1944: the fearful day on which the eight hiders and two ...
wn.com/Anne Frank Miep Gies The Arrest Die Verhaftung
Seated at her former desk in the current Anne Frank house, Miep Gies describes the fourth of August, 1944: the fearful day on which the eight hiders and two ...
1967 intervista ad otto frank, sulla pubblicazione del diario della figlia Anna RAI STORIA
RAI STORIA, 1967 intervista ad otto frank, sulla pubblicazione del diario della figlia Anna conduce Arnoldo Foà....
RAI STORIA, 1967 intervista ad otto frank, sulla pubblicazione del diario della figlia Anna conduce Arnoldo Foà.
wn.com/1967 Intervista Ad Otto Frank, Sulla Pubblicazione Del Diario Della Figlia Anna Rai Storia
RAI STORIA, 1967 intervista ad otto frank, sulla pubblicazione del diario della figlia Anna conduce Arnoldo Foà.
Sir Ben Kingsley on portraying Otto Frank in "Anne Frank: The Whole Story"
Sir Ben Kingsley spoke at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on March 1, 2011, for a special program devoted to the power of film and the Holocaust.......
Sir Ben Kingsley spoke at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on March 1, 2011, for a special program devoted to the power of film and the Holocaust....
wn.com/Sir Ben Kingsley On Portraying Otto Frank In Anne Frank The Whole Story
Sir Ben Kingsley spoke at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on March 1, 2011, for a special program devoted to the power of film and the Holocaust....
You ll be in my heart - Anne Frank/Otto Frank
Well , I hope you like this video. It even made me cry when I was editing it . So tell me what u think about. Song: You'll be in my heart - Phill Collins Mov......
Well , I hope you like this video. It even made me cry when I was editing it . So tell me what u think about. Song: You'll be in my heart - Phill Collins Mov...
wn.com/You Ll Be In My Heart Anne Frank Otto Frank
Well , I hope you like this video. It even made me cry when I was editing it . So tell me what u think about. Song: You'll be in my heart - Phill Collins Mov...
- published: 28 Feb 2009
- views: 17831
author: gaby78
L.S. Frank walking outside house bearing daughter's name. M.S. Man points at plaque. M.S. Frank and girls. C.U. Frank. G.V. Frank walking with girls. G.V. Banqu...
L.S. Frank walking outside house bearing daughter's name. M.S. Man points at plaque. M.S. Frank and girls. C.U. Frank. G.V. Frank walking with girls. G.V. Banquet table. M.CU Girl reads from Anne's diary. C.U. Tilt down from picture of Anne to father at table. M.CU Girls listening. M.S. Frank speaking. MLS. Girls. C.U. Frank speaking. C.U. Picture of Anne.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/a03a0aa3423e4c56b9b638ba5389ff63
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Otto Frank No Sound
L.S. Frank walking outside house bearing daughter's name. M.S. Man points at plaque. M.S. Frank and girls. C.U. Frank. G.V. Frank walking with girls. G.V. Banquet table. M.CU Girl reads from Anne's diary. C.U. Tilt down from picture of Anne to father at table. M.CU Girls listening. M.S. Frank speaking. MLS. Girls. C.U. Frank speaking. C.U. Picture of Anne.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/a03a0aa3423e4c56b9b638ba5389ff63
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 0
OTTO FRANK Film Presented & Discussion by Eva Schloss Part One
On Wednesday 1 December 2010, the first day of Chanukah, the CJL proudly hosted the UK premier of the film Otto Frank: Father of Anne, a documentary, which w......
On Wednesday 1 December 2010, the first day of Chanukah, the CJL proudly hosted the UK premier of the film Otto Frank: Father of Anne, a documentary, which w...
wn.com/Otto Frank Film Presented Discussion By Eva Schloss Part One
On Wednesday 1 December 2010, the first day of Chanukah, the CJL proudly hosted the UK premier of the film Otto Frank: Father of Anne, a documentary, which w...
Otto Frank - Happy Ending (READ DESCRIPTION)
WATCH MY REMAKE! IT IS IN THE RESPOND BOX! This is a video without Peter and Anne but with Otto Frank. READ THIS FIRST: Otto frank has returned after the war......
WATCH MY REMAKE! IT IS IN THE RESPOND BOX! This is a video without Peter and Anne but with Otto Frank. READ THIS FIRST: Otto frank has returned after the war...
wn.com/Otto Frank Happy Ending (Read Description)
WATCH MY REMAKE! IT IS IN THE RESPOND BOX! This is a video without Peter and Anne but with Otto Frank. READ THIS FIRST: Otto frank has returned after the war...
- published: 16 Mar 2008
- views: 14552
author: malne12
Otto Frank - Happy Ending (Remake)
Hello Everyone, So this is my Remake of my Happy Ending video. I have make it better quality and changed the story a bit. -----------------------------------......
Hello Everyone, So this is my Remake of my Happy Ending video. I have make it better quality and changed the story a bit. -----------------------------------...
wn.com/Otto Frank Happy Ending (Remake)
Hello Everyone, So this is my Remake of my Happy Ending video. I have make it better quality and changed the story a bit. -----------------------------------...
- published: 28 Dec 2008
- views: 1839
author: malne12
Otto frank
Cuando Otto Frank regresa del campo de concentración, Miep le entrega los diarios de Ana, y al leerlos empieza a recordar los buenos momentos en los que estuvo ...
Cuando Otto Frank regresa del campo de concentración, Miep le entrega los diarios de Ana, y al leerlos empieza a recordar los buenos momentos en los que estuvo con su familia.
Edición: Paula Comparán.
Colaboración: Edmundo Comparán.
Película: Anne Frank The Whole Story.
Canción: The Tears in Heaven.
Cantante: Eric Clapton.
Dedicado a: Otto Frank y su familia.
Tiempo requerido: 3 dias.
Programa Utilizado: Final Cut Pro X.
wn.com/Otto Frank
Cuando Otto Frank regresa del campo de concentración, Miep le entrega los diarios de Ana, y al leerlos empieza a recordar los buenos momentos en los que estuvo con su familia.
Edición: Paula Comparán.
Colaboración: Edmundo Comparán.
Película: Anne Frank The Whole Story.
Canción: The Tears in Heaven.
Cantante: Eric Clapton.
Dedicado a: Otto Frank y su familia.
Tiempo requerido: 3 dias.
Programa Utilizado: Final Cut Pro X.
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 24
27.01.10 Solfrizzi è Otto Frank in "Mi ricordo di Anna Frank"
Per ricordare lo sterminio di sei milioni di ebrei nei lager nazisti, stasera su Rai Uno andrà in onda il film "Mi ricordo di Anna Frank" che vede nei panni ......
Per ricordare lo sterminio di sei milioni di ebrei nei lager nazisti, stasera su Rai Uno andrà in onda il film "Mi ricordo di Anna Frank" che vede nei panni ...
wn.com/27.01.10 Solfrizzi È Otto Frank In Mi Ricordo Di Anna Frank
Per ricordare lo sterminio di sei milioni di ebrei nei lager nazisti, stasera su Rai Uno andrà in onda il film "Mi ricordo di Anna Frank" che vede nei panni ...
- published: 27 Jan 2010
- views: 15473
author: Antenna Sud
The Diary of Anne Frank - Landen Starkman | Otto Frank Monologue
Hi there, the past two months I have been in The Diary of Anne Frank playing Otto Frank and it has been such an unreal experience. This is the final monologue e...
Hi there, the past two months I have been in The Diary of Anne Frank playing Otto Frank and it has been such an unreal experience. This is the final monologue explaining what happened to the family after they were found.
wn.com/The Diary Of Anne Frank Landen Starkman | Otto Frank Monologue
Hi there, the past two months I have been in The Diary of Anne Frank playing Otto Frank and it has been such an unreal experience. This is the final monologue explaining what happened to the family after they were found.
- published: 24 Nov 2015
- views: 46
Margot Betti Frank 1926-1945
Margot Frank was born in Frankfurt am Main. her sister Anne Frank, her father Otto Frank, & her mother Edith Holander....
Margot Frank was born in Frankfurt am Main. her sister Anne Frank, her father Otto Frank, & her mother Edith Holander.
wn.com/Margot Betti Frank 1926 1945
Margot Frank was born in Frankfurt am Main. her sister Anne Frank, her father Otto Frank, & her mother Edith Holander.
Auschwitz survivor Eva Schloss talks about her relationship with Anne Frank (Part 1)
June 12, 2009 Auschwitz survivor Eva Schloss talks about her relationship with Anne Frank Part 1.
Millie Anderson interviewing Otto Frank
BBC reporter Millie Anderson interviewing Otto Frank about his daughter Anne Frank
Interviewing Otto Frank
Anne Frank Project
Miep Gies tells about giving the diary of Anne Frank to her father
Please note: English subtitles for Miep will appear by clicking on subtitle (cc) at the right bottom corner of the video. When Otto Frank received the news t...
David de Jongh bij Avonden over Otto Frank
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire 'Otto Frank, de vader van Anne' uitgezonden vlak voor de eerste uitzending van ...
David de Jongh bij Avonden over Otto Frank
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire 'Otto Frank, de vader van Anne' uitgezonden vlak voor de eerste uitzending van .
Uitgezonden april 2010. De foto's zijn gemaakt in de draaiperiode van de film.
Bromet en De Jongh worden in het VPRO Radioprogramma 'De Avonden' ondervraagd, naar aanleiding van Bromets retrospectief op het IDFA 2008 en De .
The interviews of Anne Frank and Otto Frank
Video created with the Socialcam app: https://socialcam.com.
David de Jongh over Otto Frank op Radio 1
Uitgezonden april 2010. De foto's zijn gemaakt in de draaiperiode van de film.
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire 'Otto Frank, de vader van Anne' uitgezonden vlak voor de eerste uitzending van .
Miep Gies Interview
In this 1988 interview, Harry Smith spoke with Miep Gies and Mary Steenburgen on the film The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank and Gies' time spent harboring ...
Anne Frank - The Whole Story -1
A mini series based on the book of Mekissa Muller about Anne Frank. Was aired on 2001. with Ben Kingsley, Brenda Blethyn, Hanna Taylor-Gordon and more.
Interview with Wolfgang Linschmann, Glass Blower for Otto Pressler
Priceless for me, and Frank, and Rudi, and Beate, and hopefully more...
R.I.P. otto frank
August 19th 2009 marks the 29th anniversry (spelling) of otto frank's death :( rest in peace otto.
Auschwitz survivor Eva Schloss talks about her relationship with Anne Frank (Part 1)
June 12, 2009 Auschwitz survivor Eva Schloss talks about her relationship with Anne Frank Part 1....
June 12, 2009 Auschwitz survivor Eva Schloss talks about her relationship with Anne Frank Part 1.
wn.com/Auschwitz Survivor Eva Schloss Talks About Her Relationship With Anne Frank (Part 1)
June 12, 2009 Auschwitz survivor Eva Schloss talks about her relationship with Anne Frank Part 1.
Millie Anderson interviewing Otto Frank
BBC reporter Millie Anderson interviewing Otto Frank about his daughter Anne Frank...
BBC reporter Millie Anderson interviewing Otto Frank about his daughter Anne Frank
wn.com/Millie Anderson Interviewing Otto Frank
BBC reporter Millie Anderson interviewing Otto Frank about his daughter Anne Frank
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 6
Miep Gies tells about giving the diary of Anne Frank to her father
Please note: English subtitles for Miep will appear by clicking on subtitle (cc) at the right bottom corner of the video. When Otto Frank received the news t......
Please note: English subtitles for Miep will appear by clicking on subtitle (cc) at the right bottom corner of the video. When Otto Frank received the news t...
wn.com/Miep Gies Tells About Giving The Diary Of Anne Frank To Her Father
Please note: English subtitles for Miep will appear by clicking on subtitle (cc) at the right bottom corner of the video. When Otto Frank received the news t...
David de Jongh bij Avonden over Otto Frank
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire 'Otto Frank, de vader van Anne' uitgezonden vlak voor de eerste uitzending van ......
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire 'Otto Frank, de vader van Anne' uitgezonden vlak voor de eerste uitzending van ...
wn.com/David De Jongh Bij Avonden Over Otto Frank
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire 'Otto Frank, de vader van Anne' uitgezonden vlak voor de eerste uitzending van ...
- published: 25 Nov 2012
- views: 173
author: jonghtube
David de Jongh bij Avonden over Otto Frank
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire 'Otto Frank, de vader van Anne' uitgezonden vlak voor de eerste uitzending van .
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire 'Otto Frank, de vader van Anne' uitgezonden vlak voor de eerste uitzending van .
Uitgezonden april 2010. De foto's zijn gemaakt in de draaiperiode van de film.
Bromet en De Jongh worden in het VPRO Radioprogramma 'De Avonden' ondervraagd, naar aanleiding van Bromets retrospectief op het IDFA 2008 en De .
wn.com/David De Jongh Bij Avonden Over Otto Frank
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire 'Otto Frank, de vader van Anne' uitgezonden vlak voor de eerste uitzending van .
Uitgezonden april 2010. De foto's zijn gemaakt in de draaiperiode van de film.
Bromet en De Jongh worden in het VPRO Radioprogramma 'De Avonden' ondervraagd, naar aanleiding van Bromets retrospectief op het IDFA 2008 en De .
- published: 19 Nov 2015
- views: 0
The interviews of Anne Frank and Otto Frank
Video created with the Socialcam app: https://socialcam.com....
Video created with the Socialcam app: https://socialcam.com.
wn.com/The Interviews Of Anne Frank And Otto Frank
Video created with the Socialcam app: https://socialcam.com.
David de Jongh over Otto Frank op Radio 1
Uitgezonden april 2010. De foto's zijn gemaakt in de draaiperiode van de film.
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire ...
Uitgezonden april 2010. De foto's zijn gemaakt in de draaiperiode van de film.
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire 'Otto Frank, de vader van Anne' uitgezonden vlak voor de eerste uitzending van .
wn.com/David De Jongh Over Otto Frank Op Radio 1
Uitgezonden april 2010. De foto's zijn gemaakt in de draaiperiode van de film.
Interview van Floortje Smit met David de Jongh, regisseur van de documentaire 'Otto Frank, de vader van Anne' uitgezonden vlak voor de eerste uitzending van .
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 1
Miep Gies Interview
In this 1988 interview, Harry Smith spoke with Miep Gies and Mary Steenburgen on the film The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank and Gies' time spent harboring ......
In this 1988 interview, Harry Smith spoke with Miep Gies and Mary Steenburgen on the film The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank and Gies' time spent harboring ...
wn.com/Miep Gies Interview
In this 1988 interview, Harry Smith spoke with Miep Gies and Mary Steenburgen on the film The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank and Gies' time spent harboring ...
- published: 12 Jan 2010
- views: 76169
author: CBS News
Anne Frank - The Whole Story -1
A mini series based on the book of Mekissa Muller about Anne Frank. Was aired on 2001. with Ben Kingsley, Brenda Blethyn, Hanna Taylor-Gordon and more....
A mini series based on the book of Mekissa Muller about Anne Frank. Was aired on 2001. with Ben Kingsley, Brenda Blethyn, Hanna Taylor-Gordon and more.
wn.com/Anne Frank The Whole Story 1
A mini series based on the book of Mekissa Muller about Anne Frank. Was aired on 2001. with Ben Kingsley, Brenda Blethyn, Hanna Taylor-Gordon and more.
- published: 17 Mar 2012
- views: 1175302
author: Itamar Tzur
Interview with Wolfgang Linschmann, Glass Blower for Otto Pressler
Priceless for me, and Frank, and Rudi, and Beate, and hopefully more......
Priceless for me, and Frank, and Rudi, and Beate, and hopefully more...
wn.com/Interview With Wolfgang Linschmann, Glass Blower For Otto Pressler
Priceless for me, and Frank, and Rudi, and Beate, and hopefully more...
- published: 15 Dec 2014
- views: 92
R.I.P. otto frank
August 19th 2009 marks the 29th anniversry (spelling) of otto frank's death :( rest in peace otto....
August 19th 2009 marks the 29th anniversry (spelling) of otto frank's death :( rest in peace otto.
wn.com/R.I.P. Otto Frank
August 19th 2009 marks the 29th anniversry (spelling) of otto frank's death :( rest in peace otto.