Tag Archives: meet a blog

Global warming a hoax? No, the hoax claim is a hoax…

Interesting. See Global warming a hoax? No, the hoax claim is a hoax. Rush Limbaugh fell for it, though, as did several others who profess to be skeptical of global warming.

Posted in blogging, climate change, Education | Tagged , , ,

Meet a blog

In this case I stumbled upon the blog in question via Perry Middlemiss’s Matilda which I had consulted when putting up the last Friday Australian poem. I soon found that The Happy Antipodean and I had much in common, except that he … Continue reading

Posted in Aussie interest, blogging, Cultural and other, OzLit, Personal, Reading | Tagged ,

This is interesting…

I’m not an avid science fiction or fantasy reader, but neither am I a hater of such work. While I had never heard of writer Darryl Sloan, therefore, I am sure many will have.

Posted in blogging, Reading, writing | Tagged ,

Remember when private armies were considered evil?

You don’t have to be very old to recall a time when the only private armies we heard about were shady operations somewhere in Africa… Not any more of course. I came across a good post on the matter via … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Current affairs, News and Current Affairs | Tagged , ,

Racism and racists and The Plonker’s latest foot-in-mouth attack

I have been giving much thought to Jim Belshaw’s post Race and racism in Australia. He is quite right to say that pseudoscientific racism, the kind that was official policy in Nazi Germany and more widely accepted elsewhere in the … Continue reading

Posted in Aussie interest, Current affairs, Faith and philosophy, immigration, Jim Belshaw, Multiculturalism and diversity, News and Current Affairs, racism | Tagged , , , , , | 13 Comments

I’ll watch this with interest

Jim Belshaw has more blogs than I do, I think… This one he made “absent-mindedly” back in August with a “call for volunteers”. He has now found a rather interesting one with impeccable Surry Hills connections. Perhaps I should join, … Continue reading

Posted in Aussie interest, blogging, Jim Belshaw | Tagged | 1 Comment