New Internationalist

Greece in debt bondage: the people will pay

Greece in debt bondage: the people will pay

The rich will get richer, and the poor...? It's a familiar story, says Katerina Kitidi.
'Democracy does not apply to Aboriginal people'

'Democracy does not apply to Aboriginal people'

As the Aboriginal Tent Embassy marks its 40th birthday, rights activist Michael Anderson talks about past and current struggles.
Barclays wins ‘shame’ award

Barclays wins ‘shame’ award

Barclays gets the recognition it deserves for making millions from speculating on food prices.
Grave concerns over Kashmir's security laws

Grave concerns over Kashmir's security laws

A grim discovery has exposed the military’s abuse of draconian powers, says Freny Manecksha.
Haiti: where did all the money go?

Haiti: where did all the money go?

More than $10 billion was raised worldwide for Haiti after the earthquake. But, two years on, what have NGOs done with all the cash?
Sumatra: this land is my land

Sumatra: this land is my land

A report from Indonesia on a dogged resistance by rural communities to plantation companies’ violent land-grabbing.


US drones invade Iraqi skies

When is a US troop pullout not a pullout? asks Felicity Arbuthnot.

Letter from Cairo

The future is unknown, but we can learn on the job, says Maria Golia.

Papua New Guinea

A small group of islands with a long history

‘Democracy does not apply to Aboriginal people’

To mark Australia Day on 26 January, Christoph Behrends talks to Aboriginal rights activist Michael Anderson about past and current struggles.

Has the ANC ushered in neo-apartheid?

As the African National Congress turns 100, Brett Scott criticises its failure to share South Africa’s prosperity with the poor.

The credit union boom

Fed up with being fleeced, North Americans are flocking to co-operative savings societies. Wayne Ellwood reports.

Israel evicts Bedouin villagers

More than 30,000 Bedouin, which the Israeli government call ‘squatters’, face eviction to make way for settlements, reports Libby Powell.

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Release Somali hunger strikers from Lutsk detention centre!

Join campaigners on Monday 6 February at a picket outside the Ukrainian Embassy in London.

Lobbyists lie to avoid copyright treaty scrutiny

Another week, another secret copyright treaty and this time it’s the Trans-Pacific Partnership as a hotel lies to pressure groups to keep them away from negotiations, reports Charlie Harvey.

Greece in debt bondage: the people will pay

The proposed bond swap agreement will do nothing to help the country but plenty to line the pockets of the rich, says Katerina Kitidi.

Olympic sex-trafficking myth creates climate of fear

Fears of a flood of sex workers entering London are creating extreme unease despite little evidence to back this up, says Giedre Steikunaite.

Re-colonizing Africa?

India’s plans to buy up land in Africa are shameful, says Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

Barclays wins ‘shame’ award

Barclays gets the recognition it deserves for making millions from speculating on food prices.

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