Izbet Tabib (15/07/2006)
Protest against the wall, Bil'in (07/01/2011)
Action against bulldozers, Al-Walaja (04/08/2010)
Palestinian farmers prevented from harvesting their land, Saffa (27/06/09)

In the past two years, Anarchists Against the Wall has been subject to a growing wave of assaults on anti-occupation activists in  Israel and the West Bank.

In order to sustain our work and provide legal representation to arrested activists, we have issued an urgent appeal for  regular supporters to help us raise $1500 by the end of each month.



Friday Demonstrations Report

Nabi SalihNabi Salih

In Nabi Salih, the Israeli army invaded the village in the early hours of the afternoon. Soldiers surrounded the area of the demonstration from the mountain top and road, and attacked protesters using tear gas, stunt grenades and rubber coated metal bullets in a violent attempt to break and disperse the demonstration.


Demonstrations and Direct Actions in the West Bank Persist

During a larger than usual demonstration in Bil'in, a Palestinian citizen of Israel was hit directly in the forehead, and was immediately evacuated by an ambulance to Ramallah, where he was diagnosed with a fractured skull and then transferred to Israel for further treatment. In Al Wallaja, around 40 Palestinians and internationals had managed to stop the work of bulldozers for several hours.

Friday, April 16 2010 Weekly Demonstrations

Under enormous state pressures - the weekly demonstrations continue. This week in Bil'in, Ma'asara, Nabi-Saleh, Ni'ilin & Shiekh Jarrah.

Ma'asara, April 16 2010Ma'asara, April 16 2010

A Growing Popular Struggle - 9-11.4.10 Weekend Demonstrations

Whle oppression of demonstrations and popular actions continues to grow harsh, more and more villages join in on the struggle. Recently, Beit Umar and Beit Jalla have become new constant locations of demoonstrations, much to the army's discontent. Meanwhile, the vetran villages go on protesting, and more and more Israelis join in the struggle as well - throughout the West Bank, and especially in Sheikh Jarrah.


Weekly Demonstrations Commemorating Land Day

The struggle against land confiscations of the Palestinian citizens of Israel continues since the 1948 war. On March 30, 1976, the first Land Day demonstration against land grab at the Galilee was held. Six were murdered that day. During the week joint demonstrations were held in Bethlehem & Betunya, in Budrus & Qarawet-Bani-Hassan, in Bil'in, Ma'asara, Nabi-Saleh, Ni'lin, and Sheikh-Jarrah, in Beit-Omar, and in Beit-Jalla.

Nabi-Saleh, April 2 2010Nabi-Saleh, April 2 2010

Weekly Demonstrations, March 26 2010

Amidst heavy rains, five weekly demonstrations were held this week against the wall and the settelments in Bil'in, Ma'asara, Ni'ilin, Nabi-Saleh & Shiekh-Jarrah.

Nabi-Saleh, March 26 2010

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