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Saint Paul, the Apostle

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The Conversion of St. Paul, oil on canvas by Caravaggio, 1601; in Santa Maria del 
[Credit: SCALA/Art Resource, New York]

Saint Paul, the Apostle, original name Saul of Tarsus   (born 4 bc?, Tarsus in Cilicia [now in Turkey]—died c. ad 62–64, Rome [Italy]), one of the leaders of the first generation of Christians, often considered to be the second most important person in the history of Christianity. In his own day, although he was a major figure within the very small Christian movement, he also had many enemies and detractors, and his contemporaries probably did not accord him as much respect as they gave Peter and James. Paul was compelled to struggle, therefore, to establish his own worth and authority. His surviving letters, however, have had enormous influence on subsequent Christianity and secure his place as one of the greatest religious leaders of all time.

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(AD 10?-67?).Saul of Tarsus, who at the time was a determined persecutor of the early followers of Jesus, was traveling to Damascus to take prisoner any Christians he might find there. Suddenly, as the story is told in the Bible in Acts 9, a great light shone down on him, and he heard a voice say, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" Trembling, Saul asked, "Who art thou, Lord?" The voice answered, "I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest." Shaken and still dazzled by the light he had seen, Saul went on to Damascus a changed person. From that day he used the name Paul and "straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the son of God."

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