Marketing Must Be Anticipated, Relevant, Personal, and Integrated

There comes a time when a business must make the decision to change. Change the way they are developing marketing initiatives and using marketing technology. There comes a time when the marketer and the consumer must say, “Dear Marketing, I’m no longer in love with you. I want to build something deeper and stronger. A relationship that drives value on both sides.

I sat down this morning to look over (and review) Permission Marketing by Seth Godin. It has been a book that I read published and every year since. One of the famous quotes from the book is the following:

Businesses can no longer rely on traditional forms of interruption marketing in magazines, mailings, telemarketing, radio or television.

I would change… Read more

15 Stats on Why Mobile is Important and What to Do

MediaPost and Online Media Daily are great publications to read if you are looking for up-to-date information on everything digital, marketing and media. Did you know that the use of mobile messaging and marketing exploded over the holiday season in 2011? PEW American & Internet Life Project highlighted findings that more than half (52%) of adult cell phone owners used their devices while in a store to help with purchasing decisions. So here is the breakdown:

  1. 52% of adult cell owners used their devices while in the store
  2. Cell owners ages 18-49 are significantly more likely to use their phone for online product reviews
  3. 33% of adult cell owners used their phone specifically for online information while inside a physical store

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The #Social46, Social Media, and the Indianapolis Super Bowl

I actually laid awake last night thinking about this post. I knew I needed to write this post. I also knew that I didn’t want to rehash the negative conversation revolving the #social46 and the game. Better late than never… right?

For those of you not tuned into the conversation here is the basic outline around the #social46. I decided to borrow from Jay Baer’s post - Klout, the Super Bowl and Our Addiction to Shooting the Messenger because frankly… Jay is the better writer. :)

Two weeks ago, I received a Klout Perk to be part of the Social 46, a gathering of Indiana’s top social media influencers. According to the

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I Love Buying Twitter and Facebook Friends

Of course I don’t. I find it completely ridiculous.

I do receive emails from vendors, suppliers, and marketers requesting a sponsored blog post, link, or guest post. There are times when money is offered and other times when they would prefer something free. However, I experienced something different last night while reading new emails.


I hope this message finds you well.

I’d like to advertise on your site for our WEBSITE. It wouldn’t be anything obtrusive; I’d like to get either a mention & link in a post leading to our site. If you help me out we’d be more than willing to compensate you with social media services such as 1000 Facebook fans or 1000 Twitter followers to maximize

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If You Feel Comfortable You Are Dead

Last night, I was reading a blog by Christopher Stuzman of Forrester called The Five Habits of Adaptive Marketers. Great post. You should definitely check it out. In the blog Chris discusses the different steps marketers need to take in order to survive the fast changing climate of marketing (both digital and traditional). At the very beginning of the blog Chris states:

“I recently interviewed a top marketing executive who summed up her journey to becoming a digital-era marketer by saying, “If you feel comfortable, you’re not transforming.” It might sound cliche, but today’s most successful marketers are wholeheartedly embracing the “no pain, no gain” mentality.”

He continues to say that most marketers are living the “all pain and no gain”… Read more