‘A few Man Fridays’

Posted in Uncategorized on January 29th, 2012 by Robert Bain – Be the first to comment

A few Man FridaysA play inspired by the eviction of the Chagos islands, A Few Man Fridays, is playing at London’s Riverside Studios from 10 February to 10 March, produced by Cardboard Citizens.

The title comes from a real historical quote by a Foreign Office official when the eviction was being planned in 1966, showing the British government’s disdain for the Chagossian people. With his superiors saying the islands must be made empty except for the seagulls, DH Greenhill wrote in a note: “Unfortunately along with the birds go some few Tarzans or Men Fridays whose origins are obscure, and who are hopefully being wished on to Mauritius, etc.”

Cardboard Citizens, which puts on plays performed by homeless and displaced people, stages the story in its trademark style where personal testimony and historical narrative meet to forge epic, mesmerising theatre.

Moving, gripping and funny, A Few Man Fridays unearths an inglorious episode of British history, and explores the fantasies of the powerful set against the dreams of the powerless.

To find out more and to watch the video trailer for the play, click here.

“Ministers recognise the injustice done to the Chagossians. But it’s time for action, not words.”

Posted in APPG, ConDem, FCO, MPA, Parliament, William Hague on January 20th, 2012 by Mark Fitzsimons – Be the first to comment

David Snoxell, Coordinator of the Chagos Islands (BIOT) All-Party Parliamentary Group, likens the attitude of the current government to that of unwilling backseat passengers in an article for Conservative Home, saying:

“There is not much evidence that Ministers are succeeding in challenging the status quo on Chagos and applying political will and compromise to finding workable solutions – though, unlike the previous government, it is pretty clear that they would like to do so. They give the impression of being unwilling passengers bound and gagged in the backseat of a car driven doggedly by their officials.”

Mr Snoxell notes that the UK remains in violation of several UN human rights instruments and decisions and that its international reputation continues to be badly damaged by accusations of double standards. He finishes the article by encouraging the government to resolve the Chagossian injustice in 2012, a year in which the eyes of the world will be focussed on the UK:

“What better year than 2012, when the eyes of the world are on London for the Olympic Games and the Diamond Jubilee, to restore the human rights and the dignity of the Chagossian people? What better way to mark the Queen’s long reign, which has seen the transition of the British Empire to a Commonwealth of Nations, by bringing to an end this tragedy and relic of Empire in the Indian Ocean? Jeremy Corbyn, the Chairman of the APPG, has asked for a debate early in the session. This will be the opportunity for the Foreign Secretary to tell Parliament about the progress that he is making towards a settlement of the issues.”

You can read the full article here.

Watch ‘Stealing a Nation’ online

Posted in video on January 8th, 2012 by Robert Bain – 1 Comment

John Pilger’s excellent film Stealing a Nation is now available to watch in full online via Vimeo.

The film tells the story of the illegal eviction of the Chagos islanders and their fight for justice, up to 2004 when the Blair government used the Royal Prerogative to overrule the courts and stop them returning. Stealing a Nation is a moving and revealing introduction to the shocking story of Chagos.

For a quick summary of developments in the Chagos struggle since 2004, see our history section here.

Lisette Talate dies aged 70

Posted in CRG, Mauritius, personal on January 6th, 2012 by Robert Bain – Be the first to comment

We are saddened to learn of the death of Lisette Talate, who died on Wednesday at the age of 70.

Lisette, who was born on Chagos, was a prominent and inspirational figure in the Chagossian community in Mauritius and in the campaign to be allowed to return to the islands. She was able to take part in a short visit to the islands in 2006 – the first time she had been back since she and hundreds of others were evicted 33 years earlier. Sadly she did not live long enough to see justice done.

Olivier Bancoult, chairman of the Chagos Refugees Group, sent this statement:

“It’s with great sadness that we announce the death of Mrs Lisette Talate, our vice president and elected members of Chagossian Welfare Fund Board.

Mrs Talate had been involved in the struggle since her arrival in Mauritius in 1973. Together with Charlesia Alexis and others, she has been a famous example, having participated in several hunger strikes, demonstrations and been arrested by police.

Our community has lost one of our unforgotten personalities who has contributed to the struggle of the Chagossians. She was nominated among one thousand women for the Peace Nobel Prize, and had been decorated by the Prime Minister last year as Members of Star and Key of the Indian Ocean.

Our condolences to all members of her family together with our Chagos Refugees Group members and our Chagossian community.”

Lisette’s funeral was held yesterday in Cassis, Mauritius.

Read L’Express’s reports here and here, the Chagos Refugees Group’s report here and Le Mauricien’s report here.

The longer the British government delays in bringing justice to the Chagossians, the fewer will be left to see their homeland again.

Our message to the government

Posted in FCO on January 5th, 2012 by Robert Bain – Be the first to comment

The UK Chagos Support Association has submitted its comments to the Foreign Office’s consultation on the Overseas Territories.

The government says it wants to build better relations between the UK and its various territories and improve governance. Well, governance doesn’t get much worse than what the people of Chagos (officially the British Indian Ocean Territory) have had to endure over the past forty years, and continue to endure.

So our message is simple: the government should cease its opposition to the return of the Chagossian people to their homeland.

The full text of our submission is below.


Submission from the UK Chagos Support Association to the Overseas Territories Consultation


1. Challenges

What are the main challenges facing your Territory/the Territories?

The repatriation and resettlement of the islanders who were illegally expelled between 1968-73 is the paramount aim of the Chagossian community and their supporters.

We in the UKChSA believe (a belief that is evidentially supported) that a viable resettlement is possible but will require limited government support and funding. We in the UKChSA, believe that an initial ecologically sustainable community could be established as a ‘bridgehead’ on the outer islands. BIOT’s people ask only for parity of support with the people of other UK overseas territories (Pitcairn, Tristan da Cunha are remoter than BIOT, for example and have tiny populations yet receive substantial governmental support).

We would remind the UK government that the right to return to the outer islands was restored by Robin Cook in November 2000 but withdrawn by the FCO in June 2004 by use of the Royal Prerogative.


2. Cooperation with the UK

What are the most important areas of cooperation between your Territory/the Territories and the UK?

Cooperation between the UK and the returning population of BIOT will be key initially and UK governmental budgetary support, would (alongside international donors) be required as the returning Chagossians re-establish their communities but such support, we contest is within modest and manageable levels.

In what areas would you like to see greater engagement and interaction between the UK and your Territory/the Territories?

We believe that HMG should cease its opposition to the return of the Chagossian people to their homeland, a homeland from which they were illegally expelled. This would include the UK government withdrawing its defence against the case which is currently before the ECHR.

How can the UK and your Territory/the Territories strengthen cooperation and build more effective partnerships?

Whilst we believe that the people of the Chagos islands would seek to build strong relations with the UK following resettlement, it is too early to speak about building cooperation whilst the UK government continues to uphold the exile of BIOT’s indigenous people and prevents them from returning to their homeland.


3. Governance, financial management and economic planning

How do you assess the quality of good governance, public financial management and economic planning in your Territory/the Territories?

Regrettably the indigenous people of BIOT have been in exile at least since the early 1970s and have not been able to experience any of the above benefits in BIOT.

What are the priorities for improvement?

Repopulation of BIOT and the restoration of environmentally sustainable communities in the Outer Islands.

How can the UK best work with your Territory/the Territories to strengthen these areas?

Please see above.


4. External support

What do you think of the quality and range of external support (i.e. support other than from the UK) available to your Territory/the Territories, including from regional bodies, the Commonwealth, and the European Union?

Regrettably the indigenous people of BIOT have been in exile since the early 1970s and have not been able to experience any of the above in BIOT.

What can the UK best do to help Territories access external support?

Assist the returning Chagossian community (financially and logistically) with the establishment of an administration or the administrative capability to represent them in dealings with such bodies.


5. Cooperation between Territories

What potential do you see for increased cooperation and partnership between Territories?

Before Chagossians can speak of co-operation and partnership with people of other Overseas Territories, they should be able to enjoy the same rights of abode as the citizens of such territories.

In which areas does your Territory/the Territories provide support to other Territories? How might this be expanded?

The Chagossian community is currently exiled from its homeland and spread substantially across three countries – it is not in a position to provide support to other Territories or play their full part in the family of territories or otherwise.


6. Global profile of the Territories

How does your Territory/the Territories promote its successes?

The eviction of the indigenous population of BIOT in order that Diego Garcia could be made available to the US is a clear failure of UK policy towards the people of one of its overseas territories.

What more could be done to raise Territories’ profile internationally?

We believe that by restoring the right of abode of BIOT’s indigenous population, the British government would send a strong and positive human rights message globally that we no longer operate double standards, despite decades of the violation of the fundamental human rights of the Chagossian people.

How can the UK best support this?

By restoring and supporting the return of the Chagossian people to their homeland.

“With political will and compromise, solutions could be found”

Posted in APPG, CCT, ConDem, conservation, CRG, FCO, Legal, Mauritius, MPA, Parliament, Wikileaks, William Hague on December 23rd, 2011 by Mark Fitzsimons – Be the first to comment

So explains David Snoxell, co-ordinator of the British All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Chagos, in an interview with L’Express Weekly, Mauritius. The piece covers issues ranging from De L’Estrac’s English translation of his book ‘Next Year in Diego Garcia’ to a recent meeting of the APPG with William Hague, and how people can get more involved in supporting the Chagossians. The article is available here.

The Chagos Islands (BIOT) All-Party Parliamentary Group: Co-ordinator’s Summary of 26th Meeting

Posted in APPG, ConDem, conservation, FCO, Mauritius, Parliament, Uncategorized, William Hague on December 16th, 2011 by Mark Fitzsimons – Be the first to comment

Photo: Gail Johnson

The Chagos Islands (BIOT) All-Party Parliamentary Group held its 26th meeting on 15 December 2011 in Parliament. The meeting was preceded by a 45 minute meeting with the Foreign Secretary in the FCO, attended by 8 members from all parties and both Houses, the Coordinator and two officials from Overseas Territories Department.

Members expressed their views on a wide range of issues including review of the 1966 UK/US agreement, defence and security, pre-election Coalition commitments to the Chagossians, the case at Strasbourg, the UK’s human rights obligations, feasibility of resettlement (sea-levels etc), availability of funding, the need for a new independent study, the legitimacy of the MPA, conservation and future sovereignty. Members urged the Foreign Secretary to discuss any US defence concerns with Hilary Clinton directly and to seize the opportunity of the 2014 review of the 1966 agreement in order to make provision for the return of the Chagossians to the Outer Islands. The Chairman of the APPG suggested that one way of making progress would be to establish in the FCO a cross cutting unit, independent of Overseas Territories Department, which would bring all issues from human rights to conservation together, dedicated to bringing about an overall settlement, and which would call on expertise from outside the FCO. With political will and compromise, solutions could be found. It was pointed out that a speech by the Foreign Secretary entitled ‘The best Diplomatic Service in the world: strengthening the FCO’ noted that “our diplomats excel at finding deft, realistic and workable solutions”.This offered cause for optimism.

Mr Hague acknowledged that participants represented a wide cross section of Parliament and that they possessed in-depth knowledge and considerable experience of the issues. He had listened carefully to their suggestions but whilst he was sympathetic to many of the views expressed he could not take matters forward until the court cases had been concluded when a different situation could prevail. He understood that a decision by Strasbourg might take until the early summer. Members urged him, in the meantime, to take forward discussions with the US and Mauritius. Mr Hague reiterated FCO positions on defence and feasibility, whilst recognising that the practical aspect of resettlement was secondary to the principle of the right to return. He mentioned the strengthening of links between the FCO and Chagossian groups through meetings and visits. Mr Hague agreed to a further meeting with the Group after the ECtHR had given its decision. The Chairman thanked the Foreign Secretary for a cordial meeting and said that the Group would write to him about the issues which members had raised. Mr Hague welcomed this.

The subsequent meeting of the APPG reviewed the meeting with the Foreign Secretary and felt that it had been useful and encouraging. It was agreed that the Chairman would table a request for a 90 minute Commons debate early next year. The APPG took note of the Chairman’s response, on behalf of the Group, to the FCO Consultation on the Overseas Territories. The Coordinator reported on the Linnean Society and CCT MPA conference on 24 November which he had attended on behalf of the Group, and also on his recent visit to Strasbourg.

The next meeting will be on 1 February 2012.

The Chagos Islands (BIOT) All-Party Parliamentary Group: Co-ordinator’s Summary of 25th Meeting

Posted in Uncategorized on December 13th, 2011 by Mark Fitzsimons – Be the first to comment

Photo: Gail Johnson

The Chagos Islands (BIOT) All-Party Parliamentary Group held its 25th meeting on 23 November 2011.

The Group reviewed recent developments and the state of play on the current legal and parliamentary actions. The Group discussed further exchanges of correspondence between the Vice Chairman Andrew Rosindell and the FCO Minister Henry Bellingham. As several of the issues remained unanswered the Group felt that Mr Rosindell should persevere with the correspondence. The Group was pleased to note that the postponed meeting with the Foreign Secretary had been fixed for 15 December. Members were keen to discuss a wide range of issues at that meeting. The Group were surprised that the US Ambassador had not yet answered a request for a meeting made in a letter from the Chairman on 10 June and asked for this to be pursued actively with the US Embassy. The Group noted the comments on Question Time on 3 November by Benjamin Zephaniah concerning the undemocratic use of the 2004 Orders in Council banning the Chagossians from returning to their homeland.

The APPG discussed the latest research, shortly to be published on sea level in the Chagos Archipelago by Dunne, Barbosa and Woodworth in Global and Planetary Change. Members noted that measurements showed that there been no detectable change in sea level over the last 20 years and that the islands should continue to be able to support human habitation, as they had done for much of the last 200 years. This contrasted with the advice of the BIOT Conservation Adviser that sea level rise was accelerating and the Foreign Secretary’s comments to the Foreign Affairs Committee on 8 September 2010 in which he raised the spectre of the “pressure of climate change on sea levels” which made resettlement “a very daunting prospect”. The issue was likely to surface at the Chagos MPA conference on 24 November at the Linnean Society at which the Coordinator would represent the Group. Members took note of an on-line article about the findings, by Fred Pearce in the New Scientist, which commented that since 2002 UK Ministers had repeatedly cited rising sea level as a “clear and compelling” reason why resettlement was not feasible.

Finally the Group decided to ask for a debate in the Commons on Chagos in the new year. The next meeting of the APPG will follow the meeting with the Foreign Secretary on 15 December.

Chagos football team on ITN

Posted in Crawley, Football on December 11th, 2011 by Robert Bain – Be the first to comment

Click here to see ITN Meridian Tonight’s report on the Chagos football team keeping their community spirit alive.

Chagos footballers to play Swiss team in friendly match

Posted in Uncategorized on November 28th, 2011 by Robert Bain – Be the first to comment

The Chagos Federation football team is playing a friendly match against the Swiss team Raetia Federation on Sunday 4 December.

Federation president Herold Mandarin invites all to come and support the Chagossian footballers.

The game is at 1.30pm at Oakwood Football Club, 6 Windsor Close, Crawley, RH11 9PA. Refreshments will be served afterwards.