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One year ago, direct action by millions of Egyptians resulted in the overthrow of long time dictator Hosni Mubarak.

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sdindymedia | 02/10/12 04:54am

On Sunday, January 22 the San Diego Radical Feminists held a rally, march and speakout at the Civic Center Plaza and in downtown on the anniversary of the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision of 1973 that ruled that many state and federal restrictions on abortion were unconstitutional under the due process/privacy clause of the fourteenth amendment to the US constitution.

Speakers at the rally emphasized that the right wing 'pro-life' fight to restrict abortion rights and womyn's control over their bodies has resulted in deaths and health problems for womyn, not fewer abortions; the legal history of increasing restrictions on rights of womyn to control their bodies; the impact of 'pro-life' false propaganda, especially in the Barrio communities, in changing the support for womyn's rights; the foundation of abortion restrictions in the economic interests of the 1% and in controlling womyn; and the need for an unapologetic, unco-opted movement to fight for womyn's rights.

"Up until the mid-1800s in this country, abortion was legal and freely available. It was allowed by both the Protestant and Catholic churches. In the mid 1800s, with the monopolization of the medical industry, and midwifery being banned, it was a strictly economic decision to ban abortion, so that doctors had control over what they could charge and what procedures could be performed… Under the ninth amendment, the constitution is not supposed to take any rights away. But [abortion] was legal at the time the constitution was written. So by the strictest constitutional analysis, abortion should be legal."
"We need what we have today, an unapologetic abortion rights movement that can confront these lies… The pro-choice movement has left the streets in favor of tactics of conciliation, lobbying, and supporting Democrats, and this has gone along with the rise of the right wing, and paved the way for more and more restrictions on our rights. Imagine a womyn's movement that changed the dialogue about abortion the way that Occupy has changed the dialogue about income inequality."
"What they really want is for womyn to be baby factories. To create the next generation of workers for their exploitation, as we know it as part of the 99%. That's what they really want. And they want to not have to pay us to have and take care of those children. They are already getting free labor for womyn in families who raise children without any support from our government. That's work! Its a full time job. And in fact during infancy it is a 24 hour job to raise a child. And we are doing it for free. They're not paying us to do that. They don't want us to have the right to choose not to do that for free when it is not the right time for us to do that."

--Read More with Video-- || Film: When Abortion Was Illegal: Untold Stories || Event Announcement


Mark Gabrish Conlan | 02/01/12 09:53pm

“By day I was a reporter for KGO-TV” — the San Francisco affiliate of ABC — “and by night I was a writer for the Berkeley Barb,” the Bay Area’s pioneering “underground” paper. Laurence also led a double life of another sort — as a closeted Gay man in an era when almost nobody was “out” in the modern sense — until March 1969, when the firing of a friend with whom he’d appeared in a provocative Barb photo led him to found the Committee on Homosexual Freedom (CHF) and lead the first protests in U.S. history against a private employer for firing a Queer employee...

What they did was mount a picket outside the States Steamship headquarters from noon to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. Laurence recalled that his group started with 13 “core” members and ultimately grew to about 25, plus other people on a contact list they could bring out for the States pickets and other demonstrations. Brown recalled that he was made picket captain “because I already had experience leading demonstrations with the anti-Viet Nam War movement.” He sought out training from the American Friends’ Service Committee (AFSC) on how to do nonviolent protesting, but that group — which, Brown recalled, had “organized in the South and risked their lives for Black civil rights” — refused to help a Queer group mount a protest. So Brown bought a dozen copies of the AFSC’s instruction manual on nonviolent civil disobedience and the group’s members taught themselves.

CHF founders realized they needed allies — and they looked for them in the same places modern Queer activists often do: the militant organizations of people of color. In 1969 that meant the Black Panther Party and the United Farm Workers (UFW). Laurence and Brown recalled how CHF joined the UFW’s pickets outside Safeway supermarkets to get people to stop buying grapes. In addition to signs with the UFW’s slogans, they also carried signs reading “Gay Is Good” and other messages from the new Queer movement. Not everyone on the UFW picket lines liked the idea of marching with a group carrying “Gay Is Good” messages. So, Laurence said, they went right to the top. “We called [UFW president] César Chávez, and he said, ‘Let them picket.’”

Later Laurence got a call from the Black Panthers, who essentially wanted him as a human shield to forestall a police raid on their headquarters they’d been tipped was about to happen. “They wanted some white people there,” he recalled. “I went down and it was obvious that I was Gay. The Panthers were impressed, and they taught us. --Read More from Mark Gabrish Conlan--

See also: Gay Liberation DIDN’T Begin at Stonewall!!!

Persimmon | 01/30/12 11:17am

On Friday, January 13th, Cipriana Jurado presented her work from the last twenty years as human rights defender and advocate for maquila workers as part of Enero Zapatista. The discussion and presentation took place at the Centro Aztlan Marco Anguiano and was organized by Colectivo Zapatista, San Diego. Cipriana has been organizing in Ciudad Juarez since the 80's, when at the age of 14 she started working in the maquilas.

Much of Cipriana's work has been addressing the victimization, kidnappings, murder and disappearances of women by the Mexican military. She is a co-founder of Centro de Investigaciones y Solidaridad Obrera (Center for Investigation and Worker Solidarity). This is dangerous work and she herself has been the victim of state violence. In fact, she is the first person to be granted asylum in the US due to Mexican military persecution. In 2008 she was taken, without warrant, by masked members of the Mexican military. She described the kidnapping in suspenseful detail and witnessed the brutality of the military first hand. --Read More (with Video coming soon)--

Centro de Investigaciones y Solidaridad Obrera || Colectivo Zapatista San Diego F***book Page

PDJ SD Media Committee | 01/30/12 10:51am

The San Diego Peace and Dignity Journeys familia met for an event discussing the upcoming 2012 Journey, a run Honoring the Water, at the World Beat Cultural Center on Sunday, January 22 as part of Enero Zapatista. After enjoying a delicious potluck meal, about fifty community members watched three videos that described the run and indigenous struggles regarding water and sacred sites. They then participated in a circle where individuals described their roots and their relationships to the Journeys and water.

In the circle, director Makeda Dread, noted that the World Beat Center (and the adjacent Centro Cultural de la Raza) used to be water tanks, and the strong connection of the World Beat to the Journeys and to broader indigenous struggles.

Peace and Dignity Journeys is a spiritual run uniting indigenous communities and strengthening indigenous culture that occurs every four years - starting in the South in Tierra del Fuego, and the North in Alaska. Runners carry sacred staffs that contain the struggles, hopes, dreams and prayers of the ancestors and the indigenous communities they visit. Fulfilling the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor, the runners from the North and South meet somewhere in the middle of the continent. In 2012, they will meet in Guatemala. The Journeys began in 1994 as a response to the 500th anniversary celebrations of the start of colonization of Turtle Island by Columbus. Each Journey has a theme - in 2008, the theme was honoring Sacred Sites and in 2012 it is honoring the sacredness of Water and its life-giving role. --Read More (with Video)--

Peace and Dignity Journeys Web Site || Abuela Grillo Video (struggle against water privatization from inigenous perspective) || Video: In Defense of Sacred Site Wirikuta and Sierra de Catorce || Local Organizing to Save Wirikuta

sdindymedia | 01/30/12 03:25am

On Thursday, January 26, San Diego residents filled the Saville Theatre of the downtown community college to remember the excluded history of their city, the Industrial Workers of the World's Labor Organizing/Free Speech Fight of one hundred years earlier.

The evening started off with the premiere of a short documentary about the San Diego Free Speech Fight and continued with local authors Jim Miller and Kelly Mayhew, reading short segments from the novel Flash, a fictionalized investigation of the actual free speech fight and local Wobbly history; local musicians the Proles and Gregory Page performing labor classics Bound for San Diego and Which Side Are You On?, amongst others; and a panel of fellow workers, students, teachers and historians performing a Peoples history of San Diego. The evening ended with an audience sing-a-long of the union anthem Solidarity Forever.

--Read More (with Photos, Video and Audio)-- || Prior Coverage: 1 | 2 || Event Announcement

sdindymedia | 01/28/12 07:49am

SD Indymedia converged on the Media Arts Center SD in North Park Friday, Jan. 27 as part of one of the final events of Enero Zapatista. The Indymedia Collective introduced the audience to the SD IMC 2011 webpage model, the ten year history of Indymedia in San Diego and spoke about building relationships with compañer@s in Chiapas, Mexico.

Corazón del Tiempo was screened on the theater in development, Media Arts space. The film depicted a couple in struggle, not only with the revolution being fought by the rebel Zapatistas against the Mexican government and para-militaries, but their love and progressive ideas were at odds with the traditional Mayan customs of their village.

Friends from Schools for Chiapas, who organize trips to the Lacondon Jungle to visit Zapatistas, were on hand to speak briefly about the scenes and characters depicted in the film. As the film was shot on location Zapatista territory and the actors are untrained Zapatista actors.

Guests from Ocupemos el Barrio and Occupy San Diego updated us on their current campaign and related the Zapatista struggle to their own.

The event was a media equipment drive to benefit independent media projects in Chiapas, Mexico. An anonymous donor left a laptop. SD Indymedia will continue collecting laptops, digital and video cameras, audio recorders, and other equipment that is hard to come by in Southern Mexico. To donate equipment contact SD Indymedia. --Read More (with Photos)--

SDIMC E-mail: || Chiapas Indymedia [in revision] || Ocupemos el Barrio || Schools for Chiapas || Event Announcement

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Gabriela M. Reza (interviewed by SD Indymedia) | 01/28/12 06:00am

"I found it so inspiring that a group of wombyn without prior filmmaking experience could make such an empowering documentary..."

Over 35 folks gathered at the Birth Roots birthing center in Chula Vista on January 14th for a screening of the documentary film Tlakatiliztli and discussion with some of the filmmakers & filmmaking crew. Over nine aspiring midwives of color from LA & San Diego county were present as well. Two of the filmmakers who were able to bring the film to San Diego, Yasmin Pineda & Diana Lopez Angulo with her son Izkalli (who is almost two years of age), blessed the space with a welcoming song & sacred smudge in solidarity with the screening also being part of Enero Zapatista - the month-long series of event celebrating Zapatista resistance.

They shared what inspired them to create the film and inspired many of us to grow from their experience. Tlakatiliztli is a native word for birth, combining the words for people (tlaka) and life (iliztli). The Mothers of Anahuak, a Los Angeles collective of conscious indigenous mothers, produced the documentary over a period of six weeks, interviewing defferent wombyn about their birth experiences.

The film delivers the perspective of indigenous wombyn living in East LA who share a wide range of birth experiences, home births to hospital births, abortions, miscarriages, moon time & sexual realities of what they experienced in their upbringings as well as what some of them wish to create change for the future generations to come. For example, having more open communication with the young wombyn about sexuality and honoring their moon time instead of ignoring the deepest topics that mean so much to every wombyn's livelyhood. --Read More--

Mothers of Anahuak Web SIte || Trailer for Tlakatiliztli || Birth Roots Center Web Site || Event Announcement

Persimmon | 01/28/12 05:45am

Privilege and the powers granted by privilege are the conflicts of whiteness. Sunday, the 22nd, was another timely event held in conjunction with the month long celebration of Enero Zapatista. The conversation should be a focus of the occupy movement and the dialogues that have opened as a result. Sunday's event was a panel discussion that presented perspectives from womyn of color and a white ally, on whiteness and its oppression on society.

DJ Kuttin Kandi, on social control, "They (white capitalists) divided the people...they accomplished creating a system of racial oppression...this is how whiteness was created...dividing workers into black and white."

Indiana Rogers, on acknowledging whiteness, "[Oppression is] a system of power relations... people of color have continued to be the interest of white supremacy."

Video of the Event || Event Announcement

Fox | 01/28/12 05:26am

Nothing this month could have been more emotionally stirring than the polarizing remembrance of the Al-Awda Rally and Vigil for Gaza, which happened Saturday, January 14. As Palestinian supporters grew in Balboa Park to organize the march and vigil, they were pushed to one side of the fountain to make room, they were told, for the “other” gathering that day. The Palestianian-Israeli apartheid was created in microcosm in just a few hours as Zionist organizers showed up to rally against the Palestinian memorial.

After about an hour, the Palestinian activists and solidarity groups began their march, carrying signs that read, “Occupy AIPAC Not Palestine”, “The Key to Peace = The Right of Return”, and “End The Siege On Gaza.” The march went through the park and to the Houses of Pacific Relations to protest the Israeli House of Pacific relations as a form of Palestinian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI).

Back on route, toward the end of the march, a more solemn feeling came about the group of 150 or so participants. The vigil began with numerous speakers from different supporting groups, including but not limited to: Students for Justice in Palestine chapters, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist League, and the International Action center. Once the speakers had finished and candles were lit, the reading of 352 names and ages of innocent children, murdered during the winter 2008-09 assault on Gaza, began. The vigil was now a great distance from the Zionist group, nevertheless their amped music permeated the atmosphere.

--Read More (with Photos)-- || Al-Awda: Palestine Right of Return Coalition, San Diego Web Site || Event Announcement

sdindymedia | 01/27/12 11:51am

On Thursday, January 26, MAAC Community Charter School hosted a Know Your Rights event as part of Enero Zapatista. Students and families attended the forum that included a screening of the film Ten Rules for Dealing with Police and Ten Rules for Non-Citizens and a panel of three lawyers for a question and answer session. The lawyers were Adriane Bracciale, a criminal defense and civil rights attorney, Jamahl Kersey, an immigration and criminal defense attorney and Sherry Thompson, the deputy district attorney.

The movies dramatized the most effective ways to assert your rights during an encounter with the police or a border patrol agent. The discussion after the film was lively and the lawyers gave good advice on how to stay out of jail and how to document police abuse of power. --Read More--

Flex Your Rights Web Site || Event Announcement

Abel Macias | 01/27/12 11:43am

On Friday January 20 the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) held a film screening of “Independence Cha-Cha, the Story of Patrice Lumumba” at the former Freeskool in East San Diego (renamed City Heights). This event was held in solidarity with the other events scheduled for the month of January to celebrate the uprising of the Zapatista Liberation Army in Chiapas in 1994.

Comrade Irvin introduced the Party for Socialism and Liberation and why we decided to participate in the Enero Zapatista celebration and why we chose this film. “The PSL stands for the liberation of all people, socialist or not who are fighting for liberation and freedom from dominance and control under U.S. imperialism” (Irvin). We also recognized the rich history of solidarity between the Black and Chicano community as evidenced in the struggle to name Third College at UCSD after Patrice Lumumba and Emiliano Zapata in 1969. Ironically Lumumba was assassinated in January 16, 1961 by Afrikans who had personal profit on their agenda with the support of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. However, we believe his spirit of liberation for Afrikan people lives on and we remembered him that night with the film and discussion that followed. --Read More--

Party of Socialism and Liberation Web Site || PSL San Diego E-mail: || Event Announcement