Lemon Tree Open House at JRC


Lemon Tree Open House at JRC to Promote Desire to Know the Other

Evanston, IL–Dalia Landau, subject of the book, The Lemon Tree and co-founder of OPEN HOUSE, will speak about peaceful coexistence at Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation (JRC) on Thursday, February 9 from 7 – 9 p.m. Additionally, the co-director of OPEN HOUSE, Khader Al Kalak, will speak at the event. Ms. Landau’s story of two families – one Arab and one Jewish – and one house in Israel, is a template for people-to-people coexistence. The OPEN HOUSE project has brought Jews and Israeli Arabs together in Ramle, Israel since 1991.

Admission is free. The event is sponsored by Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation (JRC), Beth Emet the Free Synagogue, JStreet,
Hands of Peace, Friends of OPEN HOUSE, Jewish Voice for Peace – Chicago, Chicago Faith Coalition for Middle East Policy, Arab Jewish Partnership for Peace & Justice in the Middle East, Parents Circle – Families Forum

For more information about the event, please see www.jrc-evanston.org. To learn more about Dalia Landau and open house, please see www.friendsofopenhouse.org. Or, contact Tom Samuels at JRC at (847) 328-7678.

Brad Moldofsky
VP, Information

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