
Igalia celebrates 10 years of work, collaboration and success in the open source software community.

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Igalia 02/02/2012

Igalia goes to FOSDEM 2012

As has become tradition, Igalia will be present at FOSDEM, the biggest FLOSS developer event in Europe. 4 - 5 February, Brussels, Belgium.

Igalia 20/01/2012

Igalia Hosts Its Second Accessibility Hackfest

This week developers from GNOME, KDE, Mozilla, and WebKitGtk are at Igalia's A Coruña office to continue their collaborative efforts to improve free desktop accessibility.

Igalia 01/12/2011

Igalia In the top 3 in the Great Place to Work list for SMEs 2011

We are proud to announce that we have been selected as one of the top Best Workplaces in the Spanish list for SMEs in 2011.

Igalia 15/11/2011

Igalia celebrates its 10th anniversary

Our company was established in September 2001. That makes it 10 years now. We are proud and happy for having made it this far and excited about the future!

Igalia 04/11/2011

Igalia will be present at Pecha Kucha Coruña tonight

Igalia will be present at Pecha Kucha Night today, November the 4th at 23.00 hours at Playa Club, Coruña.

Our Work

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WebKit is the leading open source web browser engine.

Desktop & Mobile

We have years of experience in key open source desktop & mobile technologies, communities and platforms, including WebKit, GStreamer, GNOME, GTK+, freedesktop.org, Qt, the Linux kernel, MeeGo (Moblin/Maemo), LiMo and Sugar.


Igalia has a team fully dedicated to the advancement of Web technologies. The team participates in the upstream WebKit development, where it maintains the WebKitGTK+ port, and the official GNOME browser - Epiphany.