Recent Launchpad blog posts

  • Daily builds of huge trees – 10 Nov 2011
    We’ve just upgraded Launchpad’s builder machines to Bazaar 2.4. Most importantly, this means that recipe builds of very large trees will work reliably, such as the daily builds of the Linaro ARM-optimized gcc. (This was bug 746822 in Launchpad). We are going to do some further rollouts over the next week to improve supportability of [...]
  • Welcome to BerliOS projects – 10 Oct 2011
    Looking for a new home for your BerliOS-hosted project?
  • Launchpad now accepts mail commands from gmail – 01 Oct 2011
    If you use gmail, you should now be able to send commands to Launchpad without gpg-signing. gmail puts a DKIM cryptographic signature on outgoing mail, which is a cryptographic signature that proves that the mail was sent by gmail and that it was sent by the purported user. We verify the signature on Launchpad and [...]
  • We’re hiring: a Software Engineer and a Usability and Communications Specialist – 07 Sep 2011
    We're looking for a couple of smart, motivated and experienced people to join us on the Launchpad team at Canonical.
  • Approve your own translation imports – 29 Jul 2011
    Now, if you're a project maintainer, you can manage your project's translations import queue yourself.
  • No more monthly 90 minute downtime – 26 Jul 2011
    I’m thrilled to be writing this blog post just over a year after starting as Launchpad’s technical architect. During that year we have been steadily improving our ability to deploy changes to Launchpad without causing downtime (of any or all services). Our ability to do this directly impacts our ability to deliver bug fixes and [...]
  • Launchpad now open source – 21 Jul 2009
    Get the code to Launchpad and join our development community.
26,268 projects, 919,314 bugs, 472,125 branches, 1,865,027 translations, 185,344 answers, 41,875 blueprints, and counting...

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