• Connect & Collaborate

    We are more than a place to work: we are a professional network. Our members are freelance professionals, entrepreneurs, & teleworkers of different breeds and trades. We help you connect and collaborate with all, so that you can hire and be hired more easily, and launch your company in a startup friendly environment. Plus, Jean & Ramon, the founders of the Betagroup Coworking, are two of the best connected internet people in Belgium.

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  • Be More Productive & Happier

    We humans are more productive and happy working together than alone. At a coworking space you get the best of a company office environment with none of the politics.

    You are surrounded by other professionals working on their projects, which encourages you to focus on your work, and with whom you can discuss and exchange.

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  • Build and grow your business

    Share your working space with peer freelance professionals & entrepreneurs in the Internet, technology & mobile industries. We welcome professionals of all trades willing to work with other smart people.

    Meet, work and build in a dynamic, creative and productive environment, powered by the largest community of Internet, technology and mobile professionals in Belgium: the Betagroup.

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Why Cowork?

  • Better than working from home, at cafes or in an isolated office.
  • Increase your productivity.
  • Network and collaborate with like minded people.
  • Improve your chances to succeed.
  • Flexibility: no long term rent contracts.
  • Free yourself from your clients.
  • It's great for your budget.

Who is it for?

Coworking is made for modern professionals that rely on the internet to carry out their work. Our members are freelance professionals, entrepreneurs, & teleworkers. All of them have different interests and personalities that contribute to create a more creative environment: geeks, technologists, entrepreneurs, creatives, designers, marketers, business consultants, architects, lawyers...

Solo or Team Work

You can work on your own projects by yourself or with a team. If you want to work with others, you can use the meeting, seminar, workshop and conference rooms, fully equiped with Internet and projectors or screens. Everything is in place to make your brainstorming, planinng, project update or course sessions succesful.

What’s coworking?

Coworking is a way of sharing office space for independent professionals and entrepreneurs that want to work in an environment that improves their productivity and professional network, with all the facilities and with more interaction. Sharing the office space increases your energy and motivation, and opens new professional opportunities.

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