London - Unite against Fascism Conference

central london
event date: 
Saturday, 25 February 2012

The Unite Against Fascism 2012 conference on 25 February is a chance for antifascists and antiracists to plan our campaign for the coming year.

Antifascists have staged successful mobilisations against the English Defence League around the country and this year also saw a successful campaign to boot the fascist British National Party out of Stoke-on-Trent and other key areas at the local elections.

But the threat of the EDL – now turning its violence against trade unionists and the left as well as Muslims – has not gone away. And now it has teamed up with BNP splinter group the British Freedom Party, creating a new alliance with both an electoral wing and a street thug movement – the classic two-pronged fascist strategy.

Hundreds of antifascist and antiracist activists, campaigners and trade unionists will come together at the conference to discuss our strategy for 2012.

Conference themes include…
* Campaigning against the English Defence League
* The British Freedom Party — the new fascist electoral threat
* Mobilising the antifascist vote in the May elections
* How the BNP were defeated in Barking and Stoke
* EDL attacks on trade unions and the Occupy Movement
* Racism and the global economic crisis
* Islamophobia and hate crimes against Muslim communities
* How the EDL was defeated in Tower Hamlets

Conference delegates – who must be members of UAF or approved delegates of an affiliated organisation – will also elect members of the UAF officers’ group.

Affiliated organisations can send up to 12 delegates.

If you would like to nominate someone to the UAF officers’ group, please download the nomination form here and return it to us by 18 February.

Not yet a member?
If you would like to join UAF or affiliate your union branch, community organisation or campaign, you will be entitled to delegate status if your membership or affiliation reaches us by 18 February.

If you are not a UAF member or representative of an affiliated organisation, you can still register for the conference but you will have observer status and will not be entitled to vote.