Stop the War Coalition

Fact Sheet: How Iran is threatening the United States, Britain, Israel and world peace

Fact Sheet: How Iran is threatening the United States, Britain, Israel and world peace

The world seems to be moving towards the third major war in the Middle East region within ten years, this time in Iran. This fact sheet reveals how much of a threat Iran is to world peace.

How US and Britain lost the war and helped Taliban win hearts and minds in Afghanistan

How US and Britain lost the war and helped Taliban win hearts and minds in Afghanistan

The war in Afghanistan is lost and Afghans are coming to terms with the return of their former Taliban rulers, and might even welcome some stability and order after 10 years of Nato-induced chaos.

At last someone who knows what they're talking about on Iran, sanctions and war

At last someone who knows what they're talking about on Iran, sanctions and war

Obama's anti-negotiating stance has made an escalating sanctions regime the only available course short of war, one that is likely to lead to war -- unintended or otherwise -- says a former Obama advisor.

We are all suspects alongside Julian Assange and Bradley Manning says John Pilger

We are all suspects alongside Julian Assange and Bradley Manning says John Pilger

With US courts demanding to see the worldwide accounts of Twitter, Google and Yahoo, the threat to Assange and Bradley Manning extends to any internet user anywhere.

How Obama is making the United States "more respected" by vaporising the enemy

How Obama is making the United States "more respected" by vaporising the enemy

When one of Obama's drones kills someone it must be because they are terrorists: if they are dead they must be guilty.

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Sat 11 February: Don't Attack Iran Day of Action

Following the launch of the Don't Attack Iran campaign, Saturday 11 February has been designated a national day of action, with events organised around the country by local Stop the War groups.
Building the campaign...    February 11 Day of Action Updates...  

The United States is running an empire and its goals will generally conflict with many people's aspirations for democracy and national self-determination.

If 775 isn't a huge number to Obama, then 56 is practically a fraction. That's the number of children executed by US drones in the first 20 months of the Obama administration.

Still suckered by Obama's claim to be different from other presidents? See his glorification of Israel -- the country guilty of violating more international laws than any other in the world.

Like Iraq, sanctions are likely to intensify the crisis, impoverish ordinary Iranians and psychologically prepare the ground for war because of the demonisation of Iran.

There is nothing noble about invading and bombing a country into regime change if what one ushers in is mass instability along with tyranny and abuse by a different regime.

The generation that opposed the Afghan and Iraq wars in their millions is not going to stand for yet another conflict to waste resources, destroy lives and make the world an even more dangerous place.

There is no more evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons than there was for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction but that hasn't stopped the media stoking the flames of war.

If there was ever a time to own up to the "blood and treasure" - not just American, but much more Iraqi - that was lost on an illegal war that permanently damaged the US' position and respect in the world, this was it.

It's as if Tahrir Square was built for that day, awaiting to receive the deluge of waves upon waves of human crowds all converging on the square to help it live up to its name - liberation square.

Roots and Rise of Islamophobia in Europe

Seminar Sat 4 February, Finsbury Park Mosque, London. Details...

Local Groups

There are local Stop the War groups in towns and cities across the country.
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