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"To weave or not to weave might be a question many women ask themselves?" For those who choose the former and decide to wear a weave, there are advantages and several factors they need to take into consideration.

‘Soul Train’ host Don Cornelius...

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Associated Press   ABOVE PHOTO: In a photo from 1995, producer Don Cornelius celebrates his 25th s...
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Herman Cain backs Gingrich’s pres...

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By Philip Elliott Associated Press   WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Former presidential hopeful Her...
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Romney: Not focused on poor, they h...

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ASSOCIATED PRESS   Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney, confident after his Florida primar...
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PBS announces programming line-up f...

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New specials include a story of the Underground Railroad and, from Independent Lens, an intimate look at “Da...
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Sexy interracial poster sparks furo...

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By Geoffrey York The globe and mail   JOHANNESBURG— It's the poster that all of South Africa...
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Seen & Heard: Maryland’s civi...

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Civil rights photo exhibition and panel discussion at MdHS   ABOVE PHOTO: Thurgood Marshall, who...
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Politically Uncorrected: The Costs ...

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By G. Terry Madonna & Michael L. Young   Among Republicans, it's axiomatic: Protracted presidential...
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Lucky 13th Annual Black-Tie GayBING...

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Clear Channel News Director Loraine Ballard Morrill named “Favorite Straight Person of the Year   ...
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Casey, Nutter call on Obama Adminis...

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WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter are urging the Obama admi...
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This year, millions of Americans will be hitting the roads and facing cold temperatures, along with the snowy and icy conditions winter weather brings. These factors are not only a nuisance, but at times, very dangerous, even for the most confident and experienced drivers.


If your arm goes numb and your speech is slurred, you know you need to seek immediate medical attention. When you nick yourself shaving, you know you can deal with it yourself. But for the vast number of maladies in between...


As Managing Editor of CNN Worldwide, Mark Whitaker is currently in charge of content and reporting for the world's largest, global television network. Previously, he made history as Newsweek's first African American Editor-in-Chief.


Jennifer Hudson recently tweeted: "Just found out my book is going to be #8 on the New York Times Best Sellers list next week. Incredible! Thank you everyone." Her literary effort explores what it took for Hudson to lose over 80 pounds and keep it off.


The Philadelphia Sunday SUN
6661-63 Germantown Ave., | Philadelphia, PA 19119 | Phone (215) 848-7864 | Fax (215) 848-7893 | Managing Editor Teresa A. Emerson
Advertising Exec. Tera Moyett | Designed by defined clarity