
Soccer players - yes, poets - no: Who is allowed to leave the Gaza Strip for the West Bank?
January 30, 2012. New table summarizing the criteria issued by the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) for travel from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank has been posted on our Facebook page. (Read More)

New documents detailing the closure policy in the Gaza Strip released to Gisha
January 25, 2012. A set of documents detailing procedures for importing and exporting goods in and out of the Gaza Strip were released by the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT). (Read More)

For the first time since 2007, non-agricultural goods are cleared for export from the Gaza Strip, though not for sale in the West Bank
January 22, 2012. Six Gaza factories were invited to participate in a furniture expo held in Jordan from January 24-26. In order to showcase their merchandise, the factories received clearance to send a truck loaded with furniture out of Gaza. (Read More)

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In Focus

Scale of Control: Israel’s Continued Responsibility in the Gaza Strip
November 2011. This position paper illustrates how despite recent developments, Israel continues to control Gaza’s airspace and territorial waters, the Palestinian population registry and passage of goods and people to and from Gaza. (Read More)

Gaza Strip Map
July 2011. A new and detailed map of the Gaza Strip. Source: Gisha (Read More)

The Gaza Cheat Sheet - Real Data on the Gaza Closure
In this information sheet you will find concise answers to questions such as: What is the economic situation in Gaza today? Is there a lack of food in Gaza? What are the restrictions currently imposed on the movement of people and goods into and out of the Strip? The Gaza Cheat Sheet is updated regularly. (Read More)

A Guide to the Gaza Closure: In Israel’s Own Words
September 2011. Since 2007, Gisha, together with other human rights organizations, has worked to obtain information relating to the closure Israel has imposed on the Gaza Strip. (Read More)

Goods entering Gaza

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Gisha in Action

Following hardships because of the closure and thanks to a new project, Naima Abu Shawareb supports her family
An Oxfam GB project provides temporary work to men and women in the Gaza Strip. Thanks to the project, Abu Shawareb has been able to save some money for her children. What will happen when the project ends? (Read More)

After years of video conferencing, a Gaza branch manager finally meets his colleagues in the West Bank face-to-face.
Ziad, the Gaza branch manager of a Palestinian pharmaceutical company was unable to meet with his colleagues in the West Bank because of the closure. Following Gisha’s intervention, Ziad received the necessary permit. (Read More)

Following Gisha’s intervention, Israel allows Gaza lawyer to travel in order to participate in a conference on children’s rights
Israel refused to allow a Gaza lawyer to travel to a conference on Palestinian children’s rights in the West Bank. Following urgent intervention by Gisha, the refusal was retracted. (Read More)

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