February 6 2012

1 Settlers beat shepherd, construction worker, and 60-year-old in separate incidents

1 Mustafa Tamimi’s brother arrested in Nabi Saleh

2 Palestinian developer: settlers are welcome to buy in his West Bank city

2 Does the US have anything to teach Egyptians about democracy?

1 Palestinian cars sprayed with unknown materials at Israeli checkpoints

0 David Wildman at PennBDS: Motorola and Caterpillar profited off apartheid South Africa before occupation

1 New York’s Muslim community fights back against NYPD Islamophobia

13 How Sarah Schulman managed to get ‘Pinkwashing’ into the New York Times

72 Would you buy a used metaphor from this warmonger? (Niall Ferguson’s ‘creative destruction’ echoes Rice’s ‘birth-pangs’)

15 Abunimah highlights ‘turning point’ boycott conference

February 5 2012

6 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and the politics of occupation

2 Settlers attempt to burn another mosque in Nabi Saleh and graffiti ‘death to Arabs’ near Ramallah

February 4 2012

73 Organizers say pro-Israel filmmaker with controversial past deceives, disrupts Penn BDS conference (UPDATED)

50 Live tweeting from the Penn BDS conference

13 Praying while Shi’a: the NYPD’s latest religious profiling scandal
Lizzy Ratner and Alex Kane

17 Should Alan Dershowitz refuse to take himself seriously?

15 Israeli police shoot international activist in the neck during weekly Nabi Saleh protest

10 Occupy Oakland’s landslide BDS endorsement

0 Armenians protest as Israel creates Jewish-only parking lot in the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City