





Beginning Our 18th Year In June!






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Peter Davenport
Bizarre UFO Photographed
By Pilot Over Oregon

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In This Column!

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In This Column!

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Paul Drockton

Your Silver & Gold
Investment Specialist

Burned?! Call
818 332-6445

Burn Programs

Patsy Smullin
To Jeff Rense

Gilad Atzmon

The 'Jewish Indiana Jones' 

Are American Politicians Really This Stupid? 

Gould-Werritty - The Continuing Cover-Up  


Gilad In The WSJ...Via Ethnic Cleanser Dershowitz 

Atzmon In WSJ - School Hits Sour Note

Murray Knocks Weir's Cam Across Room - Vid


Devvy Kidd

My War Against The Smart Meter

36 States Didn't Ratify The 17th Amendment

Insider Trading Legal For Members Of Congress

Will There Be A Citizenship Eligibility Challenge For Romney?

The Constitutional Militia IS Your Duty - Pt 1

The Constitutional Militia IS Your Duty - Pt 2


 The New Jewish Class Wars - Vid

Jewry's Lock On America's Security

Obama's Unshakable Bondage To Bibi - Vid

Has Jewry Infiltrated The Local Police? - Vid

American Jewry IS A Global Regime

The Jewish War On Vladimir Putin - Vid

Jewish Money Tabs Romney & Obama

Who's Behind Military Detention Act? - Vid



Listen Free MP3
- Kirwan On Rense

Recapturing The Robber Barons

Life & Death In The Balance

The Ships Of All States Are Sinking

Gather Round...Millionaires & Billionaires Listen Up!

Just Above The Volcano

Machines That Speak

The Clock Is Ticking!

Full Fathom Five Is Coming


Gerald Celente

Ron Paul Supports Celente’s Call for “Intellectual Revolution”

The Good, Really Bad And Very Ugly

Celente Predicts 'Bank Holiday' In 2012 - Vid

Celente Forecasts for 2011 Came True - What's Next?


David Icke

Jeff Rense & David Icke
On Zionism - Listen Free

The Zionist Elephant In The Room

Enough! No More War And Death! - Vid


Judy Andreas

Zionism Is Nobody's Friend

911 Is Still A Cry For Help


David Duke

Constant Zionist Efforts To Censor Dr. Duke May Result In Some Broken Links

The Zionist Coverup Of Organized Crime - Vid

Will Israel Assassinate Obama? - Vid

David Duke Wishes You A White Christmas - Vid

No War For Israel In Syria And Iran! - Vid


Ingrid Rimland

Hitler And The Banksters

Rudolf Hess - What Secret Did He Take To The Grave?

Anthony Lawson - (Five Stars - Rense)

Double Vendetta - The Insanity Of The Iran Confrontation - Vid

Anthony Lawson - The Legend Of 9/11...Ten Years On - Vid


Adrian Salbuchi

Adrian Salbuchi - War For TOTAL Control

Patagonia In Danger!

Imperial Overdrive...Red Alert Over Iran

Adrian Salbuchi On The Death Of Kim Jong Il - Vid


Betty Martini

HIdden FDA Studies Show Aspartame Causes Birth Defects

Lupus - Good And Bad News

Our Daily Poison - New Documentary On Deadly Aspartame


Dave Martin

The Enormous Crime Of Abandoning POWs

Upton Sinclair And Timothy McVeigh

Three Important Assassinations?

Norman Livergood

Iceland's Example To The World


Why Washington Wants 'Finito' With Putin

Moscow's High Stakes Energy Geopolitics

Getting Used To Life Without Food

Webster Tarpley

Cops Get Violent After OWS Endorses 1% Sales Tax

Philly Sheriff Cand Platform - No Foreclosures, No Evictions


Dick Eastman

It Boils Down To This

Capitalism vs Consumer Sovereignty

In Iowa They Test Them, In New Hampshire They Pick Him

Ron Paul's Foreign Policy

Deciphering The Rothschild Game Plan



Libya Update - Partial - Jan 30 2012 - Vid

US Nuclear Sub And Destroyer Enter Red Sea

Assah - Egypt Is Not Yet A Failed Revolution - Vid

Sheik Hosein - US$, Iran, Syria, Zionists, Weird Disasters - Vid

Sheik Imran Hosein - Israel Taking US To Its Grave - Vid

Syrian Girl Visits Syrian Memorial For 1973 Israel War - Vid

Zionists Back All Sides - Syria, Turkey, Libya - Vid

Crusading For Mercantalism - Vid

IMF Pushes Nigeria To Civil War


Charlie McGrath

The Police State - Vid

This Is A Breakdown Crisis - Vid

Class War Comes To America - Vid

YOU Are The Target! - Vid

Government Evil Doers - Vid

McGrath On RT - US In Decline, War Machine Rages On - Vid


Dog Poet Transmitting

The Hades Syndrome And The River Styx

Global War And Hunger Porn On The Way To Fat City

Whipped Onward And Hammered Home

To Choodle Into The Armageddon Sunset

Colored Perception And Limited Perspective

The Sandusky Principle And The Hive Mentality

Why Can't I Get There From Here?

The Landlords Of Eminent Domain

A Bad Case Of Chosen People Syndrome

By Way Of Some Kind Of Explanation


Paul Craig Roberts

US Seeks To Avoid Responsibility For Israeli Actions

Paul Craig Roberts On 2012 And The Banking Crisis - Vid

Tyranny In The 2012 Forecast

Christianity Affirms The Individual


Michael Goodspeed
video links temporarily disabled while a fix is in the works

TV Pleases Satan - Vid

The Mirror In The Void - Vid

The Aliens Have Warned us About Lady Gaga - Vid


Frosty Wooldridge

Menace Of Multiculuralism Creates Disunity

Immigration-Population Debate About Numbers Not Race

Man Swarm - Part 3 Of 5

America Becoming The Sacrifice Zone For Human Overpopulation

A Christmas Gift To You! - An Eagle's Eye View


Terry Arnold

Getting The Economic Fundamentals Right

Pakistanis Had Osama Where They Wanted Him

Too Much Ado About Osama Bin Laden


Deek Jackson

FKN News Site

FKN News - The Latest Footage - Vid

FKN News - Let Us Pay - Vid

FKN News - SOPA Kills Hollywood! - Vid

FKN News - The Future Is Not As Good As It Used To Be - Vid

FKN - Worst News Of 2011, Part 1 - Vid


Peter Eyre

Click Here For Peter's Newest Articles...

Eyre - US Uses Nuclear, Chemical, Bio Weapons Worldwide - Vid


Ellen Brown

Why All The Robo Signing? Shedding Light On The Shadow Banking System

Rense & Ellen Brown - County-Owned Banks Can Save US. Pt 1 - Vid

Rense & Ellen Brown - County-Owned Banks Can Save US, Pt 2 - Vid

Occupy The Neighborhood

Pulling Back The Curtain On The Wall St Money Machine


Mantiq al-Tayr

Kathy Ireland And Carl Levin To Speak At AIPAC Conference

Stealth Zionism

Obama Runs For Office In Israel

Rep Charlie Dent, Israel And HR 3166

The Idaho Caucus

101 Ways To Screw Palestinians


Dr. Joseph Chiappalone, MD

November 10, 2011 Interview

About Gnosticism

Is This For Real?


Ted Pike

Why We Should Fear Zionism More Than Islam 

Did Satan Inspire Ted Pike's Sculptures?

Demonic Attacks On Alynn Pike Lead To Deeper Questions

My Wife Died A Martyr For God And Freedom - Vid


Kawther Salam

Say NO - By Wolfgang Borchert

Our Spring Blossoms, Our Return

The United Nations - A Prostitute For Israel

ONE Palestinian And Israeli State

Call For An Immediate End Of Ethnic Cleansing By Israel

10 Theses For A Scientific Conception Of The 21st Century

Girls Forced Into Hysterectomy At Pal Hospitals

Israeli Arsonist Sets Patagonia National Park Ablaze


Dr. Tom Burnett

Time For A Reality Check

Fukushima - The Prediction Comes True


Jeff Gates

Sayanim - Israeli Operatives In The US

Guilt By Association - Pt 1 - Vid


Michael James

England Shall Rise Again

To Every Thing There Is A Season


Stephen Lendman

Stephen Lendman Receives Journalists Club of Mexico International Journalism Award

New Syria Resolution - Better but Still Flawed

Israeli 'Settlements' Make Peace Impossible

New York Times-Style Journalism

Former US Policymakers Promote War On Iran

Targeting AIPAC

Europe's Losing Game

Washington's War On Syria

Targeting Iranian Nationals

ACTA - Worse Than SOPA And PIPA 

Forecasting Economic Decline 

Torture And Abuse In Libya

Profile Of A Rogue State

Selling War

The Armenian Genocide

Whistling Past The Graveyard

Violence Rages in Libya

Arab League Arrogance


Paul Drockton

Mitt Romney, Bill Marriott And Illegal Immigration

The Jeb Bush Dilemma

Herbert Hoover Better than Romney

Jack Abramoff And The Mormon Mafia 

Mitt Romney And The Radical Gay Agenda

Drockton - Newt Gingrich Meets God (Satire)

Silver And The Gold Standard

Nixon, Rockefeller And Watergate

Hughes, Mormon Mafia And Summa Corp

Did Mitt Romney's Company Plunder Howard Hughes Estate?

Is Mitt Romney a CIA/Mossad Asset?

Romney The Plundering Pirate And AMPAD

'When Mitt Romney Came To Town'


Barbara Peterson

Aluminum + Fluoride = Alzheimers And Dementia

Monsanto Patents And Chemtrails - Dead Plants = Dollars

USDA Scientist Reveals Glyphosate Hazards To Crops, Soils, Animals, Us

Oppose Government, Lose Your Citizenship, Go Straight To Gitmo


Rosalind Peterson

Geoengineering...Destroying The Atmosphere - Vid

Retirement Heist - How Companies Plunder And Profit From American Workers Nest Eggs

Geoengineering With Aluminum Vapor In Stratosphere - Vid

Morph City

Leaky Nuclear Plants Vs. Renewable Pipe Dreams

Feds Back Down From State Of Emergency - Vid

Dam Liars, Crooks & Killers

Karl Schwarz

Why I REFUSE To Vote For Jeb Bush

Why I Refuse To Vote For Newt Gingrich

Integrity Is Easier Kept Than Ever Regained

The United States Is A Financial Terrorist

Stupid Strikes Again In Georgia

Outrage As RNC Fraud Rears Its True Ugly Head

Why I Refuse To Vote For Mitt Romney


Click Here For Complete List Of Columnists


Vital Data

State Dept Says #1

Declared Communist
Goals In US - Familiar?

The Eve Of Destruction

Images Of Heroic
American Activists

Spilling The Beans -
The Trouble With Soy

Jeffrey Smith - GM Food
Danger, Potential
- Vid

Clif High

Free Audio
2012...The End Of 
Life As We Know It?

Images And Data

Climate Change Catastrophe
Took 6 Months

Benjamin Freedman -
Facts Are Facts

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 1/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 2/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 3/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 4/4

Jesus Was NOT A Jew -
Benjamin Freedman

Confessions Of A
KGB Master Spy

How A Zionist-Communist Takeover Happens - Vid

The Dark Side
Of The Internet

Click Here

Vike UFO Archive

Click Here

Turkey - Stunning UFO
Video - The Best Ever?

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part I

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part II

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part III

Betty Martini
Toxic Aspartame

Click Here

Cell Phone Dangers

The Hidden Dangers Of
Cell Phone Radiation

Brain Tumors From Cell
Phones - More Evidence

UK Schools Outlawing
WiFi In The Classroom

Secret Report On Cell
Phone Dangers & Tetra

12 Basic Life-Saving
Cell Phone Use Precautions

Toxic China

Click Here

Eustace Mullins

Click Here

Royal Raymond Rife

Rife Documentary Trailer #1

Rife Documentary Trailer #2

Rife Documentary Trailer #3

Rife Therapy Treats Lyme Disease

Dutch TV Talks Rife


The Battle Of LA 1942

Click Here


Feature Videos

Rense & Linda Stone - Ritual Sex Abuse Victims - Vid

Rense & Jeffrey Smith - GMOs Will Change The Planet - Vid

Rense & Tim Rifat - Rothschild US Pres Elections & Iran War - Vid

Rense & Charles Smith - Chiling, Frightening Sounds - Vid

More Great Videos...

Japan Nuclear Disaster

Yoichi Shimatsu
Free MP3 - Listen
Michael Collins
Radiation Update
Free MP3 - Listen

Real Time World Earthquake Monitor 

TEPCO Fukushsima Live Cam

San Onofre - 100s Of Damaged Pipes, Radiation Released

Bird Numbers Plummet Around Wrecked Fukushima Plant

Major New Leak At Reactor 4 - Frozen Pipe Bursts

Lies! - Reactor 4 FULL Of Fuel - Pacific Ocean May Be Lost

Fukushima Health Impact 'Small' - Lying UN Official 

7,800 Liters Radioactive Water - Reactor 4 Leak

How Sea Water Spreads Fukushima Uranium

Two Ways To Sell Radioactive Fukushima Rice

Fukushima Plant Full Of Untrained Migrant Workers

Japan Defines 'Decontamination' As A 'Hand Cleaning'

Fukushima Daiichi 'In Really Bad Shape' - US 'Terrified'

Fukushima Animals Abandoned, Left To Die - Vid

Boise Infant Death Spike Tied To Fukushima Radiation - Vid

Radiation-Hit Immune Systems - Japan Flu Doubles

Tokyo Ass Tells Kids Eat Radiation, 'Share The Pain'

30% Of Tested Fukushima Kids Have Thyroid Lumps


Fuksuhima Radiation In US & Canada

Jeff With Dr. Blaylock - Supplements That Protect Against Radiation - Vid

US Chart Showing Precipitation
Radiation Types & Amounts

Live National Radiation Network Map

West LA - Santa Monica Live Readings

Radiation And Jet Stream Forecast Monitoring Sites

Radiation Dose Chart

San Onofre - 100s Of Damaged Pipes, Radiation Released

Both San Onofre Reactors Damaged? Multiple Pipes Broken?

'Unusual Wear' On Many New Pipes At San Onofre

Radiation Leak Likely, Rotten Pipes At San Onofre

Illinois Statement On Nuclear Plant Accident

Radiation Cloud Detected Over New Zealand

A Whole HEPA Trouble #2 - Vid

Boise Infant Death Spike Tied To Fukushima Radiation - Vid

Hanford Cleanup A Nightmare

Plutonium Leaks From Hanford Risk Columbia River

EPA Overlimit Cesium In SF Area Milk Higher Than 6 Mos Ago

Fukushima Fallout In The American Heartland


Shell Profits Up 54% On Iran Threats

Experts View On The Euros' Future - There Isn't Any

IMF Official Admits Austerity Is Harming Greece

Treasure Hunters Find $3b In Platinum On WW2 Brit  Ship

AstraZeneca To Cut 7,300 jobs

Global Land Grab Could Trigger Conflict  

Creepy, Weird Otherworldly Sounds

Bizarre Noises Over Cambridge, England - Vid

Strange Sounds Banff Alberta Canada - Vid

Weird Sky Sound In Saskatoon Again - Vid

Eerie Noises Over Regina, Sask - Vid

Strange Noise Over London - Vid

Bizarre Sounds Over Illinois - 1 - Vid

Bizarre Sounds Over Illinois 2 - Vid

Strange Sounds In The Sky - Allentown, PA - Vid

Abnormal Sounds Now In Sunnyside New York - Vid

Strange Sounds Over Rochester, MI - Vid

Mainstream Reporting Strange Noises Heard Around The World

Click HERE To Listen To A Collection Of The Strange Sounds - MP3



New Morgellons Fibers - CDC Calls Them 'Hallucinations' - Photos

CDC Creeps Formally Call Morgellons An Hallucination

CDC/Kaiser 'Groundbreaking' Morgellons Study A Fraud! (2008)

CDC Calls Morgellons A Delusion, Protects DARPA

Coverup - FDA Final Lid Slam On Morgellons?

Official Dermotology Dismisses Morgellons Reality

Back To Calling Morgellons A 'Psychiatric' Condition

Carnicom - Morgellons: In The Laboratory

Carnicom - Morgellons: Altered Blood

Clifford Carnicom - Morgellons...A Thesis

Coverup - FDA Final Lid Slam On Morgellons?

Official Dermotology Dismisses Morgellons Reality

Hollywood's Golden Days

Hollywood In The 1930s And 1940s - Photos

Farmer's Market & Gilmore Stadium In 1940s Hollywood - Vid

Color Film Of Hollywood, The Sunset Strip In 1940s - Vid

Color Film Of Christmas On Hollywood Blvd In The 1940s! - Vid

Hollywood Blvd Heading West At Highland In The 1940s - Vid

Hollywood Blvd In The 1930s - Vid

Hollywood Movie And Radio Studios In The 1940s - Vid

To Live In The 1920s, Remarkable Film - Vid

Hollywood Blvd In The 1920s - Photos

Hollywood Holidays Color Film, 1946 Pt 1 - Vid

Hollywood Holidays Color Film, 1946 Pt 2 - Vid

Ritual Satanic Sex Abuse - The Biggest Secret?

Listen Free! Linda Stone With Jeff - Click HERE

What You See Isn't What You Get

The Fraud Of Digitized 'Beauty' - The Big Lie - Vid

David Duke

The Zionist Coverup Of Organized Crime - Vid

Biggest Secret Of The Space Race

JFK Bought Advanced Space Technology From Tito, Yugoslavia - Vid

Things You MUST Have

Poor Man's Guide To Survival Gear

Eustace Mullins

National Socialism + ZIonism = NAZI - Vid

UN Agenda 21 Evil

Environmental NGOs Use UN Agenda 21 Against Farmers

Democrats Against Agenda 21

Marx And Agenda 21

A 21 'Regionalization' - Camden, NJ PD To Go 'Regional'

Executive Order 13575 Rural Council ­ Agenda 21



Electric Currents Create Suns Magnetic Fields

Electric Universe 2012 - The Human Story - Vid 

Electric Sun Answers Longstanding Puzzles

Mysterious John Lenard Walson

John Walson Is Back - Another Mystery Video, Bizarre - Vid

Walson Visits The Moon Through His Telescope - Vid

Walson Finds New Lunar Anomalies...Strange - Vid

Walson's Work Apparently Verified - Vid

Dave Martin

Taped Exchange Exposes 'Pit Bull' Dan Burton As Yapping Lap Dog

Baylor, You Have A Problem

James Forrestal And Joe McCarthy

Brother Nathanael

The New Jewish Class Wars - Vid

Jewry's Lock On America's Security

Obama's Unshakable Bondage To Bibi - Vid

Has Jewry Infiltrated The Local Police? - Vid

American Jewry IS A Global Regime

The Jewish War On Vladimir Putin - Vid

The Plan

Creating The New Soviet Man

Complete NWO Plans Exposed By Insider In 1969

A Real Case Against The Jews, Written In 1928 By A Jew

MARS - The Mysterious

Obvious, Unquestionable Tracks On Mars - Object On Track? - Pics

Reverse Speech Proof Of 'Ships' On Mars And More
Jeff And David Oates FREE Listen Click Here

Fascinating Mars Structures, Cities, Plant Life?

Mars Structure Found - The Real Reason For The US Vendetta Against Gary McKinnon?

Obvious, Unquestionable Tracks On Mars - Object On Track? - Pics

Mars Structure Found - 750' x 150' Cylinder-Shaped - Vid

MSNBC Picks Up The Mars Structure Video

Stunning Mars Anomalies 

Mars Life, Water, Vegetation, Anomalies

Smart Meters

FREE Listen - Jeff With Dr. Bill Deagle
Death By Smart Meter -
Part 1 & Part 2

Smart Meters - PG&E Blinks After Lawsuit Is Filed

Dentist Opposes Smart Meter - Telephone Call - Vid

PG&E In Major Reversal On Forced Smart Meter Installations

89% Say No To Smart Meters - Oz Govt Ignores Them 


Zionism DataPage/Archive Link

Zionism Unmasked

'Anti-Semite & Anti-Semitism Are Tricks, We Always Use Them' - Vid

Facebook, Illuminati And ZIONISM - Vid

The Talmud And Some Of Its Dark Secrets - Vid

Journalism In These United States

How Zionism Infiltrated, Took Over America

'Unless You Are Jewish, You're Nobody In Hollywood' - Vid 

What Do 'Holocaust Deniers' Believe? - Vid

Duff - IAEA Exposed As A Zionist Front, Spy Agency

Icke - The Zion Main Frame - Vid 

Bernstein - My Farewell To Israel, Thorn Of The Middle East

The Mossad Killed JFK To Hide Israel's Thermonuclear Weapons - Vid

Helen Thomas Skewers Zionism - Again

Icke - Rothschild Zionism...They Dare Not Speaks Its Name

David Icke - The Bloody Rothschilds - Vid

Complete NWO Plans Exposed By Insider In 1969

A Real Case Against The Jews, Written In 1928 By A Jew

Dr Alan Sabrosky - Israeli Involvement In 9/11 - Vid

Forensic 'Holocaust' Evidence That Few Jews Will Confront - Vid

Jewish Boy Viciously Arrested By Thug Jewish Cops - Vid 

AIPAC 101 - What Every American Should Know - Vid

Auschwitz - Another Analysis

1934 Film 'The House Of Rothschild'

Eustace Mullins Overview Of Rothschild History - Vid

See The Difference Between Zionists & Jews

Zionist Jew Attacks Anti-Zionist Jews - Vid

Anti-Zionist Jews Beaten By Zionists - Vid

No One Can Understand What Has Happened
To The Planet Without The Following...

Rothschild Six Part Documentary - Vid

The History Of The House Of Rothschild

The Khazarian Zionists - Vid

The Incredible Jewish 'Holocaust'

The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion Archive

The Protocols

READ - The Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Zion

David Icke Joins Rense In Exposing Zionism
The Zionist Elephant In The Room

Jeff Rense And David Icke On Zionism - Listen Free

Proudly Supports...

Jews Against Zionism

The Ernst Zundel Data Archive

Click Here

World's Best

The Ten Most Influential People In The Alternative Media

The American Dream Is Dead (graphic language)

George Carlin - It's Over - Vid

The Other Side Of The Coin

Time For Another Look At WWII

Absolutely Stunning Penetration

The Jewish Hand In The Internet

No Coincidences...

Facebook & Google Are CIA Fronts

The 'Six Million' Number Was Used After WWI

Zion's Big Lie - The 'Six Million' Myth

The Elusive Six Million

Dick Allgire - Cook Healthy Fast!

Allgire - Flying To Molokai - Vid

Whales In Honolulu Harbor - Vid

Thai Fried Rice - Vid

Thailand Fruit Market - Vid


  H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic

Dr. Henry Niman's
Exclusive Reports With Jeff
MP3 - Listen FREE

January 18 , Update - MP3

Dr. Henry Niman's Swine Flu World Tracking Map

Swine Flu Outbreak In Mexico Kills At Least 29

NSABB Comments on H5N1 Transmission Censorship

H3N2v Match In Iowa Swine

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria In 37 US States

Fatal Suspect H5N1 Case In Cengkareng Indonesia

H1N1pdm09 Recombination In Egypt H5N1 Raises Fear

China Censors News On H5N1 Guizhou Case

CDC Selects New H3N2v Pandemic Vaccine Target

Absence of Poultry In Fatal H5N1 Case In Guizhou China

WHO Confirms H5N1 Cluster In Fayoum Egypt

Published H5N1 One Change From Efficient Transmission

Suspect H5N1 Cluster In Fayoum Egypt

Egypt H5N1 PB1 Recombination With H1N1pdm09l

Egypt H5N1 Recombines With Seasonal H1N1 H3N2 pH1N1

WI H1N1v Links US H3N2v China H5N1 Swiss H1N1v - Thread

WI H1N1v Links US H3N2v China H5N1 Swiss H1N1v

MP Identities Confirm WVa H3N2v Cluster Transmission


BK Lim - Recycled Data, Frauds And The BP Gulf Disaster

Geothermal Test To Pump Water Into OR Volcano

Oceans Have Dramatically Acidified In Last 200 Years

Poisoned Places

Worldwide Volcano Eruption Updates Jan 1-9, 2012

World Map Of Presently Erupting Volcanos

US Volcano Current Activity Report 

USDA Scientist Reveals Glyphosate Hazards To Crops, Soils, Animals, Us

Hawaii GMO Labeling Bill Is DOA


Hurricane Tracker -

Frigid Siberian Blast Covers Europe - Photos

European Cold Snap Death Toll Rise To 71

4 Volcanic Eruptions Caused 19th Century 'Little Ice Age'

Dozens Freeze To Death Across Eastern Europe

4 Dead In Freezing Weather In Serbia, Bulgaria

18 Dead In Severe Ukraine Freeze

Big Freeze In Britain, Temps Dive To -10C

Fracking Needs No More Regulation Says EUSSR

Ultra Harsh Alaska Winter Brings Fuel Shortages

Collecting Rainwater Now Illegal In Many States

DOJ Joins Britain 'Climategate' Leaker Scandal Manhunt

First BP Criminal Charges Over Gulf Oil Disaster?


Davenport - Spectacular UFO Snapped By Pilot Over OR

UFO Found In Baltic Sea?

UFO Buzzes ICBM Launch Capsule at Minot AFB

UFO Tracked on Radar at Minot AFB

Filer's Files #4, 2012

UFOs At US Nuclear MIssile Site - Witnesses Speak - Vid

UFO Spotted Over England

High Strangeness - Forgotten Humanoid Encounters

Argentina - A Strange UFO Encounter At Tres Lagos

Electromagnetic Effects Of CE IIs

Argentina - UFO Over Tres Arroyos - Pic

Argentina - A UFO Over Buenos Aires

High Strangeness - Earth's Shadow Denizens

'I Know What I Saw' UFO Documentary - Vid

Mutilated Cow Found Near Kansas City 

Argentina :UFOs Caught By the Camera, Not Seen Visually 

Filers Files #1, 2012

Argentina - A Landmark 1972 UFO Case Disclosed

New UFO Activity Near F.E. Warren AFB Nulke Missile Sites

UFOs As Mind Control


GreenMed Info

Cell Phone Harm - How The Bees Can Help

Nursery Water - 'Purified' With Fluoride?

How To Protect Your Eyes From Computer Screens

Can Stress Reduction Be This Simple? Flower Power...

Chemtrails: Atmospheric Aerosol Spraying Of Chemicals

Antiperspirants Likely Contribute To Breast Cancer

Statins Linked To 300+ Negative Effects

Does Medical Training Remove Empathy?

MSG - Drug, Poison Or Flavor-Enhancer?

Milk A Cure For PMS? A Giant Leap In Logic

The Cure for Cancer Begins With Understanding It

This Humble Food Extract Puts Bone Drugs To Shame

Compassion Hard-Wired Into The Human Genome?

The Vaccination Agenda: An Implicit Transhumanism/Dehumanism

Snake Oil: Traditional And Evidence-Based Medicine Converge

The Bitter Truth About Splenda

The Medicinal Marvel That Is Flaxseed

Polio Vaccines Now The #1 Cause of Polio Paralysis

Can Fluoride Calcify Your Arteries?

Monsanto To Face Biopiracy Charges In India

Cannabis - 120+ Benefits To Your Health

Lower Cholesterol, Increase Diabetes Risk 48%

Absolute Proof Sunlight Can Prevent Cancer

Pineapple Enzyme Kills Cancer Without Killing You

Breast Screenings Do More Harm Than Good

Researchers - Delay Breastfeeding To 'Improve' Vaccination?


Larry Sinclair

Why The Larry Sinclair Story Is Important In 2012 - Pt 3

Writers, Columnists, Contributors Invited To

Why The Larry Sinclair Story Matters In 2012 - Pt 3 Of 3

Sinclair - Romney To Obama...Republicans Should Not Be Fooled

Why Larry Sinclair Story Matters In 2012 - Pt 2 of 3

Why The Larry Sinclair Story Matters In 2012 - Pt 1 of 3


Heart Danger In Diet Drinks

One In 100 Adults Has Autism - Men Hit Worst

Indigestion Drugs Taken By Millions Linked To Hip Fractures

Smartphones To Diagnose From A Drop Of Blood?

Cancer 'Slowed By Cooked Tomatoes'

Oz Lobbyist Hacks Attack Alternative Medicine

Monsanto & Pals Poisoned 400 MIllion Acres In US

3 Surprising Reasons To Give Up Soda

Turmeric Blocks Cancer, Reduces Tumors Up to 81%

Kids Feel Depressed Without Internet Connection

Disrupted Sleep Linked To Diabetes, Heart Disease

A Couple Zaps Of Ultrasound Kills Sperm 

BP Difference In Both Arms Reveal Health Risks   

More Patients Dying With Bedsores, Infected Wounds

Fluoride Linked To Number One Cause Of Death

Gardasil Tied To Tourettes-Like Outbreak In Teens?

Vitamin D Improves Eyesight Of Elderly'

Side Effects Of Tamiflu Examined

Can You Limit Sleeping & Sitting To 23.5 Hours A Day? - Vid

World's Smallest Ear Can Hear Germs

Meat Eaters – You Are Daredevils, Dumb Or Both

Warning - Energy Drinks Poison Your Brain

Breast Screenings Do More Harm Than Good

Researchers - Delay Breastfeeding To 'Improve' Vaccination?

Calcium Supplements - As Serious As A Heart Attack

300+ Health Problems Linked To Statin Drugs

Bracing For The Fake Sugar Rush

Amazing Workplace Venue For An Excavator

FALSE!  Obamacare No Neurosurgery For Patients Over 70


More Data

9-11 Master Archive

Click Here

9-11 Ten Years Later

9-11 Nine Years Later


Morgellon's Data Center

Click Here


George Carlin

George Carlin - 'I Gave Up On My Species' - Vid

Click Here


At Home With Hitler

1938 Homes & Garden
Magazine Spread


Mars Anomalies

Remote Views Mars

The Man Who
Talks To Animals

Coral Castle

War of the Worlds

The Deadliest Medium Ever
How TV Ruined Your Life - Vid

Click Here

Nano-Chemical Poisoning
Of The World

Aerosol Crimes & Coverup


Depleted Uranium

Click Here

Depleted Uranium
Videos - Important

Bush's DU Nightmare



Click Here


Mad Cow Data

Click Here


Rense UFO Data

Click Here



Click Here

The Museum
of Hoaxes

'Baby Dragon'
In The Bottle

Graphic Links & Site Banners

When 'Family' Meant Something Special

America At Her Innocent Finest In The 1950s - Vid


Headline News Stories 24/7 - Worlds #1 Alternative News Service
Your First Source For Reality & Honest Journalism

Disclaimer And Fair Use

Judge Say Obama Natural Born, Will Be On GA Ballot

GA Judge Puts Obama On The Ballot (big surprise...)

San Onofre - 100s Of Damaged Pipes, Radiation Released

Kirwan - Recapturing The Robber Barons

Davenport - Spectacular UFO Snapped By Pilot Over OR

Br Nathanael - The New Jewish Class Wars - Vid

Nano Quadrotors - A Military & Police Wet Dream - Vid

Self-Guided Bullet Spots, Steers & Nails Target - Vid

Stunning Japan 2011 Earthquake Visualization Map - Vid

Are American Politicians Really This Stupid? 

Mitt Romney, Bill Marriott And Illegal Immigration

Mantiq Altayr - Kathy Ireland & Carl Levin To Speak At AIPAC

Dow At Four Year High (cuckoo...cuckoo)

New €15 Billion Black Hole In Greek Finances

Engineering War On Iran - All Options On The Table?

Iran Launches Observation Satellite

Khamenei - The Zionist Regime Is A Cancer 

Israeli 'Democracy' Is A Racist, Genocidal, Apartheid State - Vid

Israeli 'Settlements' Make Peace Impossible 

Israel Gasses To Death

The Jews And The New World Order - Vid

'Jewish Indiana Jones' Admits To Torah Fraud

The 'Jewish Indiana Jones'

New Syria Resolution - Better but Still Flawed

120 Dead As Europe Freezes

CNN Contributor Salutes Urinating Marines 

EU To Force Its Flag On National Team Shirt

Surveillance Drone Industry Plans 'Positive' PR Effort

BBC ‘Is £3 Million Brussels Propaganda Arm’

Climate Change Minister Quits Over Lying To Police

Satellite Phone Encryption Cracked

Taped Exchange Exposes Dan Burton As Yapping Lap Dog

Angry Palestinians Attack UN Convoy In Gaza

Egypt Soccer Violence Moves To Cairo

Egypt: Cairo Rages As Soccer Disaster Bodies Return

Say NO - By Wolfgang Borchert

Our Spring Blossoms, Our Return

Silver Kills Tumors Better Than Chemo, Few Side Effects

Red Wine Chemical Resveratrol Could Drive New Treatments

Pharmacidists Out To Doublle Malaria Drug Market

Stranded Dolphins In Cape Cod Baffle Scientists

Fourth Potentially Habitable Planet Discovered

How To Build A Solar Water Heater

Both San Onofre Reactors Damaged? Multiple Pipes Broken?

'Unusual Wear' On Many New Pipes At San Onofre

Bird Numbers Plummet Around Wrecked Fukushima Plant

Rense & Linda Stone - Ritual Sex Abuse Victims - Vid

BoE Shows Off The Gold In Its Bullion Vault - Photos

Assad May Stay? UN Gives In To Russia

Fears Israel May Attack Iran This Spring - Vid

Israeli Mega War Hawk Lieberman To Meet With Hillary

Ron Paul Tells Hispanics He Opposes DREAM Act

Panetta Lets Stand Report Israel May Attack Iran By June

What Is A Just War? 

Outrage - US Bridges, Roads Built By China Firms - Vid

China Food Safety Results Are 'Alarming'

Assange Case - We Are All Suspects Now

Shoes For Ki-Moon - Eggs & Tomatoes Are Expensive

'One Subject' At A Time Bill Put Into Congress

TSA Agent Caught On-Camera Stealing $5000

IRS To Reward Snitches - Vid 

400 Chernobyls - Solar Flares, EMP And Nuclear Armageddon

Confirmed Gulf Oil Gushing, Blown Crater, Was Well #3  

China Says 'No' To Genetically Engineered Rice

Even Communist China Rejects GMOs

FKN News - The Latest Footage - Vid

Japan Snowstorms Paralyze North, 3 Die In Avalanche

Filer's Files #5, 2012

Bizarre UFO Photographed From Small Plane Over Oregon

Gilad In The WSJ...Via Ethnic Cleanser Dershowitz 

Atzmon In WSJ - 'School Hits Sour Note'

Russian Scientists Seeking Lake Vostok Missing In Antarctica

Life-Like Sculptures Bring Panic To The Streets

Silver Cures Some Cancers

Brains Of Addicts Are Inherently Abnormal - Study

Wonderful To See - Young Whale Rescued - Vid

Pouring Tea In A Plane Upside Down - Vid

Israel Military Chief - Iran Bomb Must Be Disrupted

Russia Digs In Heels At UN Over Syria


Giraldi - Another War On The Cheap

Ongoing War With Iran For Israel

Former US Policymakers Promote War On Iran

Israel Bluffs Iran

I‘Intelligence’ Chief Warns Of Threat Of Iran Attacks

Big US Push To Arm Israel  

Edmonds - The Decision Makers Of Wars And ‘You’

The Zionist Coverup Of Organized Crime - Vid

Shell Profits Up 54% On Iran Threats

Experts View On The Euros' Future - There Isn't Any

IMF Official Admits Austerity Is Harming Greece


AA Exposes Bush's Big Lie -  Flt 11 DID NOT FLY on 911!

DNC Makes Ad From Romney 'Poor' Remark - Vid

Drockton - The Jeb Bush Dilemma

Schwarz - Why I REFUSE To Vote For Jeb Bush

Paul - Immigration Not Solved By Barbed Wire, Guns

Paul Appeal Certain To Play Role In GOP Outcome

Film Producer James Cameron Getting Out, Moving To NZ

US Suspected Terrorists No-Fly List Doubles In 12 Mos

Josh Fox, Director Of Gasland, Arrested At Fracking Hearing

BBC Admits Receiving Millions From EU, Councils


Could Wales Leave The United Kingdom?

Outcry at student loan boss's tax dodge

Argentina Accused Of Falklands Blockade Plot

HK Rails Against Invasion Of Chinese 'Locusts'

Global War & Hunger Porn On The Way To Fat City

New York Times-Style Journalism 

The Hades Syndrome And The River Styx

Treasure Hunters Find $3b In Platinum On WW2 Brit  Ship

Technology Makes It Easy For Smartphone Stalkers

New Email Viruses Take Computers Without Opening 

Flesh-Eating Superbug Spreading From US

Tax Sugar Like Alcohol & Tobacco - Scientists

Likely Inhabitable Super-Earth Discovered

Worldwide Photos Of A Freezing Planet

Serbian Villagers Stranded By Heavy Snow Storms

19 Mile Crack In Antarctic Ice May Break

Keira Knightley - Why I Don't Own A TV

Man Charged With Eating Brains Of His Murder Victim

2,4-D Corn? A VERY Bad Idea

San Diego Diablo Washes Up - What Is It? - Vid

New Morgellons Fibers - CDC Says 'Hallucinations' - Photos

Major New Leak At Reactor 4 - Frozen Pipe Bursts

Radiation Leak Likely, Rotten Pipes At San Onofre

Military Leaders Warn Against Iran Attack 

Romney Unworried About Poor - They Have Safety Net

Conservatives May Leave If Romney Is Nominee

Three Little Wives Of Newt - Vid

Large Meteor Flashes Over OKC, Scores Of Witnesses

CA Smart Meter Opt-Out...For A Price -  (Extortion)

Br. Nathanael - Jewry's Lock On America's Security

PG&E Will Profit Billions For Deadly Explosion

Agenda 21 ICLEI Co-Conspirators Sell Out Taxpayers

McGrath - The Police State - Vid

Pols Want All IP Data Stored - TSA Sexually Abuses Kids

The United Nations - A Prostitute For Israel

ONE Palestinian And Israeli State

A Satan Whispering In The Hearts Of Men

Canada's 'Honor Killings' - Where's The Honor?

New Jersey Assembly Tries To Ban All Handguns

Dow Paid EPA $12M To Blow Dioxin Report Deadline

China On Gold Buying Spree - Vid

Globalist Openly Secret Clubs & Their Funding

Judicial Watch Fights Dirty Judges - Vid

Scary New 'Smart Bullets' for Military & Law Enforcement

New Jersey Assembly Tries To Ban All Handguns

Transhumanism Spider Genes Added To Human Skin

Changing Battery Technologies Can Be Dangerous

Million Birth Control Pills Recalled - Too Weak

FDA Protects Big Pharma Drug Sales & Owns Your Body

Images Of 1912 California Found In An Antiques Store - Photos

Probable Leak At Aging San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant

San Onofre Ready To Blow Anytime

Lies! - Reactor 4 FULL Of Fuel - Pacific Ocean May Be Lost

Rothschild Says He Wants A Single, One-World Currency - Vid

The Perniciousness Of ZIRP

Paris Drowning In The Flood Of Islam - Vid

We Must Ensure A Sustainable Future For All Life On Earth

10,000 Ducks To Be Destroyed In Oz -- Bird Flu

Drug-Resistant Bugs In Antibiotic-Free Meat


WNS Wipes Out 7 Million US Bats In Only 6 Years

Northwest Tries To Head Off WNS

Global Warming Idiots Rip WSJ For Printing Truth

Breast Cancer Surgery Rules Are Called Unclear

TV Pleases Satan - Vid

The Moon Is Your Worst Nightmare - Vid

Kirwan - Life & Death In The Balance

Did Feinstein Reveal Mossad Chief Secret Visit? - Vid

Wealthy Republican Donors Named 

Drockton - Herbert Hoover Better than Romney

Russia Says UN Must Rule Out Syria Intervention

Syria Resolution Path To Civil War - Russia Warns UN


Taliban To Succeed US, NATO Afghanistan – Leaked Report

Taliban Intact And Getting Pakistan Backing

Israel Eugenics Program - Dr. Mengele Blues

Israel Hit By 1,000 Cyber Attacks Per Minute

Go North Young Jew, Go North

An Israeli Prisoner Of Conscience

Network Of Global Agenda Councils

Mind-Reading Program Translates Brain Activity To Words

Internet Closing In On Cyber Spying

19 Crazy Things US School Kids Are Being Arrested For 

Frigid Siberian Blast Covers Europe - Photos

European Cold Snap Death Toll Rise To 71

4 Volcanic Eruptions Caused 19th Century 'Little Ice Age'

Death By Chemical - Forestry Herbicides

China's Largest Freshwater Lake Dries Up

China Disregard For Environment - No Sign Of Improving

US Pollution Ruins Million Tons Of Europe Wheat A Year

Scores Injured As 6.3 Quake Hits Lima, Peru

Breathtaking Scenes Of Nature's Magnificence - Vid

Windsor Hum Returns To Plague Residents


L.A. Teacher Charged With Molesting 23 Kids

US Army New Self-Steering Bullet

Probe - Air Force Punished Dover Whistleblowers

Prince William Deploys To Falklands

Useful Idiots Planned Mumbai-Style Londan Attacks

Global War And Hunger Porn On The Way To Fat City

The BBC Censors Its Own Report

University Of Ottawa Systemic Racism And Abuse 

PA Bat Population Devastated By WNS

Max Keiser - Hollywood vs America - Vid

Mr. Fixit To The Hollywood Stars Tells His Story

Scotty Bowers...Matchmaker To The Stars

Cops Use Chainsaw In Raid On WRONG Apartment 

Cell Phone Harm - How The Bees Can Help

Nursery Water - 'Purified' With Fluoride?

How To Protect Your Eyes From Computer Screens

Heart Danger In Diet Drinks

One In 100 Adults Has Autism - Men Hit Worst

Indigestion Drugs Taken By Millions Linked To Hip Fractures 

Time To Ditch Dumbing Down And Start Wising Up

External Power Back On At Byron Illinois Nuke Plant

La Nina Pushes Fukushima Radiation To S Hemisphere 

Fukushima Health Impact 'Small' - Lying UN Official 

Obama Sending 100,000 US Troops To Iran Theater By March

Syria - Clinton Counter-Threatens Russia 

International Business - Davos Style

Home Values Continue To Plunge

California To Be Broke By March

Romney Builds Momentum With FL Win - Vid


Ron Paul On The Gold Standard - Vid

Media Belligerence Against Ron Paul Is Now Pathetic

How Public Schools Keep Your Child A Prisoner - Vid

UK Decides Smart Meters Will Be Voluntary!

Swine Flu Outbreak In Mexico Kills At Least 29

NSABB Comments on H5N1 Transmission Censorship

H3N2v Match In Iowa Swine

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria In 37 US States

Time To Move Away From Major US Cities

Leaky Nuclear Plants vs Renewable Pipe Dreams

BK Lim - Recycled Data, Frauds And The BP Gulf Disaster

Is The Human Race A Flash In The Pan?

Whistleblower Personal Emails Hacked By FDA

Happy Birthday, Mario - Vid

LED Poised To Light Up The World

Elementary School Teacher Charged With Molestation

Fun In The Great Outdoors - Photos

Goodspeed - The Mirror In The Void - Vid

Burn Note Provides Self-Destructing Messages

New Legislation Censors Tax-Funded Health Research


Color Film Of Christmas On Hollywood Blvd In The 1940s! - Vid

Hollywood Blvd Heading West At Highland In The 1940s - Vid

Hollywood Blvd In The 1930s - Vid

Hollywood Movie And Radio Studios In The 1940s - Vid

To Live In The 1920s, Remarkable Film - Vid

Hollywood And LA...The Great Days - Photos


Romney Wins FL - 93% Vote For War, Death & Against Paul - Vid

Romney Stuffs Gingrich In Florida - Vid

Nichols - Byron, Illinois Nuke Plant In Trouble

Gingrich Security Harasses Ron Paul Supporter

Edmonds - Desperation Of The Establishment’s Jokers

US Vilification Of Iran Continues


Jews In Iran - Vid

PIke - Why We Should Fear Zionism More Than Islam

Strange Sounds Over Moscow - Vid

US Destroying World With DU Ammunition

Atzmon - The Wannsee Conference...Truth & Myth

Likely Hezbollah Drone Explodes At Israeli Airbase

Is Israel En Route To Self-Destruction?

IDF Nabs Pal Prisoner Released In Shalit Swap

US Air Strike In Yemen Kills 15 'Militants' - US #1 In Death

'President' Obama Crossing The Rubicon


Eviscerating The Constitution Since 1978 - Vid

'Organic Elite' Surrenders To Monsanto

GMOs Banned In Germany, But Not In US

CDC Calls Morgellons A Delusion, Protects DARPA

Whipped Onward And Hammered Home

Consensus 9/11 - Seeking Truth, Dispelling Lies

'Don't Say Gay' Senator Asked To Leave TN Restaurant

Chimeric Monkeys Born

Man Tasered For Walking Dogs Off Leash


Obama Confirms Drone Killings In Pakistan (gosh) - Vid

UK Pressures Obama Over TVShack Extradition Case

Russia Slams UN Syria Draft Resolution

Clinton, Hague Back Arab League Plan At UN


Iran Unveils New Laser Guided Missiles

Iran Launches Spanish TV Channel

Israeli Government Offers Concessions To Settlers

Americans Take Refuge At US Embassy In Cairo

Israel Lawlessly Indicts MK Sa'id Naffa

UK To Send Warship To Falklands, Tensions Rise

Dozens Freeze To Death Across Eastern Europe

Pending, Undeclared Default Of 5 Major US Banks 

Pressure Grows On EU To Relax Austerity

S&P Warns Cuts Loom For G20 Nations


We're In A New Era But Bankers Haven't Noticed

Germany To Set Terms For Saving The Euro

Cameron Faces Revolt On Veto 'U-Turn'

IAEA Approves Stress Tests On Japan Reactors

NASA Solve Mystery Of Earth 'Missing Energy'

£100 Speeding Fines To Pay Off Victims Of Violence

Smartphones To Diagnose From A Drop Of Blood?

Cancer 'Slowed By Cooked Tomatoes'

New Daredevil Craze Of Rooftopping - Pics

Horror Movie So Terrifying It Made Audience SICK

Illinois Statement On Nuclear Plant Accident

Radiation Cloud Detected Over New Zealand

7,800 Liters Radioactive Water - Reactor 4 Leak

How Sea Water Spreads Fukushima Uranium

Libya Update - Partial - Jan 30 2012 - Vid

US Nuclear Sub And Destroyer Enter Red Sea

War In Iran Will Mean WW3 - Vid

Iranian Laser Guided Smart Bombs

An Ominous Foreboding - Israel vs Iran

Assah - Egypt is Not Yet a Failed Revolution

Russia To Start Construction Of Two Warships

Russia Opposes 'Libyan Scenario' In Syria 

WikiLeaks Founder Assange To Host RT Show

Trowbridge - The Terrible Truth

Romney Appears Solid In Florida

Schwarz - Why I Refuse To Vote For Newt Gingrich

George Carlin...The American Dream - Vid

Is Facebook Worth $100 Billion?

Google Evil Spying Plan Thru Consolidation

Thailand Backs Twitter Censorship Policy

Food Shortages - EU & UN Want You To Eat Bugs


Drop in Global Trade Signals Collapse Is Near

'Occupy Oakland' Gone Wild

OWS Camps Banned, Where Do We Convene? - Vid

NC Counties Smashing Local Agenda 21 

2,4-D & Fluridone Sprayed In Contra Costa Waterways

NDE Defies Medical Model Of Consciousness

Hollywood In The 1930s And 1940s - Photos

Farmer's Market & Gilmore Stadium In 1940s Hollywood - Vid

Color Film Of Hollywood, The Sunset Strip In 1940s - Vid

Bill Gates Funds Ultrasound Sterility & Birth Defects

Chinese Workers Captured By Sudan Rebels

Chinese Media Blames West For Tibet Unrest

North Korea Planning Big Military Parade

Afghan Family Guilty Of 'Honor Killings'

How Ships Move Guns And Drugs  

Click Here To Monitor FEMA Social Twitter Feeds

Oz Lobbyist Hacks Attack Alternative Medicine

Monsanto & Pals Poisoned 400 MIllion Acres In US


3 Surprising Reasons To Give Up Soda

Turmeric Blocks Cancer, Reduces Tumors Up to 81%

A Whole HEPA Trouble #1 - Vid

A Whole HEPA Trouble #2 - Vid

2009 Vid - Gingrich Obamacare Individual Mandate

Palin Husband Joins Gingrich Campaign 

George W Bush. Romney And The Mormon Mafia

China Hiding 3,000 Underground Nuke Warheads - Vid

IL Nuclear Reactor Loses Power, Venting Steam

Rense & Jeffrey Smith - GMOs Will Change Planet - Vid

UFO Found In Baltic Sea?

Edmonds - Kyrgyzstan US Transit Base For Afghan Heroin

Europe's Losing Game

Chris Hedges - Corporations Have No Use For Borders

Kirwan - The Ships Of All States Are Sinking

Targeting AIPAC

FDA Hacked Own Scientists Email, Fired Them

NYPD Fresh Clashes With Occupy Protesters

UK Unveils Mach 3 Interceptor Missile

Sarko Says Britain Has 'No Industry'


Black Teen Thugs In Racist Attacks In Philly

Freddie Mac Bets Against American Homeowners

Kirwan - Gather Round...Millionaires & Billionaires Listen Up!

America Got Nuked In 12,500 BC

Marine Says Threesome With Edward VIII, Wallis Simpson

1904 NY Subway Opening Ceremony In Pictures!

Night Vision Goggles Used In Dog Fouling Crackdown

Neglected Lights - Mexico 1970s Saucer Wave

4 Dead In Freezing Weather In Serbia, Bulgaria

18 Dead In Severe Ukraine Freeze


Big Freeze In Britain, Temps Dive To -10C

Fracking Needs No More Regulation Says EUSSR

Underwater Oil Rig 'Factories' For Frigid Arctic 

Kids Feel Depressed Without Internet Connection

Disrupted Sleep Linked To Diabetes, Heart Disease

A Couple Zaps Of Ultrasound Kills Sperm 

BP Difference In Both Arms Reveal Health Risks   

More Patients Dying With Bedsores, Infected Wounds

Democracy In Mideast - Why The Islamists Win

Giffords - The Final Act

Conclusive Proof Obama Birth Certificate Is A Fake

Nuclear Inspectors Met By tension, Protests In Iran

Pax Iraniana

Tobacco Giant Linked To Syrian 'Bankrolling Assad Terror'

Syrian Forces Tighten Grip On Damascus Suburb

Our Solar System Moving Through Space

Israeli Drone Size Of A Boeing 737 Crashes

Egyptian Military Regime Slammed As The Enemy

Egypt Pulls Plug On US Lobby Firms

Can Stress Reduction Be This Simple? Flower Power...

Chemtrails: Atmospheric Aerosol Spraying Of Chemicals

Antiperspirants Likely Contribute To Breast Cancer

Romney Still In First Place In FL Polls

Fox Uses Old Video To Fake Ron Paul Being Booed - Vid

Iran - US Warmongering Prevent Spread Of Democracy

Roadmap To Redressing Economic Terrorism In US

Adrian Salbuchi - War For TOTAL Control

Police Brutality Compilation - Extremely Disturbing - Vid

Rep Allen West To Liberals 'Get The Hell Out Of The USA" 

Call For An Immediate End Of Ethnic Cleansing By Israel

Oh Beautiful, For Chemtrailed Skies

World's Largest Blue Whale Colony Found In Sri Lanka

Concrete Canvas Shelters - Vid

Iran, Gold And Oil - The Next Banksters War

DEBKA - US Sets May As Tentative Iran War Date

Rense & Tim Rifat - Rothschild US Pres Elections & Iran War

What Zionist America Does Best - Watch - Vid


Mantiq Altayr - Stealth Zionism

ACTA Makes SOPA, PIPA Look 'Reasonable'

EU Official In Charge Of ACTA Quits - Calls It 'Masquerade'

How Recent Solar Flares Are Affecting Humans

Iran, Gold And Oil - The Next Banksters War

That Hotpants Romance Under The Lights Of Broadway

Jack Abramoff And The Mormon Mafia 

Workers Orders To Chop Up US Dead, Dump In Landfill - Vid

Mystery Illness In Teen Girls Spreads Across NY

Greece Tells Germany To Shove It


UFO Buzzes ICBM Launch Capsule at Minot AFB

UFO Tracked on Radar at Minot AFB

The Murder Of Paul Wellstone - Vid

A Look At Cuban Technological Disobedience

Gardasil Victim Speaks Out After 2 Years - Vid

Disclosure Needed for Psych Drugs That Shorten Life

Cops Roll Out New 'Peacemaker' Surveillance Vehicle - Vid

Gingrich Questions Romney's Honesty (funnier every day)

Gingrich Backer Tied To China Organized Crime 

Romney Baptized Atheist Father-In-Law Year After He Died

Syrian Forces Battle To Retake Damascus Suburbs

Arab League Suspends Syria Mission - Vid

Washington's War On Syria 

Iran Says Oil May Hiit $150 Per Barrel On EU Ban

Sanctions Can Only Deepen The Iran Crisis

Roubini Warns Iran Conflict Could Yield World Recession

Targeting Iranian Nationals

UN Nuclear Inspectors Arrive In Iran

Gilad Atzmon - The Wandering Hugh 

How I Woke Up To The Untruths Of Obama

Obama Is Turning The US Into A Social State

Climate Propagandists Admit No Warming Since 1997

Cops Use Flash Grenades In Occupy Oakland Violence 

EUSSR 'Should Control' Greece Budget

The Great EU Conjuring Trick

Europe's Lost Generation

Crony Capitalism And Craven Folly

UK Paratroopers Being Trained In Riot Control

Four Sun Journalists Nabbed In Police Bribery Probe

Chinese Buy 16 Dairy Farms In New Zealand

Hip Implant Particles Can Poison Brain, Entire Body

Toxic Friends Linked To Cancer, Depression, Heart Disease

Romney Widens Poll Lead Over Gingrich In Florida

Adulterer Liar Cain Endorses Adulterer Liar Gingrich

LL Bean Heiress Endorses Ron Paul


Obama Criticizes GW Bush, Then Has Tea With Him

Senator Wyden Schools Obama On The ACTA Treaty

What Is ACTA?

ACTA - Worse Than SOPA And PIPA

Germany Pushes Greece For Massive Financial Control

Debt Fear-Mongering And Spending Madness

Topless Protesters Crash Davos World Econ Forum 

More Proof - Cell Phones, Wi-Fi Negatively Affect Brain

Lyme Disease Positive Ticks Plentiful In UK

USDA Closes Offices, Colludes With Codex


Edmonds - Gingrich Promises The Moon - Vid

Russia Warns US Of WW3 - Vid

Daily Show Digs Into Worker Abuse At China's Foxxconn - Vid 

Forecasting Economic Decline 

'Human' Beings? - Dawn Of The Dead - Vid

Synagogue Allegedly Invovled In Mel Gibson Shakedown

Sauder - Malicagua & The Queen Of The Natural World

Assah - Egypt Is Not Yet A Failed Revolution - Vid


Student Follows Founding Fathers, Gets Hate Speech, Death Threats 

Goldman Execs Get Access To Restricted Stock

6 Yr Old Charged With Sexual Assault For Playing Tag

US Civilian Inmate Labor Program - 1997 Manual

New Drone Has No Pilot Anywhere - Who's Accountable?

Kepler Announces 11 Planetary Systems Hosting 26 Planets

David Duke - Will Israel Assassinate Obama? - Vid

As We Said - Poppy Takes Jeb To Meet Obama...Jeb Is Next

Bizarre Noises Over Cambridge, England - Vid

Strange Sounds Banff Alberta Canada - Vid


Weird Sky Sound In Saskatoon Again - Vid

Eerie Noises Over Regina, Sask - Vid

Strange Noise Over London - Vid

Secrets Of The Newt's Zionist Bankroller Adelson

How DARPA/NSA Put Sound And Voices Into Your Brain

Yitzhak Obama

Israel Warns Times Running Out For Iran

Russia Stands Firm In Support Of Syria

UK Taxpayers Pay £2m To Fund Jewish School Security

Costly Fiasco Of Smart Meters That Don't Work 


China Denies Nuclear Accident

Deadly Chemical Discharged Into Chinese Rivers

Asteroid Near Misses And The Threats To Come

Asteroid Near Miss With Earth

Europe Developing An Asteroid Shield

To Choodle Into The Armageddon Sunset

Fisk - Present Stands No Chance Against The Past

Fear Factor Contestants Drink Glasses Of Donkey Semen

Utah Students Arrested For 'Columbine-Style' Plot

One Night In Jail Accidentally Becomes 2 YEARS In Solitary


Two Ways To Sell Radioactive Fukushima Rice

Fukushima Plant Full Of Untrained Migrant Workers

Hanford Nuclear Site Cleanup Essentially Impossible

USS Enterprise False Flag - Vid

Romney & Gingrich Vie To Be Pro Immigration

Gingrich Probed For $10 Million Arms Dealer Bribe 

Gingrich Stuck To Caustic Path In Ethics Battles

Pentagon Wants Commando Mothership In MidEast

Obama On Strange Sounds And Planet X (smile) - Vid

McGrath - This Is A Breakdown Crisis - Vid


Stop the NDAA in Your State- Take Action

Bill Gates Answer to Global Starvation - GMOs

GMO Soil Fungus In So-Called 'Organic' Products

FBI Attacks Free Speech Thru Twitter & Facebook

Confessions Of A Global Warming Luke Warmist

WSJ Publishes Scientists Letter On GW Fraud

Social Security Trust Fund Worth Over $2.6 Trillion

Scary State Mandatory Vaccine Legislation

AMA Proposes Forced Vaccine Trials

America Cannot Afford Endless Immigration


Strange Blue Spheres Fall Over England - Vid

Is Eli Wiesel An Impostor? Hungarian Court Hears Case

Beam Of Light From Top Of Ancient Mexican Pyramid - Vid

Red Tails - The Facts About the Tuskegee Airmen

Deadly Building Collapse Hits Rio - Vid

Return Of The Gold Standard Imminent

We Are The Champions...Of The World?

Albino Hummingbird Photographed By 15 Yr. Old - Pics

Israeli Assassinations And US Presidents

Campaign To Smear Ron Paul Heats Up


Romney, Abramoff And The Utah Mormon Mafia

World Govts Raise 'Safe' Radiation Levels - Die, Sheep, Die

Israel - End Of A Dream

Torture And Abuse In Libya

YouTube March 1 Changes Much Bigger Than Thought - Vid

Pentagon Says It Still Has Money For Asia...

Baltic Dry Index Going To The Bottom

Pyscho Drive-By Scanning Radiation And Use Expanded  

BK Lim - Why BP Gulf Disaster Is So Bad  And Not Fixable

Dave Martin - Baylor, You Have A Problem

Roy Bard - Glad Not To Be In The PSC

Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone In The Mideast

The Roots of Christian Zionism

Colored Perception And Limited Perspective

Welch Speech Predicting Insiders Plans To Destroy US - Vid

The Billionaire, The Banker – And A Bit Of Birch Thrashing 

Soros Adbusters Pushes Occupy G8 And NATO Summits

Very Mysterious China Data

Shipwreck Hunters Find Big, Mystery Object On Baltic Sea Floor


Statins Linked To 300+ Negative Effects

Does Medical Training Remove Empathy?

MSG - Drug, Poison Or Flavor-Enhancer?

Milk A Cure For PMS? A Giant Leap In Logic

Cell Phones Are Causing More Health Complications

Iran Could Beat Embargo And Ban Oil To EU

Israel Says Iran 'Drifting' Toward A Nuclear Weapon

'Settlers' Who Went Too Far - Even For Netanyahu

Profile Of A Rogue State

Selling War Putin Blasts US Meddling In Other Nations Affairs


Revealed - Secret Evacuation Plan For Tokyo After Fukushima

Japan Hid Fukushima Worst-case Scenario

Japan Failed To Keep Records Of Key Nuke Meetings

UK Judge Tries To Speed Gary McKinnon Case

GOP Begins To Think The Unthinkable

NYPD Boss Under Fire Over Anti-Muslim Training Film

FBI To Use Twitter To Predict Crimes

Twitter Can Censor Tweets In Individual Countries

Pentagon To Cut US Ground Troops By 100,000

Inside Chinese Factories Making iPads For Apple


Cocaine Seized At The UN 

BP Must Pay Gulf Oil Disaster Compensation

London The Censorship Capital Of The World

Pedophile Teacher Protected By School Bosses

Russian Expat Cyprus Invasion...Sinister Overtones

NATO - The Salala Massacre

Respect Of The Dead - US Military Style

Wrongly Accused Of Murder Due To Vit D Deficiency?

Pharma Whores Claim 16 Million In US Have Oral HPV

Abolishing Meat Requires The Ethical Attention Of All


Autism Can Be Detected In The Unborn - Scientists

US NGO Workers Prevented From Leaving Egypt

Libyan Militias Accused Of Torture

29 Killed In Sectarian Attack On Iraq Funeral

Spielberg To Remake Moses As Braveheart

Pakistan PM In The Docks

CNN Debate Story Notes Ron Paul Twice In 35 Paragraphs - Vid

Japan Defines 'Decontamination' As A 'Hand Cleaning'

New Hampshire HB 1634 ˆ- Death To ICLEI, Agenda 21

Virginia Bill To Nullify The NDAA


Has Obama Campaign Given Birthers Foot In The Door?

Mitt Romney And The Radical Gay Agenda

Draft Jeb Bush 

Pentagon Cuts Would Dramatically Reshape Military

International Agreement ACTA Is SOPA Evil Twin

Hawaii May Force IPs To Record All Sites Visited By Users

The TSA Won't Stop Itself - So The States Will

Rand Paul Describes His TSA Adventure -Vid

Ron & Rand Paul Raise Over $200K To End TSA

Airport Security Problems Begin With The Workers - Vid


Replacing A SmartMeter With An Analog Meter - Vid

Ex DC Madam Atty Files Birther' Suit In DC Federal Courts

Industry May Stop EPA from Publishing Dioxin Report

Top 30 Industrial Dioxin Polluters- Chart

Philo - 'Every Good Man Is Free'

Fukushima Daiichi 'In Really Bad Shape' - US 'Terrified'

Fukushima Animals Abandoned, Left To Die - Vid

Jon Stewart Nails Gingrich Hypocrisy - Vid

Ron Paul Media Blackout Back With A Vengeance

Obama Snubs, Mocks Georgia Judicial Hearing

Georgia Eligibility Judge Will Rule Against Obama!

FBI Wants New App To Wiretap The Internet

Bizarre Sounds Over Illinois - 1 - Vid

Bizarre Sounds Over Illinois 2 - Vid

Strange Sounds In The Sky - Allentown, PA - Vid

Abnormal Sounds Now In Sunnyside New York - Vid

Strange Sounds Over Rochester, MI - Vid

Mainstream Reporting Strange Noises Heard Around The World

FKN News - Let Us Pay - Vid

US Ranked 47th In Press Freedom

Navy Training Blasts Marine Mammals With Sonar

Gold Manipulation Officially Confirmed

Gold Manipulation, Naked Short Selling Same Scheme 

HFCS & Sugar - Can Your Body Tell The Difference After All?

MIT Offers All Courses Online For Free

LOOK - Chemtrail Spraying From Commercial Airliner - Vid

Dole Releases Stinging Critique Of Gingrich

3 Papers Prove Gingrich Lied About Both Divorces!

Edmonds - Israel Plot On Iran Story Line Keeps Getting Murkier

Monsanto Hideous Roundup Found In ALL Urine Samples Tested

Navy Sue Over Brutal Sonar Use Off Northwest Coast 


Palisades Nuke Plant - 'Accident Waiting To Happen'

Hazards Of Nanotechnology Remain Unknown

Campaign For Safe Cosmetics...Nanotechnology

Illegal Alien Fighting Org Silenced By Google

Rep. Barney Frank To Marry Longtime Partner

Hated Oz PM Jostled By Angry Aboriginal Demonstrators

Apple Turns Blind Eye To Worker Exploitation

HOAXED Sounds Video - Wind Doesn't Blow Indoors - Vid

Magpie Pushes Two Cats Into Fight, Joins In! - Vid

Hollywood Golden Days...Glamorous Stars, Amazing Cars - Pics

Results Of Obama No-Show In GA Court On Eligibility

Obama's Failed State Of The Union

10 Steps Toward Radical Revolution In America

Zionists Push Another Iran Amb Assassination Scam

Halt In Iran Oil Could Push Crude Up 30% - A Big Oil Scam

India Pledges To Continue Buying Iran Oil

Ahmadinejad Says Iran Ready For Nuclear Talks

Iran Won't Be Hurt By Oil Embargo - Ahmadinejad Vows

Independent Libyan Fact-Finding Mission

Fidel Castro Attacks 'Idiocy, Ignorance' Of US Repub Race


Fed To Keep Zero Interest Rate - Bernanke

Bernanke Poised For New Bond Buys

It's Now Up To China To Save Capitalism

Soros  Says Debt Crisis Could Destroy EU

Portugal Borrowing Rates Rises To Record 19.4%

Facebook 'Timeline' Becomes Mandatory For All Users

Google Will Know More About You Than Your Partner 

Digital ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ Will Be EU Law

Decade Of YouTube Footage Uploaded Every Day

Scientists Make 'Invisibility Cloak' Breakthrough

Cameron - Human Rights Laws Harm UK Defence

First Widely-Predicted ‘Scottish Extremist’ Story Appears

The Curious Case Of The Vanishing Killer

How To Choose Your Religion

EU Sent 50 MEPs To Congo For 8 Days At Cost Of £850,000

Hated Oz PM Julia Gillard Target Of Rage In Canberra 

French Presidential Candidate Ridiculed For Normandy Claims


Boise Infant Death Spike Tied To Fukushima Radiation - Vid

Radiation-Hit Immune Systems - Japan Flu Doubles

Tokyo Ass Tells Kids Eat Radiation, 'Share The Pain'

30% Of Tested Fukushima Kids Have Thyroid Lumps

CDC Creeps Formally Call Morgellons An Hallucination

CDC/Kaiser 'Groundbreaking' Morgellons Study A Fraud! (2008)

Br Nathanael - Obama's Unshakable Bondage To Bibi - Vid

Romney, Bain Capital & The Mormon Mafia

Gingrich Promises Moon Base By End Of His SECOND Term

Hey Santorum, We Don't Need A 'Little Inflation' - Vid

No Iran Nuclear Weapon In 2012 - Isis Report

Why The US Will Never Be 'Energy Independent'

Why Switzerland Has Lowest Global Crime Rate -Vid

NDAA - The Internet Is Battlefield, Too

Edith Starr Miller - Murdered For Exposing Conspiracy

Death Knell Of The Failing Chevrolet Volt?

Solar Energy Now Cheaper Than Diesel In India


Drone Finds River Of Blood At Dallas Slaughterhouse

The Sound Of Ancient Places

Odd EMF? Caused Cloud Formation Seen From ISS - Vid

Filer's Files - Secrets To Making Alien Saucers Work

Death & Other Reactions To Vaccines

Why You Must Personally Treat Your Own Water

Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Nasty Drugs

Sec Of State Kemp Slaps Down Obama's Attorney

Obama/Soetoro To 'Boycott' GA Eligibility Hearing

Obama Walks Away From Still Talking AZ Gov Jan Brewer!


Sheik Hosein - US$, Iran, Syria, Zionists, Weird Disasters - Vid

Sheik Imran Hosein - Israel Taking US To Its Grave - Vid

War On Iran Propaganda’s New Azeri Plot Thickens

Most Syrians Support Assad

Obama, Gingrich & Romney - Tax Returns At A Glance

Why All The Robo Signing? The Shadow Banking System

Don't Smoke The Brown Naugahyde

The Sandusky Principle And The Hive Mentality

Alynn Pike's Demons Created by Intelligence, Not 'Energy'


Eerie Sounds Over Battleford, Canada Make TV News - Vid

Sheik Imran Hosein - Israel Taking US To Its Grave - Vid

Obama Still Driving America To Its Grave

Israel Jails Speaker Of Palestinian Parliament - No Trial

Israel Demands Tougher Iran Sanctions

Atzmon - Jewish Imperial News

Robert Fisk - It Suits Israel We Never Forget 'Nuclear Iran' 

Russia Warns Against UN Sanctions Against Syria

New US Ambassador Sparks Russian Fury


Prof Faurisson - Europe's Greatest Holocaust Researcher - Vid

Concordia's Invisible US Owner Branded 'A Disgrace'

Bill O'Reilly Has FOX Goons Call, Threaten Radio Host

Ever Wondered What Happened To Sarah Palin?

Whistling Past The Graveyard

Nate Rothschild - Sauna With Mandy Was Pleasure Not Biz

The Armenian Genocide

Kirwan - Conquest Denied

Merkel Casts Doubt On Saving Greece From Meltdown

Aging Japan Faces 'Chronic' Trade Deficit After Fukushima

IMF Slashes Global Growth Forecasts

Davos - Big Questions From Top Delegates

The Elephants In The Davos Ski Lodge

Soros - 'There Will Be Riots In The Streets Of America'

US Marine Spared Jail Over Deaths Of Unarmed Iraqis

Ever Wondered What Happened To Sarah Palin?

LA Cops Execute Man Outside Junk Food Restaurant

Embarrassing 'SHCOOL' Sign Replaced In NYC

Afghan Soldier Killed 4 French After Seeing US Desecration Vid

Bedouin Tribesmen Storm Egyptian Tourist Resort

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