Greens’ effort to encourage media scrutiny of violence in Tibet defeated by Govt, Coalition

A Greens' motion calling on the Australian government to urge the Chinese government to restore press freedom, following a media blackout since January 24th over the continuing unrest in Tibet and surrounding areas, has been defeated today in the Senate.


Cattle exporter suspends trade to Indonesian abattoir: Ludwig shown up

Agriculture Minister Senator Joe Ludwig should take the lead of Australian company International Livestock Exports (ILE) which today moved to voluntarily suspend all cattle shipments to an Indonesian abattoir featured in the shocking footage of animal cruelty released this week, said Greens Senator and animal welfare spokesperson Lee Rhiannon (Perth exporter halts shipment of live cattle, p3, AFR).


Forest rogue

Forestry Tasmania is a rogue agency which is planning to siphon million of dollars from the Intergovernmental Agreement on Tasmania's forests signed by Prime Minister Gillard and Premier Giddings last August, Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.


Senate Committee of Privileges releases legal considerations

The Committee of Privileges has agreed to the request of Australian Greens Senators Bob Brown and Christine Milne and today released their lawyers' submissions on the referral about allegations originating from Liberal Senators Eric Abetz, George Brandis and Helen Kroger alleging corruption.


Govt & Coalition appear to blindly back flawed Murray-Darling draft plan

Labor and the Coalition have today given the clearest indication yet that they will support the flawed Murray Darling Basin draft plan by voting down a Greens' motion to send the document to a Senate inquiry.
