Sunday, 8 January 2012

Demonstration in support of sacked Liverpool Mutual Homes workers

At the end of August, I wrote about how a group of workers had been sacked by Liverpool Mutual Homes (LMH) as a result of their age. They have been protesting at their workplace and at LMH offices in town near constantly since then. Alongside them, 200 of their colleagues are facing the sack.

It was last June that the council saved 273 jobs by bringing the company back "in-house." However, with the council now in full gear implementing multi-million pound cuts, it appears that this was only a temporary reprieve. LMH claim that there is not enough work and are therefore making redundancies. The union reject this on the basis, as elsewhere in the public sector, that the workforce is already understaffed. They also have evidence that LMH are addressing this issue, whilst still getting rid of staff, through the use of subcontractors.

The workers have commenced a ballot for industrial action and are hoping for a positive result. This will allow them to go beyond the protests that have gained considerable sympathy over the last few months and hit the bosses where it hurts - in the pocket. Once strike dates are announced, I'll be publicising those here as well in a similar call for support.

In the meantime, if you can get into Liverpool City Centre, come along. Show your solidarity with the 11 workers already sacked and the additional 200 facing redundancy - send a message to LMH that they do not stand alone.

Assemble 12pm, Friday 13th January, at Steble Fountain on William Brown Street.
Bring flags, placards and banners.
RSVP on the Facebook event page, here.