Wednesday, 21 December 2011

New documentary on union blacklisting by Reel News

Via JIB Electrician, the following video is by Reel News and the Blacklist Support Group. It's worth watching as it details the extent of the blacklisting of trade unionists which continues to this day in the construction industry.

Several thousand workers have found themselves on the Consulting Association database for trade union activity or for speaking up on health & safety. The Consulting Association was the successor of the Economic League, which undertook similar action in support of industrialists and "free" enterprise as well as having links to the early fascist group the British Empire Union.

Despite the Consulting Association being wound up and blacklisting being illegal, the practice continues to this day. New information continues to come to light, from the involvement of the security services to the collusion of full time union officials. The fight for justice goes on.

This video is worth watching as it highlights the lengths employers will go to in order to crush trade union activity. Solidarity with all blacklisted workers.