Freedom/Libertad #6

Transit Funding Needs a Fix
Radical Potentials in Verizon Strike
Mumia Facing Life in Prison

En este numero
Pittsburgh Dice "Que Paguen los Ricos"
Posibilidades Radicales en la Huelga de Verizon
Mumia se Enfrenta a Cadena Perpetua

El proceso de construcción inicial del Fel

El proceso de construcción inicial del Fel

El Fel posee precedentes bastante lejanos en el tiempo, enclavados en las diversas experiencias de inserción social anarquista/libertaria en el movimiento estudiantil chileno, lo que en este documento no alcanzaremos a reseñar. Si nos detendremos eso sí, en los antecedentes inmediatos, siendo lo más relevante, la presencia alcanzada por diferentes grupos y colectivos de corte anarquista/libertario en el ciclo de luchas del movimiento universitario desde mediados de los años 90.

The Process of the Initial Construction of FEL (Libertarian Students Front - Chile)

The Process of the Initial Construction of FEL
[Translated from the original document:]

ACES: Asamblea Coordinadora de Estudiantes Secundarios/Coordinating Assembly of High
School Students
ACL: Asamblea de Convergencia Libertaria/Libertarian Convergence Assembly
Bandera Negra/Black Flag
Confech: Confederación de Estudiantes de Chile/Chilean Student Confederation
CRA: Corriente Revolucionario Anarquista/Revolutionary Anarchist Current
CSL: Colectivo Senda Libertaria/Libertarian Path Collective
CUAC: Congreso de Unificación Anarco Comunista/Unified Anarcho Communist Congress
FAC: Frente Anarquista Cordillera/Anarchist Cordillera Front [Cordillera means Southern
FECh: Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad Chile/Student Federation of Universidad de
FEL: Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios/Libertarian Students Front [also known as Fel]
JJ.CC.: Juventudes Comunistas/Young Communists [also known as “la Jota”]
K.A.P.A.: Kolectivo Actúo, Pienso y Aprendo/Act, Think, and Learn Kollective
MLJM: Movimiento Libertario Joaquín Murieta/Joaquin Murieta Libertarian Movement

Fel's formation takes precedent to a distant time, embedded in the diverse social experiences by anarchist/libertarians in the Chilean student movement, which in this document we are not able to review. We will, however, discuss recent experiences within the cycle of struggle by the university student movement of the mid 90's that are relevant to the reached understanding by various groups and collectives within the anarchist/libertarian current.

Boston: Black Flame Reading Group

Join us for a public reading group - the first Saturday of every month, 6pm at Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave, Chinatown, Boston.

Reading Schedule:

Saturday, December 3
Read Chapters 1-2

Saturday, January 7
Read Chapters 3-5

Saturday, February 4
Read Chapters 6-8

Saturday, March 3
Read Chapters 9-11

For more information or to purchase Black Flame:

or at the Lucy Parsons Center:
358 Center St, Jamaica Plain
(617) 522-6098

OPEN CITY 1 & 2 - Broadsheet of NYC Common Struggle

Here are the first two issues of a new broadsheet by the NYC Local of Common Struggle.

"Kropotkin - The Coming Revolution"

From Void Network
Magazin - underground media collective and Void Network
a 23' short film compiled from different  articles and books of the anarchist Peter Kropotkin. 
The film tries to give an introduction  to the basic concepts of  anarcho-communism.

The Oakland General Strike, The Days Before, The Days After

From: Autonomous Struggle of the Glittertariat

What follows is my personal account of the events that led up to the Oakland General Strike of the 2nd of November, 2011. This takes the form of much personal narrative mixed with analysis, while I'm still analyzing and thinking through the events, and while the longer term effects are unknown, to get these experiences in writing while they are still fresh. I apologize in advance for any rambling or roughness in the narrative.

To the Occupy Movement

We are so inspired to be part of this new movement of people, struggling on behalf of the 99% against a system that allows corporations to run the world. We are thrilled about the wide use of direct democracy and popular assemblies, the participation of unions and community groups, and the honest efforts to include the voices of the most oppressed. We consider these the basic building blocks of a healthy society based on freedom and equality – which is what we're fighting for.

As anarchists in the struggle for this future society we have participated in occupations, directly democratic assemblies, mass movements of the oppressed, un-permitted marches, and other direct actions. Today, we in Common Struggle are involved in these again within the Occupy movement across the United States. Looking back at our history as anarchists, and analyzing this emerging movement as we participate, we see a few road blocks down the path that we hope we all can avoid.


First I have to thank many of my comrades for inspiration. Many of the ideas herein have been sourced from conversations and are directly ripped off from close friends. If the points below seem a little unruly at times it is because I have been working on this piece on and off between going to occupations all over the Northeast, but I do not want to hold off any longer. Like Bakunin often left us with pieces written in the heat of struggle, this is a work in progress.

Dear Occupiers: A Letter from Anarchists

Dear Occupiers
A letter from anarchists

Support and solidarity! We’re inspired by the occupations on Wall Street and elsewhere around the country. Finally, people are taking to the streets again! The momentum around these actions has the potential to reinvigorate protest and resistance in this country. We hope these occupations will increase both in numbers and in substance, and we’ll do our best to contribute to that.

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