anarchist notes (february 6, 2012)

Gabriel Kuhn has written an interesting review of some of the definitional problems that emerge from Michael Schmidt and Lucien van der Walt’s book Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism (AK Press, 2009) in Perspectives 2011 (Institute for Anarchist Studies).

Also of interest is the new publishing project LBC Books. Among their first few titles is Occupy Everything — “a book where anarchists, in their own words, express how and why they engaged in Occupy, what methods they used, and evaluates the success of Occupy on anarchist terms”. (See also : AK Press, Ardent Press, Autonomedia, Black & Red Books, Christie Books, CrimethInc, Eberhadt Press, Freedom Press and PM Press. Oh and Digital Elephant…).

disaccords is a new blog documenting political upset, social turmoil and lulz in Australia. “By choosing to report an incident here, we make no claims as to the (political) motivations of any actors. We just want to amplify the news of incidents that shatter, however briefly, the myth of consensus and social peace, and show that various forms of resistance are possible – are present – here.”

*Another, forthcoming (anarchist, group) blog is titled Anarchist Perspective — more on that later.

In a few weeks (Saturday, February 25), a new, local anarchist publication called Sedition will be launched. Sedition is a joint by Jura (Sydney), the Melbourne Anarchist Club (Melbourne) and Organise! (Adelaide).

In March (10/11/12), an anarchist gathering known as Camp Anarchy will be taking place @ Yarra Junction. So too Such is Life (9/10/11), “a DIY punk festival organised on a not-for-profit basis. It first took place in 2004 and is the only festival of its kind happening in Australia.” This year it’s taking place @ Goongerah.

Meanwhile, in Egypt (Egyptian anarchists seek self-governed society, The Daily News, January 20, 2012):

Horizontal authority

Instead of vertical authority, anarchists call for horizontal cooperatives organized “by the people, for the people”. Supporting multi-independent syndicates is one of their goals. They support the idea of workers taking over factories and companies which will be self-managed by elected workers committees.

Abdullah gave the example of the Ultras, Egypt’s organized football fans. These groups are horizontal networking movements with grassroots support. They are leaderless and have joined the revolutionaries in the common fight against police brutality, and so they share common ground with anarchists.

The ultras are also being slaughtered by the Egyptian state:

Egyptian football protests: death toll reaches 11
Ten protesters and one security officer killed in Cairo and Suez in aftermath of deadly football violence
David Batty and agencies
February 4, 2012

At least 11 people have been killed in clashes with Egyptian security forces amid ongoing fallout from the 74 deaths at a football match in Port Said earlier this week.

Five people were killed when hundreds of demonstrators in Cairo clashed with police near the interior ministry on Saturday morning. The protesters are demanding an end to military rule and retribution for those killed in the riots after Wednesday’s match…

There have been accusations that plainclothes officers took part in the riot. Some have alleged that riot police intentionally allowed the violence in Port Said to happen to retaliate against fans of the visiting team Al Ahly, known as ultras, who played a key role in clashes with security forces during the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak.

See also : Whose Egypt?, Adam Shatz, London Review of Books, Vol.34, No.1, January 5, 2012.

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John Roskam ~versus~ George Orwell

John Roskam:

John Roskam’s political sensibilities were kindled at age 14, when he read George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” in one night. Combined with his parents’ small-business, anti-Communist leanings, the book inspired a passion for free market liberalism that continues 30 years later.

“You could not be anything other than in favour of the individual and individual choice after reading “Animal Farm”, says Roskam, 44, the executive director of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA). “It highlights the dangers of unrestrained collective action.”

George Orwell:

The Spanish war and other events in 1936-37 turned the scale and thereafter I knew where I stood. Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.

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Greek Ministry of Justice site haxxored

Gosh. First US nazis, now The Greek Ministry of Justice site got haxxored!


We know EVERYTHING, We have your PASSWORDS , We are watching YOU.



We are Legion . This is JUST the BEGINING. is just an example of what we are capable of!

You have 2 weeks to stop ACTA in Greece otherwhise we will do CYBERWARFARE by defacing 300 sites and all the media and ministries.

If you don’t believe, Just check your email ministryofjustice: user: pass: igotowned

Anonymous members from Greece and Cyprus
Special greetings to GHS
Special greetings to #antisec and #codehack

Dedicated to #dayOfAction 3 February

Exploring Revolt in Greece from Ross Domoney on Vimeo.

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The recent hackery of neo-Nazi websites aka (down as of January 12, mirrored @ sites such as has been picked up by The Controlled Media in Canada and Ireland.


Hacked neo-Nazi websites reveal Canadian connections
Data exposes people associated with Blood and Honour and Volksfront
CBC News
February 1, 2012

Currently, two alleged members and supporters of B&H Canada are on trial for assault: “Alistair Miller and Robertson De Chazal, show up in the files uncovered by the European hackers. Miller, 20, and de Chazal, 25, are charged with an attack in which a sleeping Filipino man was apparently sprayed with a flammable liquid and set on fire.” Also facing charges is beardy nazi Shawn MacDonald: “De Chazal is also facing charges related to an assault on a black man. He is alleged to have carried out that attack with Shawn MacDonald, 39, who was charged earlier for separate assaults on a black man, a Hispanic man and an aboriginal woman.” (Man set on fire in alleged racial attack, CBC News, January 23, 2012). For moar infos on nazi shenanigans in Canada check out Anti-Racist Canada blog eh. McDonald’s court attendance (January 27) attracted a small group of anti-racists and was reported by VMC.

NB. In Australia, B&H is a national network. Their next Main Event is in Brisbane in April. VF is largely confined to NSW (Sydney) as their sometime rivals in B&H and the Southern Cross Hammerskins (SCHS) have instructed VF that organising outside of NSW is strictly verboten — tho’ VF also allegedly cooperates with the remnants of Combat 18 in Perth. This month, former WA policeman Robert Critchley is due to be sentenced after being found guilty in early December 2011 of attempting to pervert the course of justice by tipping off members of C18 that they were under police surveillance. Prominent VF supporter and Holocaust denialist/free speech activist Paul Fromm (pictured in the CBC report) toured Australia in December 2010 as a guest of the Australia First Party, addressing local fascists in a series of meetings in Melbourne and Sydney (also Aotearoa/New Zealand, where he met with neo-Nazis belonging to Right Wing Resistance New Zealand).


Brian Whelan has written a series of article drawing on infos obtained via

Mapping #OperationBlitzkrieg (January 10, 2012): “The map below shows all the Irish locations listed in the recent #Operationblitzkrieg leaks. I have removed names and exact addresses (house numbers, etc.).”

“My Nazi maps make a splash in Ireland’s biggest-selling tabloid.” (January 23, 2012)

“Another spread in Sunday World, based on my work with leaked files from Operation Blitzkrieg – a top civil servant at the DFA was featured on the customer list of neo-Nazi linked company Thor Steinar and ran a bizarre skinhead porn site.” (January 29, 2012)


Thus far, no Australian hack has bothered to examine the leaks, which otherwise appears to have gone un-reported in Australian media.

Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Cats, Media, State / Politics, War on Terror | Tagged | Leave a comment… D’oh!

*Searchable database of msgs @

More than a few neo-Nazi sites have come under attack of late and the latest to join them is US-based (A3P). And And…

We put extra effort in ruining the life of A3P webmaster Jamie Kelso [JKS]. On top of being on the board of directors of A3P, former $cientologist, and high ranking Ron Paul organizer, he also is the account owner of german nazi forums and store, We went ahead and wiped those websites off the internet as well, dumping private messages and order information. Aside from us releasing his information such as his social security number, address, resume and private discussions, we also heard some folks went on a joyride with Kelso’s credit card and made some lulzy purchases, including sex toy purchases and making donations to the Anti Defamation League and many others. Oops.

A3P is down right now but before it went [mirror] the colourful ponies responsible for the hackery-dackery-doo managed to collect some text for further analysis. Interested parties are invited to “utilize this information and make hell for these white nationalist scumbags. It is essential if we wish to live in a world free from oppression to expose and confront racists at their jobs, their schools, at their homes and in the streets.”

Leaving aside JKS’ links to the Ron Paul campaign, one rather odd exchange on A3P involves JKS, Jay of Melbourne and a KKKlown named Hobbit. Hobbit was for a brief period the other member of the Invisible Empire known as the CNKKKK. A few years ago its leader ‘Tina Greco’ was promoted by Carl D Thompson, Queensland-based neo-Nazi and supporter of the (US) National Socialist Movement. Then ‘Tina’ was ‘exposed’ as being Jewish. Or crazy. Or both. Who knows? See : nutzis are W E I R D : Tina Greco / CNKKKK (August 26, 2009). At about this time Jay of Melbourne also proclaimed himself a leader of the ‘Southern Cross Soldiers’ in Melbourne and he and Hobbit had a ding-dong battle on my blog regarding whiteness and truthiness which you can read here.

Supposedly, when Hobbit attended (or tried to attend) the Australia Day celebrations the SCS organised in Melbourne in 2009 he did so armed on account of “antifa”.

Anyway, over to Jay:

Subject: Re: Problematic PM
Date: Nov Thu 2010
To: Jamie Kelso (
From: Jay Of Melbourne (
Text: [quote=Jamie Kelso] Hello Jay, Thank you very much for messaging me with this. I haven’t had a chance to look at the link yet, but I’ll do that as soon as I send this PM to you. Let me just share with you the overally [sic] picture though, apart from any details of specific posts or PMs. The big picture is that WNN and are dedicated more than any other forums I know of to ending the counter-productive infighting that plagues our cause. I’m hoping to encourage you with this fact about WNN and TWR that our forums really WILL constantly work to stop infighting. Now, getting to the present moment, we will never be able to stop the little brouhahas that break out at the moment that they break out. There will always be a lag time before folks like myself, or Alexander Hamilton, or any of the other 63 Sr. Mods here get sufficiently aware of whatever turmoil is going on to end it. I hope then that you will continue to lend your talents to our work here, knowing that you (or anyone else) will not be subjected to endless infighting. I’m especially keen to see some sort of more friendly posting appear among our Australian brothers and sisters. And it would be great to see it start right here on WhiteNewsNow and TheWhiteRace. Whatever I can do to help this process along I am most eager to do. Australia and the Australians are crucial to the future of our cause. Thanks, pardon the brevity of this note, please PM back so we can fill in what I’ve missed here, Jamie

[quote=Jay Of Melbourne]Hi Jamie. First of all let me apologise for my part in the “unpleasantness” of late, that’s sorted though. Second I thought I’d better report this PM from Hobbit directly to you.


[Hobbit]So your into intelligence gathering eh,I`m more into hardcore militancy but then you already knew that.I was armed that day so was not worried bout being rumbled…talk to me offline…i dont care about ya real name or where ya live,just want to be totaly sure your not antifa…remember that day on SF when i mentioned creating a klan like group.well i have something in mind…cross between klan and IRA[/Hobbit]

He’s our problem in the real world and appropriate steps will be taken but this is your forum. If he’s trying bully people into meeting him for the purpose of… what I don’t know exactly, but it sounds dicey then [i]t’s something you should be aware of.[/quote][/quote]

Thanks for replying Jamie, hopefully Hobbit’s problems with “antifa” are all in his head and he’s not really going around armed waiting to gun someone down, as he’s suggested in subsequent PM’s to the one I alerted you to.


[Hobbit]last year the wankers on FDB publicly declared war on the Klan…I was a member of CNK at the time,which means the antifa declared war on me…legally that means I can hit(remove)them and claim self defence,lol. There are 10 commandments jay…I`ve broken 9,never commited adultery,lol. Anytime antifa come after me,I can claim self defence[/Hobbit]

That was over two years ago and the “Klan” declared “War” on just about every man and his dog as I recall… LOL. “FDB” are a bunch of Lefty Lawyers and Journalists, numbering less than ten in number nationwide, as for “Anarchists”, I’d put their number at less than 100 and none of the ones I’ve ever com[e] across are “Antifa”, they’re mostly environmentalists and peace activists. There are extremists on both sides but I’ve never heard of any of the local Lefties doing anything more than throwing eggs and paint at people or rassling with the riot squad on occasion, his response seems a little over the top. I’m supposed to be taking a rest from the internet by order of the Mrs, my latest order of books has just arrived so I might concentrate on the input and less of the output for the moment. All the best and thanks again for the site, i’ll be back when I’m in a more positive frame of mind :) Jay.

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Media, Sex & Sexuality, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment


“We spend an enormous amount of time in this country navel-gazing about what kind of society we are. It seems that, on some occasions, we engage in a form of public fretting about what it really means to be an Australian. It always strikes me as rather unnecessary and rather odd and rather unproductive … You don’t write down what it means to be an Australian. You feel what it means to be an Australian.” ~ John HoWARd

Straya eh. Oh what a feeling.

What does patriotism mean to Australians? For some it’s just a love of the Australian landscape or wearing the Aussie colours at the cricket. But others find overt displays of patriotism a bit tacky, or even worry that it can sometimes have overtones of racism.

Waleed, Tim, Michael and Lynne. Discuss.

George Orwell once wrote that:

By ‘nationalism’ I mean first of all the habit of assuming that human beings can be classified like insects and that whole blocks of millions or tens of millions of people can be confidently labelled ‘good’ or ‘bad’(1). But secondly — and this is much more important — I mean the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognising no other duty than that of advancing its interests. Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are involved. By ‘patriotism’ I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.

Ghassan Hage wrote some stuff about (Australian) nationalism once too; in fact, crackademics like Hage have indeed spent an enormous amount of time navel-gazing about what kind of society Australia is, even — on some occasions — fretting in public about what it really means to be one of its members. It may be unnecessary, rather odd, and somewhat unproductive writing things about what it means to be an Australian, but then so is John HoWARd.

“Stop the Parasitic Illegals! Deport Illegals Now!”

On a final note, the Australian Protectionist Party is going to be expressing what it feels to be Australian in Sydney this Sunday by publicly fretting outside Villawood Detention Centre over the number of unAustralians being let into the country and given, like, heaps of free shit ‘n’ that. Last time I looked, the APP had formed a temporary coalition with Australian Zionists to protect Max Brenner from Sovietization.


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Tenants Union Victoria : Stop Work & Solidarity BBQ : Monday, February 6

From the Department of Dedication Doesn’t Pay The Rent comes:

WHEN: Monday, February 6, 2012, 10am–4pm
WHERE: Tenants Union Victoria, 55 Johnston Street (b/w Nicholson and Brunswick Streets), Fitzroy

ASU members at the Tenants Union Victoria (TUV) are fighting for better pay and conditions. On Monday, members will be stopping work and are inviting all supporters and other community sector workers to join them. There will be a Solidarity BBQ from midday until 2pm.

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Comment on #MTRSues

I tried to post the following comment on a blog called Talking Philosophy. As often happens, it was rejected.

I think that MTR is under no special obligation to disclose her religious views if she chooses not to. Further, it’s reasonable (and indeed preferable) to expect that the arguments she presents as part of her political advocacy should be judged on their own merits, and these obviously stand or fall irrespective of the fact that she also happens to espouse or practice some form of Christian belief.

That said, the initial impetus for the controversy was a profile on MTR (Who’s afraid of Melinda Tankard Reist?, Rachel Hills, SMH, January 8, 2012), one which prompted JW to question the absence of material more explicitly locating MTR’s advocacy within a religious framework. Of course, JW also alleges that MTR has been “deceptive and duplicitous about her religious beliefs” — which is something else again.

As I see it, whether or not JW’s allegation is correct, MTR is still under no (legal or moral) obligation to discuss her religious beliefs in a public forum. If the political sphere may be considered as something more and other than law or morality, however, then I think asking the kinds of questions JW did (and does) is a reasonable form of enquiry, especially in response to the publication of such a profile — one which is obviously not reducible to the logical elaboration of MTR’s views but paints a broader picture of her as a public figure.

Beyond this, whatever the legal dimensions of the case, I think MTR’s decision to threaten to sue was probably a political misstep. I also think that it’s the political dimensions of the controversy surrounding MTR’s legal action that animate much public discussion, and that it’s probably mistaken to reduce this to some notion regarding what is appropriate material for disclosure in this context.

Speaking of defamation, Legal threat to bloggers and Payback for the internet’s creepy cowboys (Lawrence Money, The Age, January 30, 2012) can has moaron Marieke Hardy and defamation and why defamation lawyers are brilliant men who come up with many well-thought-out, practical ideas, and are ensuring the financial future of this country.

Oh, and their personal hygiene is beyond reproach.

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From #MTRsues to Joolya’s Shoe

I am sick. But not too sick to fail to appreciate the seamless transition from #MTRsues to #Joolya’s_shoe.


For better for worse, for richer or poorer (bleedin’ poorer that’s a fact), Jennifer Wilson has published extracts from the letter Melinda Tankard Reist‘s law-talking guy (Ric Lucas off Colquhoun Murphy) sent her “describing the two claims his client, Melinda Tankard Reist, intends to use as the basis of a defamation action against me”:

For instance you assert that Melinda Tankard Reist is a member of a church that preaches the second coming off [sic] Christ, the end time, evangelism and that sex filthies the human female and renders her impure. You claim that “Tankard Reist is a Baptist.” This is simply false, yet you have erected an entire panoply of criticism upon it. And you finish your attack by alleging without the slightest evidence that our client is “deceptive and duplicitous about her religious beliefs["].

This is false and unwarranted, and seriously defamatory.

Renate Klein and Susan Hawthorne, the bRanes behind MTR’s Australian publisher Spinifex Press, spring to her defence as a fair dinkum feminist @ Your ABC, claiming that:

The subliminal context of the attempts to bring Melinda Tankard Reist to her knees and destroy her work is of course the elephant in the room: if her considerable impact on educating the public about the harms of the sex industry could be reduced, the pornography and prostitution promoters and profiteers would rejoice.

Maybe. But the real context (and manifest content) is MTR employing a lawyer to threaten legal action against a blogger. Further, I’m not convinced Jennifer Wilson is riding on an elephant as she goes into battle with the men @ Colquhoun Murphy, but even if she were, arguments regarding the nature, meaning, significance and impact of the sex industry upon workers and society must be judged on their own merits, not according to their origins.

Or so some reckon.

FWIW, the question of origins seems to me to lie at the heart and at the bottom of the teacup that is #MTRsues. That is, what Countess Grishnackh Jennifer Wilson commented on was a biographical profile of a public figure — someone described as being “difficult to pigeonhole and impossible to ignore” — which arguably failed to ask some pertinent questions regarding the relationship between her public activism and her religious beliefs. In their response, Klein and Hawthorne refer to the fact that:

Portions of the now defunct 2007 Unbelief blog, to which so many commentators refer in a circular fashion, have recently been resurrected and has been posted on Leslie Cannold’s blog, labelled as “a Biography” of Melinda Tankard Reist. But its content has never been checked with Tankard Reist and it is full of erroneous and/or outdated statements – among others, concerning her religious affiliations and beliefs and incorrect assertions about ourselves.

That may be so: certainly, MTR recently denied being a Baptist and attending a church in Canberra, so those claims are now incorrect (assuming, of course, that such claims weren’t false to begin with). But it’s also the case that MTR remains at liberty to correct the record — and FTR, there are indeed several references to Spinifex, Hawthorne and Klein in Brian Baxter’s profile. I don’t know which assertions are incorrect, but perhaps the most controversial would be describing Klein as “one of the best-known and longest-established ‘pro-life feminists’ in Australia”; on the contrary, Hawthorne and Klein write that Klein “has always supported a woman’s decision to access abortion”.

Could the same be said of MTR? I dunno. In response to Mamamia, she stated that she sees no contradiction between being ‘pro-life’ and feminist, but it remains uncertain if her objection to abortion is a principled one (abortion is wrogn) or if it could be resolved if the real (and not subliminal) context for women’s reproductive choices were qualitatively different. (Note that a ‘pro-life’/'anti-abortion’ perspective is also not necessarily incompatible with support for a woman’s legal right to safely terminate an unwanted pregnancy.)

I’m also still unsure what MTR’s position on marriage v teh gheys is, or the status of her support for the Marriage Manifesto. Thus, while it remains the case that MTR was a signatory to the Manifesto (published on September 16, 2007) on behalf of the Australian Women’s Forum, that was then and this is now so who knows? In any event, Zora Simic has written an interesting paper (DOC) on ‘Anti-raunch feminism: An Australian case study’ in which she notes that:

Critics of the rise of the religious right in Australia have identified Tankard Reist as a major and influential figure within the movement, but these accounts are mostly confined to self-generated websites, and their impact cannot compare to the national audiences Tankard Reist routinely enjoys as a panellist on television shows such as the ABC’s Q & A. One of these critics, Brian Baxter, also argues that Tankard Reist’s long association with the radical feminist press Spinifex and in particular, with Renate Klein, a self-described pro-life radical lesbian feminist, may account for why Tankard Reist – unlike other members of the Religious Right – has not expressed any public opposition to homosexuality, or to gay marriage. In recent years, Tankard Reist has also strengthened her connection with the Coalition Against Trafficking of Women Australia (CATWA), founded in Australia by influential radical feminist Sheila Jeffreys, a long-time critic of pornography, the beauty industry and capitalist misogyny, well in advance of Levy’s ‘raunch culture’ thesis. Jeffreys’ contention that the sexual revolution was oppressive to women, rather than liberating, has also been reproduced within anti-raunch feminism, with examples of raunch culture offered as damning evidence.


The brief argy bargy outside the Lobby restaurant in Canberra in which Joolya lost her shoe has produced predictably large amounts of static: a miserable orc blogger named Bob reckons the so-called “activists” associated with the Embassy should get a job helping indigenous yoof.

Anyway here we have again the bankruptcy of the old Leftist approach: throw a demo. Every time some respectable body does this – the ACTU or Unions NSW or a pro-refugee group – the same thing happens: on the street the extremists take over. The Trots love a blue, “the worse things are the better they are” and by radicalizing everyone and breaking heads it all hastens the World October, onto revolution, comrades.

LOL. Speaking of Trots, John Passant can has some pretty fiery rhetoric of his own here. And now a blast from the very distant past:

The Age (Tuesday May 7, 1901) tells how the anarchist ‘Yarra Banker’ and trade union pioneer, John “Chummy” Fleming lead an unemployed protest to disrupt the Mayor’s welcome to the Duke and Duchess of York and the Ducal party.

Just as the Mayor was about to speak, “Fleming remarked that he was very sorry that in the circumstances he could not, on behalf of his party, extend a welcome to their Royal Highnesses, in view of the fact that they believed thousands of people here were out of work, and many in the colonies were consequently suffering the miseries of starvation. The Government had forced excessive burdens on the people, and were endeavouring, by a false and expensive show, to make the Royal visitors believe that everybody was prosperous and contented…”

Detective Stokes ran down the steps to the Yarra Bank and ordered Fleming to cease speaking. Fleming replied that he was just addressing a few friends. As a response to what Fleming called “the outrage on the right of free speech”, Fleming and his friends burst into singing the Marseillaise. The Ducal Party continued their procession.

Three days later, according to the Tocsin (May 16, 1901), Fleming “thought that the unemployed ought to be officially represented up at the Exhibition Building spread on Thursday evening in connection with the opening of the Federal Parliament. So he just strolled in, and after a friendly confab with one or two Labor members, who greatly enjoyed the idea, proceeded to luxuriate in the toffiest part of the whole assemblage. His presence was a grief of mind to Detective Macnamany, who assiduously tailed him for three hours and a half. At the end of that time Fleming got tired of the sport and considerately gave the officer an opportunity of showing him the door.”

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Happy Australia Invasion Shoe Survival Day 2012

Yeah so indigenous peoples lost a continent.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister lost a shoe.

A shoe!


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