3 November 2011

Humanity V. Horses

In other startling news surrounding the Melbourne Cup, it seems that the time for the horses to run the 3200m race is getting steadily less. By juxtaposing the unrelated, but similarly timed, Men's World 1500m record, we can see that:
a) by 2020 it will take less time for the World's fastest man to run 1500m than it will for a horse to win the Melbourne Cup
b) somewhere around the year 3000 we will all be able to run faster than a horse
c) in the distant future all races will be run instantaneously, bending both time and space into dangerous knots that may adversely effect race-goers.

21 October 2011

The Wipers (not the punk band)

 1. Usual configuration. The meat and three veg of windscreen wipers.

2. Bit more up-market. Always exciting when it looks like the blades will hit each other in the middle.

3. Even more exciting as far as potential for crashing into each other. Seems like the ratio of wiper to windscreen is a little overly generous - "I could wipe way more windscreen if I wanted to."

4. The minimalist wiper.

5. Minimalist with a twist. High chance of having an accident because you're trying to see how it does that little jig in the middle, rather than concentrating on the road.

6. No nonsense. Good for the armoured vehicle you've knocked up in your garage in preparation for the apocalypse.

7. Inspiration for the Sydney Opera House. Good for confusing junkies trying to do your windscreen at traffic lights.

8. Old school. This is how the wipers worked on Fred Flinstone's car.

9. Vintage. This is the design favoured by '20s gangsters. And their molls.