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    iCloud – Apple’s new sync service

    August 2nd, 2011

    Goodbye MobileMe, Hello iCloud.

    iCloud stores your music, photos, apps, calendars, documents, and more. And wirelessly pushes them to all your devices — automatically. It’s the easiest way to manage your content. Because now you don’t have to. It’s similar with a new application called dropbox, but this one works only between computers and it can’t be accessed trough your mobile phone. So when you use different applications like itunes, photostream and more on your apple devices iCloud send them to all of you devices like your desktop computer or you laptop and much more.

    Apple seems to have opened up the iCloud Beta on Notably, the login on icloud site is almost the same as before the official iCloud announcement. If you visited the site before apple announced iCloud startup you could easily think that they have nothing to do with apple and not trust them. There are some mixed reports about people being able to login. We have reports of both developers and non-developers having success and trouble logging in, so yeah Icloud is still beta , but Apple will fix it as soon as possible.

    Oh, and if you’re wondering how much it’ll cost you to claim more than those 5GB that Apple’s is giving you for free, the folks over at Electronista have confirmed that an extra 10GB will cost $20 per year, while an extra 20GB runs $40 / year and an extra 50GB will demand $100 per annum, so yeah it’s not much , but just think how many people own an iphone or an ipad, yeah apple will make millions with this wicked application.

    Steve Jobs introduces iCloud VIDEO


    Problems with LCD TV’s

    July 25th, 2011

    I own a Sony model # KDF-E60A20. It is a 60″ LCD television. Anyway, I’ve had it for about a year with absolutely no problems. Today, I did my usual cleaning of the screen. When I stepped away, I noticed a few black marks on the bottom left of the screen. I thought it was dirt, so I used the cloth to try to wipe it up. All of a sudden, I had a big, round black spot on the bottom left of my screen.
    So yeah , seems that LCD TV’s broke very often even tough they are made by a big company like SONY.

    Well , if you guys have HDTV LCD too you should know that you shouldn’t clean your TV with a wet cloth. In addition if you this happens to you too , let your TV dry before you plug it in and start it. In the case you benefit of HD channels change your yellow, red and white cable with a hdmi cable and you’ll get crystal clear quality.

    Some problems you might encounter if you own a LCD TV:

    Dead Pixels

      • LG LCD televisions, like many other LCD televisions, will often have dead pixels appear on the screen. A dead pixel is a pixel on your television screen that is no longer able to get a signal from the television itself, and will be visible as a white light or small multicolored square that doesn’t fit with the image on your screen. Dead pixels are costly to fix and require your set to be seen by a professional television repair person.

      Video Noise

      • Many LCD television owners report seeing video noise or lines on their televisions while it is in use. LCD televisions can pick up signals from electronics that might be powered on around them as well as some battery operated devices such as children’s toys. If you see video noise on your set, try powering off things such as your vacuum cleaner and microwave (if they’re in use nearby) and see if that corrects the problem.

      Fuzzy Picture

      • Many LG LCD television owners report getting a fuzzy or out of focus picture. The fuzzy picture is often just due to a loose cable on the back of the set. If your picture doesn’t look as good as it usually does, check to make sure your cables are connected securely.

      Broken Remotes

      • Some LG LCD owners have reported problems with the remote controls included with their television or their cable remotes. In some cases, the added light from your LCD television may make it difficult for your remote to connect with the set. Contact your cable provider or LG about the problem. In most instances, they can provide you with a silver sticker for the remote that will help eliminate the issue.

      Unexpectedly Turning Off

      • Many LG LCD television owners have reported a problem where their television will power itself off or will only work for short periods of time. The problem usually occurs in brand new televisions and requires the television to be sent to LG or your local electronics repair shop to be repaired



    Using Your PC Sound Card As an Oscilloscope in Linux

    August 4th, 2008

    Looking for a cheap alternative for an Oscilloscope?

    This is why we love open source.

    Read more.

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