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Wednesday, February 01, 2012   17:34 GMT    
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China Looks Both Ways on Iranian Oil

Analysis by Antoaneta Becker

LONDON - China’s response to calls from the West to join an oil embargo penalising Iran for its nuclear programme so far has been to choose the middle course typical of its non-interfering foreign policy of the last 30 years – denouncing sanctions on one hand yet working to protect its national interests on many fronts.

Guatemala Heeds the Cries of Femicide Victims
Danilo Valladares
GUATEMALA CITY - The relentless wave of femicides in Guatemala, which has one of the highest female murder rates in the world, has prompted actions by the government, civil society groups, and two Nobel Peace laureates to try to put a stop to this brutal violence against women, which has reached horrific proportions.
Using Community Radio to Heal After Kony’s War
Andrew Green*
GULU, Uganda - Radio Mega FM’s transmission tower rises from the centre of Gulu town, transmitting talk shows and the latest Ugandan radio hits to listeners across the district. But it also serves as something of an informal memorial to community radio-driven peace efforts during the Lord’s Resistance Army’s destruction of northern Uganda.
Women in the News: The Gender Wire
Afghan Divide
Global Issues
2011 - A Year of Weather Extremes, with More to Come
The global average temperature in 2011 was 14.52 degrees Celsius (58.14 degrees Fahrenheit). According to NASA scientists, this was the ninth warmest year in 132 years of recordkeeping, despite the cooling influence of the La Niña atmospheric and oceanic circulation pattern and relatively low solar irradiance.
Mekong Unquiet Over Contain China Moves
Thematic Social Forum Awash with Criticism for Green Economy
Radio Static for Ghana's Community Stations
There is a tension resonating through Ghana's airwaves, an electric current fueled by rivaling interests between community radio advocates and Ghana's National Communications Authority.
UGANDA: Using Community Radio to Heal After Kony's War
SIERRA LEONE: Government Online Mining Database to Increase Transparency
Asia - Pacific
Pakistan Denies "Intimate" Taliban Links
Pakistan has rejected as "frivolous" a leaked NATO report which claims that the country's security services are helping the Taliban, and suggesting that the group believes it is poised to regain power.
China Looks Both Ways on Iranian Oil
Indian Retailers on Edge as 800-Pound Gorillas Come Knocking
RUSSIA: Putin Remains Leading Candidate in Presidential Elections
Election season in Russia promises to be stormy, as Prime Minister Vladimir Putin emerges as the leading candidate in the presidential race scheduled for March 4 and unresolved issues of voting fraud and voter manipulation spark massive protests amongst opposition groups.
Pakistan Denies "Intimate" Taliban Links
BALKANS-SOCIETY: First Abused, Then Imprisoned
Latin America
CUBA: Party Aims for Efficient, Inclusive Socialism
Cuba's communist leaders have mapped out a strategy to modernise their country's one-party socialist model and make it more efficient, which implies making it more inclusive and representative of a society that is increasingly diverse.
Guatemala Heeds the Cries of Femicide Victims
OP-ED: After Durban, Latin America Looks Towards Rio+20
Middle East & Mediterranean
MIDEAST: And At Last There Was Water
Only days ago, turning on the tap was cause for concern. Would there be running water? Now, it's reason for celebration.
US-BAHRAIN: Rights Groups Oppose Smaller Arms Transfer
SYRIA: "Street Fighting Rages" Near Damascus
North America
Pakistan Denies "Intimate" Taliban Links
Pakistan has rejected as "frivolous" a leaked NATO report which claims that the country's security services are helping the Taliban, and suggesting that the group believes it is poised to regain power.
Rights Groups Denounce Duvalier Ruling, U.S. Urges Appeal
U.S.: Building Communities Around Sustainable Food
2011 - A Year of Weather Extremes, with More to Come
The global average temperature in 2011 was 14.52 degrees Celsius (58.14 degrees Fahrenheit). According to NASA scientists, this was the ninth warmest year in 132 years of recordkeeping, despite the cooling influence of the La Niña atmospheric and oceanic circulation pattern and relatively low solar irradiance.
OP-ED: After Durban, Latin America Looks Towards Rio+20
NICARAGUA-HONDURAS: Re-Greening the Border
Human Rights
CUBA: Party Aims for Efficient, Inclusive Socialism
Cuba's communist leaders have mapped out a strategy to modernise their country's one-party socialist model and make it more efficient, which implies making it more inclusive and representative of a society that is increasingly diverse.
UGANDA: Using Community Radio to Heal After Kony's War
Guatemala Heeds the Cries of Femicide Victims
PAKISTAN-INDIA: Women Expose Secret Genital Cutting Rite
"It was a dark and dingy room, where an elderly woman asked me to take off my panties, made me sit on a low wooden stool with my legs parted and then did something…I screamed out in pain," recalls Alefia Mustansir, 40, of her childhood experience.
PAKISTAN: New Rehab Plan Brings Hope for War-Disabled
INDIA: Male Activists Enhance Pre and Postnatal Care
Civil Society
Radio Static for Ghana's Community Stations
There is a tension resonating through Ghana's airwaves, an electric current fueled by rivaling interests between community radio advocates and Ghana's National Communications Authority.
SIERRA LEONE: Government Online Mining Database to Increase Transparency
Occupy DC Protesters Stay Put Amid Eviction Threats


News in RSS
2011 - A Year of Weather Extremes, with More to Come
RUSSIA: Putin Remains Leading Candidate in Presidential Elections
Pakistan Denies "Intimate" Taliban Links
CUBA: Party Aims for Efficient, Inclusive Socialism
Radio Static for Ghana's Community Stations
OP-ED: After Durban, Latin America Looks Towards Rio+20
Rights Groups Denounce Duvalier Ruling, U.S. Urges Appeal
NICARAGUA-HONDURAS: Re-Greening the Border
SIERRA LEONE: Government Online Mining Database to Increase Transparency
BALKANS-SOCIETY: First Abused, Then Imprisoned
U.S.: Building Communities Around Sustainable Food
ZAMBIA: Chinese Underage Sex Scandal Sparks Emotive Debate
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LDCs: Least Developed, Most to Gain
IBSA - India, Brazil, South Africa
UNITED NATIONS: Inside the Glass House
Credible Future - Can Micor Loans Make a Macro Difference?
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