Extra Resistance Studies Seminar: The Online Struggle on Vaccination

Stellan Vinthagen October 14th, 2011

During the guest research visit by professor Brian Martin from Australia he will give a resistance studies seminar. Brian is one of the world’s leading scholars on nonviolent resistance and widely published. And his publications are available online here.

20 oct 15-17 Room 129, Annedalsseminariet. A vaccination struggle. The struggle between supporters and critics of vaccination in Australia reveals a wide range of tactics, especially online tactics to suppress free speech, and suggests new arenas for studying resistance. The debate over vaccination, involving conflicting perspectives on children’s health, has been heated in many countries. In Australia, the debate recently seems to have reached a new level of bitterness. The Australian Vaccination Network (AVN), a long-established citizens’ group critical of vaccines, has come under attack by pro-vaccination citizen campaigners (Stop the AVN, and others) who have tried to shut down the operations of the AVN using a variety of novel methods, especially via the Internet. How can such attempts at censorship be opposed?

Take the chance to meet Brian and join us afterwards at the restaurant Gyllene Prag for some food, drinks and more talks on nonviolent resistance.

One Response to “Extra Resistance Studies Seminar: The Online Struggle on Vaccination”

  1. Sian Mortonon 14 Oct 2011 at 11:23 pm

    None of us at the SAVN have a problem with people or groups criticising or questioning vaccination. We understand and accept that this is essential in a free and democratic country and it ensures that ideas and practices are constantly refined, improved or, if necessary, changed. Our problem with the AVN is not that they question vaccination – it is that they promote dangerous, misleading, and completely wrong information about vaccination.

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