Upside Down World
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
1 Decline 'Friend' Request: Social Media Meets 21st Century Statecraft in Latin America Cyril Mychalejko
2 Follow Upside Down World on Twitter and More Upside Down World
3 Mesoamerica Project: Obama’s Message to the Latin American Governments Emma Volante, Translation by Victoria Robinson
4 New U.S.-Colombia Base in Panama to Combat Undocumented People John Lindsay-Poland
5 The Second Cold War and South America: New Strategic Directions on the Part of the United States Raúl Zibechi
6 Central America: Thousands of Sugar Cane Workers Die as Wealthy Nations Stall on Solutions Sasha Chavkin and Ronnie Greene
7 Feeding the Monster: Militarization and Privatized Security in Central America Annie Bird, Rights Action
8 Free Markets and the Food Crisis in Central America Carlos G. Aguilar Sanchez
9 The Year in Revolts: A South American Perspective of the Arab Spring Cristina Cielo
10 Argentina to Wall Street: Latin American Social Movements and the Occupation of Everything Benjamin Dangl
11 Pain Song Along the US - Mexico Border: the forced “yes” of Migration John Washington
12 Streets of Latin America Offer US a Roadmap for Social Change Michael Fox
13 What does “Socialism” Mean Anyway? Voices from Central America Siobhan B. Lozada
14 How the US Props Up Criminals and Murderers All in the Name of Our Catastrophic Drug War Ryan Devereaux, AlterNet
15 Summer Fund Drive: Pitch in to Help Upside Down World Upside Down World
16 Security Conference Vows to Push Drug War into Central America Dawn Paley
17 Private Contractors Making a Killing off the Drug War Cyril Mychalejko
18 Recent University of Puerto Rico Protests Raises Critique of Colonization Alyssa Figueroa
19 Right-wing Unleashes Campaign Against Democracy in Latin America Chuck Kaufman
20 Panama: Indigenous Movement Deeply Concerned About the Barro Blanco Dam John "Ahni" Schertow and Richard Arghiris
21 Latin America and the US: Social Movements Are the Engines of Change Nikolas Kozloff
22 Independence is Another Name for Dignity Eduardo Galeano, Translation by Lisa Boscov-Ellen
23 Moving to the Latin Beat: Dancing with Dynamite in Latin America Mike Geddes
24 The New Latin American “Progresismo” and the Extractivism of the 21st Century Carmelo Ruiz Marrero
25 People's Power: Participatory Budgeting from Brazil to Chicago Jesse Freeston
26 Book Review: Dancing with Dynamite in Latin America Conn Hallinan
27 The Decade that Transformed a Continent Raúl Zibechi
28 Book Review - Outside the Logic of the State: Dancing with Dynamite in Latin America Clifton Ross
29 Distorting Iranian-Latin American Relations Belén Fernández
30 Coup University: SOUTHCOM and FIU Team Up on Counterinsurgency Adrienne Pine
31 How Far Away is Latin America from Nottingham? John Holloway
32 Learning From Latin American Social Movements: Introduction to Dancing with Dynamite Book Benjamin Dangl
33 Dancing with Dynamite Book Review: The Future of Latin America’s Leftist Movements Kari Lydersen
34 Americas Social Forum in Paraguay: Grassroots Organizations Are Still in Charge Raúl Zibechi
35 Arming Aid: Costa Rica, the US Military and the Ongoing “War” on Drugs Jamie Way
36 Support Upside Down World: Contribute to Our Summer Fund Drive Upside Down World
37 Panama: General Strike Against Killings Federico Fuentes
38 Bolivia and Ecuador: The State against the Indigenous People Raúl Zibechi, Translated by Jenny Marie Forsythe
39 Fear, Suspicion as US Military En Route to Costa Rica Joseph Shansky
40 U.S. Social Forum a Mechanism for Change Marc Becker
41 The Media Empire Strikes Back: Reviewing Reviews of South of the Border Cyril Mychalejko
42 Based Out in Latin America Grace Livingstone
43 Oliver Stone's New Documentary Explains Progressive Governments in Latin America, Exposes Adversarial Media Bias Tony Phillips
44 Private Contractors and Covert Wars in Latin America Cyril Mychalejko
45 South America: Mercosur’s Cooperatives in an Age of Integration Michael Fox
46 Where Shopping is Oppression: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers take on Publix Dawn Nadiye
47 Abortion in Latin America - Still Illegal, Still Killing, Despite Growing Awareness Estrella Gutiérrez
48 Prison Violence and Security in Latin America Belen Fernandez, Photo by Eduardo Fuentes
49 Haiti: The Impacts of Militarized Aid Jamie Way
50 Canada's Long Road to Mining Reform Cyril Mychalejko
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"If the world is upside down the way it is now, wouldn't we have to turn it over to get it to stand up straight?" -Eduardo Galeano

En Español
Argentina: Famatina, donde el agua vale más que el oro

Guatemala: Ríos Montt procesado por genocidio

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