Upside Down World
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
1 Ecuador: Mining in Times of Referendums Carlos Zorrilla
2 Ecuador: Criminalization of the Social Protest in Times of the ‘Citizen Revolution’ Cecilia Chérrez, Acción Ecológica, Translation by Alexandra Quinn
3 Ecuador: The Construction of a New Model of Domination Raúl Zibechi
4 Large-Scale Mining to Test Rights of Nature in Ecuador Carlos Zorrilla
5 People's Tribunal against the Criminalization of Protest in Ecuador Sofía Jarrín
6 Ecuador’s Referendum Reveals a Fragmented Country Marc Becker
7 No Justice, No Peace: Canadian Mining in Ecuador and Impunity Carlos Zorrilla and Cyril Mychalejko
8 Ecuadorian Court Rules Against Chevron in Historic Case Sofía Jarrín
9 Ecuador: Serious Concern Over the Misuse of Terrorism Charges Many
10 Ecuador's Fickle Friend: Canada Jennifer Moore
11 BP Sued in Ecuador for Violating the Rights of Nature Sofía Jarrín
12 Video: Many South American Social Movements Oppose Leaders They Helped Elect Jesse Freeston, The Real News
13 Ecuador's Challenge: Rafael Correa and the Indigenous Movements Benjamin Dangl
14 CONAIE on the Attempted Coup in Ecuador CONAIE
15 Obama Administration Should Oppose Any Attempted Coup in Ecuador CEPR
16 Ecuador: Small-Scale Miners Questioning Large-Scale Interests in Southern Amazon Jennifer Moore
17 Indigenous Liberation and Class Struggle in Ecuador: A Conversation with Luis Macas Jeffery R. Webber
18 A New Wave of Criminalization Against Social Movements in Ecuador Jennifer Moore
19 Ecuador’s Economy Under Rafael Correa: Twenty-First Century Socialism or the New-Extractivism? – An Inteview with Alberto Acosta Jeffery R. Webber
20 Reencounter of the Original Peoples and Nationalities of Abya Yala in Ecuador Marc Becker
21 Ecuador: Correa Looks to Reopen Unpopular Mining Project in Junin Carlos Zorrilla
22 Decision Delayed Over Ecuador's New Water Law Jennifer Moore
23 Taking Stock of Canada’s Mining Industry: Ecuadorian Landmark Lawsuit Challenges Canadian Mining Impunity Jennifer Moore
24 Ecuador: The Debate in the Streets Jennifer Moore
25 Ecuador: Indigenous Radio Station Spared Closure Jennifer Moore
26 Ecuador: Politics Closes Indigenous Shuar Radio Jennifer Moore
27 Bicentennial and Breaking Continuity: Ecuador, Latin America, and Obama Ronn Pineo
28 Canada-Ecuador: When Stock Exchanges Fuel Human Rights Violations Carlos Zorrilla
29 Ecuador Uses WTO Rules to Make Medicines More Accessible Cyril Mychalejko
30 Ecuador: Left Turn? Marc Becker
31 Ecuador: CONAIE and Correa Begin Dialogue Jennifer Moore
32 Ecuadorians Protest New Water Law Jennifer Moore
33 Ecuador's Future for Canadian Transnationals: An Exchange of Indigenous Perspectives Jennifer Moore
34 Swinging from the Right: Correa and Social Movements in Ecuador Jennifer Moore
35 Nineteen Reasons Why Nortec Ventures Should Stay Out of the Intag Region of Ecuador Carlos Zorrilla
36 Ecuador: Mining and the Right of Way Jennifer Moore
37 Ecuador: The Logic of Development Clashes with Movements Raúl Zibechi
38 Ecuador: Mining Protests Marginalized, But Growing Jennifer Moore
39 Ecuador Anti-Mining Blockades Met With Repression, National Mobilization Called for January 20 Daniel Denvir, Photographs by Ximena Warnaars
40 Ecuador Defaults on Foreign Debt Daniel Denvir
41 Mass Indigenous Protest In Defense of Water Caps Week of Mobilizations in Ecuador Daniel Denvir
42 In Ecuador, Mass Mobilizations Against Mining Confront President Correa Daniel Denvir, Jennifer Moore, and Teresa Velasquez
43 Copper Mesa Mining Expected to Lose Junin Project in Ecuador Carlos Zorrilla
44 Danger Ahead: Correa Gives Mining the Green Light in Ecuador Jennifer Moore
45 Whither Ecuador? An Interview with Indigenous Activist and Politician Monica Chuji Daniel Denvir
46 Refugees in Ecuador: Organizing for Human Rights Stuart Schussler
47 Refugees in Ecuador: Putting Post-Neoliberalism to the Test Stuart Schussler
48 Ecuador Leads the Way; Now it's Pennsylvania's Turn to Protect the Environment Cyril Mychalejko
49 Refugees in Ecuador: Plan Colombia and the Asylum Lottery Stuart Schussler
50 New Ecuadorian Constitution Approved by Strong Majority, President Correa Claims "Historic Victory" Daniel Denvir
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"If the world is upside down the way it is now, wouldn't we have to turn it over to get it to stand up straight?" -Eduardo Galeano

En Español
Argentina: Famatina, donde el agua vale más que el oro

Guatemala: Ríos Montt procesado por genocidio

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