Upside Down World
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
1 Militarism in Paraguay: The Other Side of the Economic Model Raúl Zibechi
2 Book Review - Revolutionary Doctors: How Venezuela and Cuba Are Changing the World’s Conception of Health Care Ramona Wadi
3 Why Does Health Care in Cuba Cost 96% Less than in the US? Don Fitz
4 Salvation: Cuba's International Medical Brigades Stephen Salaff & Stavros Preketes
5 Cuba’s Campaign Against Medical Racism Spreads to Africa Don Fitz
6 Cuba: Democracy Promotion Programs under Fire as Fallout from Spy Arrest Continues Michael Collins
7 A Rainbow Flag Over Habana Marina Sitrin
8 Summit of the Americas: Obama Should Begin Working with Castro and Chavez Chesa Boudin
9 Cuba: For the Love of Libros - A Book Fair and a Fortress Marina Sitrin
10 Cuba: Raúl Castro's Challenges Dalia Acosta
11 Chile: Police Kill Mapuche Youth in Land Conflict Benjamin Witte
12 Cuba: Innovation Gives Boost to Small Farmers Dalia Acosta
13 Cultural Cimarronaje: Racial Politics in Cuban Art Sujatha Fernandes
14 Cuba: Gender, Sexuality, and Women Rappers Sujatha Fernandes
15 Cuba Exports Better Healthcare Sarah van Gelder
16 Fidel's Health and Implications for U.S. Policy Mavis Anderson, IRC Americas
17 Castro's Last Challenge Maurizio Matteuzzi, for Sin Permiso
18 Planning for the Re-Colonization of Cuba Tom Crumpacker
19 Terrorist Up For U.S. Citizenship: The Strange Case of Luis Posada Carriles Adam Elkus
20 Cubans Thank Zapatistas for Their Show of Solidarity
21 Luis Posada Carriles: When Injustice is Justice Tom Crumpacker
22 Cuba and the United States: Two Countries, Two Responses (9/12/05) Dan Bacher
23 Support for Cuba Growing in Vermont (7/18/05) Benjamin Dangl
24 Talking with Cubans about the State of the Nation (3/5/04) Ben Dangl and April Howard
25 Taxidermy From the Revolution: Cuban Media ( 3/17/04) Ben Dangl and April Howard

"If the world is upside down the way it is now, wouldn't we have to turn it over to get it to stand up straight?" -Eduardo Galeano

En Español
Argentina: Famatina, donde el agua vale más que el oro

Guatemala: Ríos Montt procesado por genocidio

Activist School


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