Upside Down World
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
1 TIPNIS March in Bolivia: A Letter to Evo Morales from Pablo Solon Pablo Solon
2 Bolivia: General Strike Protests Crackdown on Native March Franz Chávez
3 Let Me Speak! A Bolivian Woman Miner’s Revolutionary Life Benjamin Dangl
4 Bolivia: Morales Clashes with Native Protesters over Road through Tropical Park Franz Chávez
5 Bolivia: Amazon Road Plan Has Native People on the March Again Franz Chávez
6 From Red October to Evo Morales: The Politics of Rebellion and Reform in Bolivia The Commune
7 Governing by Obeying the People: Bolivia's Politics of the Street Benjamin Dangl
8 Bolivia: People with Disabilities Demanding Rights and Payment Cory Fischer-Hoffman
9 The Ambassador Has No Clothes: WikiLeaks Cable Lays Bare Washington’s Stance Toward Bolivia Benjamin Dangl
10 Bolivia Bets on State-Run Lithium Industry Emily Achtenberg
11 Controlling Coca Cultivation Bolivian Style Linda Farthing
12 Pachamama and Progress: Conflicting Visions for Latin America’s Future Benjamin Dangl
13 Potosí, Bolivia Protest: Resolved or Postponed? The Andean Information Network
14 The Price of Fire in Bolivia: Reflecting on the Journeys of a Book Benjamin Dangl
15 The Rebellion in Potosí: Uneven Development, Neoliberal Continuities, and a Revolt Against Poverty in Bolivia Jeffery R. Webber
16 Social Tensions Erupt in Bolivia Federico Fuentes
17 Dispersing Power: New Book on Bolivian Social Movements Benjamin Dangl
18 Reflections From Bolivia: Water Wars, Climate Wars and Change From Below David Solnit
19 Bolivia and its Lithium: Can the ‘Gold of the 21st Century’ Lift a Nation out of Poverty? Rebecca Hollender and Jim Shultz, The Democracy Center
20 Bolivia: Elections Deepen Local Democracy Emily Achtenberg
21 Bolivian Climate Conference: Morales and International Peoples' Proposals for Change Luis Gonzales, Photos by Reuben McCreanor, Translated by April Howard
22 Photo Essay From Bolivia: Memories of the Water War and Preparation for the World Climate Conference Luis Gonzales. Fotos: Reuben McCreanor
23 Bolivia: Moderate Gains for Morales' MAS Party Franz Chávez
24 The Speed of Change: Bolivian President Morales Empowered by Re-Election Benjamin Dangl
25 U.S. Court Allows Suit Against Bolivian Ex-President "Goni" and Minister of Defense to Proceed. Center for Constitutional Rights
26 Beyond the Votes in Bolivia: A Reflection on Evo Morales' First Term Ashwini Srinivasamohan
27 Bolivia - Constantino Lima: The Other Politics Born of Everyday Experience Raúl Zibechi
28 Todos Somos Guerreros: A Documentary on Political Hip-Hop in El Alto, Bolivia Eli Breitburg-Smith and Meredith Webb
29 Bolivia: A Presidential Race with a Foregone Conclusion Franz Chávez
30 What is Behind the Bolivia-Islam Connection? Devin Beaulieu
31 Abraham's Last Rap: Bolivian Hip-Hop Hero Dies in El Alto Benjamin Dangl
32 Bolivia Declassified: USAID Responds to Freedom of Information Act Request Jeremy Bigwood
33 USAID's Silent Invasion in Bolivia Eva Golinger
34 Diplomacy Underground: Tunnel Proposed to Grant Bolivia Access to Sea Benjamin Dangl
35 Decolonization's Rocky Road: Corruption, Expropriation and Justice in Bolivia Benjamin Dangl
36 Social Housing in Bolivia: Challenges and Contradictions Emily P. Achtenberg
37 Bolivia: Morales Enacts New Constitution in El Alto Benjamin Dangl
38 Bolivia Looking Forward: New Constitution Passed, Celebrations Hit the Streets Benjamin Dangl
39 From Bolivia's Streets: What Voters Think About the New Constitution Benjamin Dangl and April Howard
40 Bolivia: After Rallies for New Constitution, Morales Nationalizes Oil Company Benjamin Dangl
41 Spilling Ink Instead of Blood: Bolivia Poised to Vote on New Constitution Benjamin Dangl
42 ¿Sí o No? Bolivians Mobilize for National Vote on New Constitution Benjamin Dangl
43 Water in Bolivia: Defeating the Multinationals Is Just the Start of the Problem Jeff Conant
44 A Revolution Without Borders: Reappraising Bolivia's Crisis Samuel Grove and Pablo Navarrete
45 Evo Morales: DEA Complicit in Bolivia Drug Trade World War 4 Report
46 James Bond Takes on the Corporate Water Privateers Jeff Conant
47 007 Bolivian socialist? Emma Felber
48 Bolivia requests extradition of ex-president from US on "genocide" charge WW 4 Report
49 Morales Bans DEA Agents from Bolivia Democracy Now!
50 Bolivia: Congress Approves Referendum on Constitution Benjamin Dangl
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"If the world is upside down the way it is now, wouldn't we have to turn it over to get it to stand up straight?" -Eduardo Galeano

En Español
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