Friday, January 6, 2012

Rad Dad(s) at SubRosa, Sun. Jan 8th at 5pm

Rad Dad: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Fatherhood

Join Tomas Moniz, Jeremy Adam Smith, Daniel Yaryan & others

Sunday Jan. 8th at 5pm
at SubRosa, 703 Pacific Ave.

Readings from “Rad Dad: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Fatherhood” which collects the best pieces from Tomas Moniz’s award-winning “Rad Dad” zine and from Jeremy Adam Smith’s blog Daddy Dialectic, two kindred publications that explore parenting as political territory.

Join the “Rad Dad” authors in pushing the conversation around fathering beyond a safe, apolitical place; come create a diverse, multi-faceted space to grapple with the complexity of fathering.

"If buying a gender-neutral pacifier is the most radical thing you've done as a parent, Rad Dad will nudge you back on track." -- SF Weekly.

“[Rad Dad] is sometimes entertaining, sometimes upsetting, but constantly thought-provoking. It will change the way you look at
fatherhood, and change the way you look at fathers as well.” -- Punk Music Guide


SubRosa is an anarchist community space run by a collective of committed volunteers. We put energy into SubRosa to create a vibrant community space available for events, classes, and meetings, collaborations and organizing, art and creativity, as well as reading and studying. We are working to create a world guided by mutual support, without coercive control.

Go to the SubRosa website for more info

Monday, January 2, 2012

So Much Going on at SubRosa, Jan. 2nd-8th 2012

-Monday, Jan. 2nd, 6-7pm- Spanish Conversation, a Free Skool class. We'll pick a topic to discuss each week and speak exclusively in Spanish while we're together. Intermediate to advanced Spanish skills are required.

-Tuesday, Jan. 3rd, 7-10pm- A Show! Pop Punk! High Dive (a queer-positive pop-punk band from Bloomington, Indiana, with Toby Foster, Nick Romy, and Ryan Woods, from defiance, ohio), Songs for Moms (an all-female Bay Area punk trio that formed in the spring of ‘06) and more! Bring money for the touring bands.

-Thursday, Jan. 5th, 8pm- Open Mic, sign-ups 7:30pm- Come express yourself, challenge yourself, challenge the audience. Donation.

-Friday, Jan. 6th, 6-8pm- First Friday Art Opening! A Museum of Natural History, art by Stephen Odell. Bones, feathers, insects, stones, dried flowers and drift wood all have a voice to share. It is this collective, co-creative perception that thrives in a greater communion of direct experience with the natural world and with each other over the technological obsessions that only serve to exalt the ego and self-centeredness. Artist Reception, Snacks, Refreshments, Tea Service and a Reading of "The Other Way to Listen" by Byrd Baylor. Art at SubRosa the month of January.

-Saturday, Jan. 7th, 1pm- Mass Media, a Critical Intro, a Free Skool class.

-Sunday, Jan. 8th, 5pm- Rad Dad Event. “Rad Dad: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Fatherhood” collects the best pieces from Tomas Moniz’s award-winning “Rad Dad” zine and from Jeremy Adam Smith’s blog Daddy Dialectic, two kindred publications explore parenting as political territory.

SubRosa is an anarchist community space run by a collective of committed volunteers. We put energy into Sub
Rosa to create a vibrant community space available for events, classes, and meetings, collaborations and organizing, art and creativity, as well as reading and studying. We are working to create a world guided by mutual support, without coercive control.

Go to the SubRosa website for more info

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The new 2012 Slingshot Organizers are in!

New 2012 Slingshot Organizers Available

Keep your life organized with these handy pocket sized calendars throughout the coming year.  Also makes the perfect solstice present for that special someone who you wish was more on time.

We have the smaller pocket sized organizers for $6.00, and the larger spiral bound organizers for $12.00.

We've got loads of new books!

Our bookshelves are loaded to the brim with new books from AK Press, Ardent Press, Black and Red, and more! Come down and take a look at our new books on the Spanish Civil War, repression of eco-activists, classical anarchist theory, situationism, and more.

Even if you can't make it in, please consider making a donation to SubRosa to help keep us open:

The SubRosa Collective

Women and Trans Open Mic! Tonight!

Tell everyone!  Run into the streets and yell, "TONIGHT IS WOMEN AND TRANS OPEN MIC!"

For the last three years, SubRosa has offered a weekly Open Mic to the Santa Cruz Art and Music Community.  We are always  experimenting with ways to make Open Mic feel more inclusive and draw in a more interesting and diverse group of people to the space.  For a year now, we've been hosting a Women & Trans Open Mic on the Third Thursday of each month. The stage is open to everyone, and we ask that performances contextualize the struggle of  women and trans folks at these special monthly Open Mics.

Women and Trans Open Mic
8pm Third Thursday
(signup at 7:30pm)
SubRosa Community Space

Even if you can't come, please tell your friends about the event.

703 Pacific Avenue
downtown Santa Cruz

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Viva Mexico!- film showing, Tues. Oct. 18th, 7:30pm

City of Los Angeles, USA. In the heart of the city, undocumented Mexican immigrants are hunted by the police and struggle to earn a living without losing their identity. On the other side of the border, in the mountains of southeastern Mexico, dawn arrives, hidden in mist. It is January 1st, 2006; thousands of indigenous Zapatistas prepare to say farewell to their spokesman Subcomandante Marcos. His mission: to travel across the country for the next six months to learn from the resistance of Mexican men and women who fight for a better Mexico.So begins a journey that plans to reach the border with the United States, at the other end of the country...

From Chiapas to Quintana Roo, from Yucatan to Oaxaca, from Nayarit to Colima, from Michoacan to Guerrero, from the State of Mexico to the heart of the country and the enormous metropolis known as Mexico City, we follow the steps of this journey that traces the face of the "other" Mexico, made up of the humble and simple people, a face much different from the one TV shows us every day. It is a journey that dares to “start building the image of the people we really are.” as expressed by Subcomandante Marcos.

This challenge is not without risks… by uncovering Mexico’s dignified and rebellious face, irrigating the seeds of rebellion and solidarity of an entire country, this journey is a provocation against those who control the country's economy and it's image. What starts as an isolated murmur will become a clamor of hundreds of thousands of voices, ¡Viva Mexico! How will those in power respond?

Bring a donation to support the film makers.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Anarchy in Athens, Friday Oct 7

6pm this First Friday Art Show at SubRosa

Stories, analysis, and a slideshow about anarchism in the birthplace of democracy

Greece in in the midst of a major social upheaval at the hands of ordinary
people.  The economic crisis and rising social tensions are leading to an
explosive situation, with anarchists and other radicals at the forefront.
One anarchist and photographer from Santa Cruz spent a month in the
anarchist neighborhood of Athens called Exarchia.  Come hear about his
experience with Greece's failing economy, squatted community parks, riots
against capitalism, university occupations, the general assembly model,
and much more about anarchist struggle in Athens.

And for the month of October, SubRosa's walls will be covered in Greek
anarchist posters from the past two years.

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