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As one of South Australia's foremost community campaign organisations, Friends of the Earth Adelaide works to address social and environmental justice issues through community action. In addition to campaigners working with on earth jurisprudence, climate justice and urban issues, Friends of the Earth Adelaide has two primary campaign collectives that welcome your support!

Clean Futures Collective

Active since 2005, the Clean Futures Collective is one of South Australia's primary campaign groups on mining, energy and nuclear issues. The collective is committed to creatively

  • promoting sustainable, socially and ecologically conscious technologies
  • supporting Indigenous communities adversely affected by the nuclear industry, particularly through uranium mining or nuclear waste dumping
  • raising public awareness about mining and energy issues
  • monitoring the activities of the nuclear industry
Passionate about justice and the health of SA's fragile arid ecosystems, the collective coordinates Friends of the Earth's legendary nuclear education tour: the Radioactive Exposure Tour as well as conducting twice-yearly volunteer community work trips to Aboriginal communities in northern South Australia and is a participant in the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance.

Reclaim the Food Chain

Reclaim the Food Chain draws together community members passionate about the politics and practicalities of contemporary food issues. Inspired by the concept of 'food sovereignty', the collective campaigns both on the environmental and social impacts of agriculture, trade and aid policy (for example, the impact of Free Trade Agreements or corporate control of food production and retailing) as well as having a strong emphasis on local, practical food production and community building. Some of our projects include:

  • The Urban Orchard homegrown fruit and vegetable exchange. A monthly neighbourhood meeting place for the exchange of surplus backyard produce, skills and knowledge.
  • From Plains to Plate: the future of food in South Australia. Held in February 2010, From Plains to Plate drew together 700 farmers, health, community and government workers, academics, gardeners, permaculturalists, students, environmentalists, educators and citizens to discuss the issue of strengthening South Australia's food systems in the face of intensifying environmental, social and economic challenges. For more information and to view the proceedings, visit the convergence website.
  • The Feast of Film. An annual food and agriculture film festival, held every winter showcasing some of the world's best films on food, agriculture and community.
  • Tour de Homegrown. A community bike tour that visits inspiring examples of urban productive spaces, from private gardens to school and community gardens.
  • Research and publications on food and agriculture issues, with a practical, community focus.
  • Workshops and presentations on food security and sovereignty.

Please donate to help us continue our work.

Visit the Friends of the Earth Adelaide website for more information.

Are donations tax deductible? Yes

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Yes, immediately sent to you by email when approved.

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