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Groop of the Day: Snowmine

 “Laminate Pet Animal Bundle”
Laminate Pet Animal Bundle

Laminate Pet Animal Bundle

“Laminate Pet Animal Bundle” by “Snowmine”

Click to preview each track on “Laminate Pet Animal Bundle”


Free Full track download

According to our friends in New York, Chicago, and Detroit, this has been a relatively mild winter so far.  While most people probably appreciate the unseasonably warm weather, winter sports enthusiasts are probably hoping for a bit more in the snow department.  As always, GroopEase is here to grant your wish, as we present the brilliant indie pop band Snowmine and offer you a bundle of their tunes for only $3.  Hailing from Brooklyn, the five members of Snowmine (Alex Beckmann, Jay Goodman, Austin Mendenhall, Calvin Pia, and Grayson Sanders) will whisk you away to a psychedelic winter wonderland.  Brrrr!  Grab your copy now, and let Snowmine give you the chills.


5% of sales will be donated to The Empower Nepali Girls Foundation which provides educational scholarships to neglected children of Nepal.       

Snowmine is a group that creates undeniable, beautifully crafted music.  A very gentle combination of tediously selected instrument tones and well-blended imagery has everything necessary to make the ears smile, and some.  The present, yet distant, non-intimidating drums carry rhythms so pure, it seems to make the accompanying melodies cry out in a mysterious blur.  While their music possesses the positive vibes of relaxation, it maintains an inherent sense of fun.  

From spacious, breathing bass lines to chime-like guitar parts and dream-state keys, each song is given a very unique life of its own.  The layering of synths and range from clean to gritty guitars carries the listener on an elaborate journey while passionate, fantastically placed vocals drive the messages home.  The music is hard to escape, though I don't understand why anyone would want to do such a thing.  This is one band I'd love to experience live.  Such an environment... completely submerged and soaked in sound, is something everyone can enjoy. 

-Kyle Patrick


 "...If you haven’t heard of Snowmine, and odds are that you haven’t, sadly, then let’s just say that you’ll probably fall in love with listening toLaminate Pet Animal.  It’s got references to all sorts of sub-genres beneath the indie umbrella, with each demonstrating the unique craftsmanship of this Brooklyn group."  -Austin Town Hall